During the Bill Clinton Presidency many of us on the Right referred to CNN as the Clinton News Network. This was due to CNN's habit of reporting glowingly of anything done by William Jefferson Clinton, his wife or any member of his administration. A kindness they never provided to the two men who proceeded him or the one who followed him.
What is CNN's motto? I think it has something to do with trust. Well you can certainly trust CNN to report only bad news as long as George W Bush is in the White House. I remember way back when, Bill Clinton was just taking office and Rush Limbaugh promised that the "Homeless Problem" that the media had been harping on since Ronald Reagan took office would disappear. Darned if it didn't only to resurface, though with less intensity once we had another Republican elected President.
During Al Gore's and John Kerry's run for office I got to see how hard the media would work to assist a Democrat into the Presidency. To this day Kerry still hasn't answered the many questions asked by the over 200 Viet Nam Veterans who became the Swiftboaters for Truth, or made good on his promise to have ALL of his military records released. He did accept a million dollar bet recently to disprove at least one of the charges the Swiftboaters alleged. I can't wait to see how that wager comes out. Kerry didn't have to worry about answering the questions during the 2004 election. The media, for the most part, investigated only the men bringing the charges not the validity of those claims. The facts supported the swiftboaters, Kerry did receive three Purple Hearts without ever spending one night in a hospital.
The recent CNN Democrat debate was carefully orchestrated to make sure Hillary didn't have a second disastrous performance. Although Wolf Blitzer claims he was not warned by the Clinton camp to "go easy" he did do just that. Blitzer gave Mrs Clinton all the time she needed to answer as she choose. Even when her answer contradicted prior statements Blitzer never asked a follow up question or challenged Mrs. Clinton in any way.
Now it turns out that everyone of the "Independent, undecided citizens" selected at random to ask a question of the candidates were democrat operatives. One is a seventeen-year-old who works for Harry Reid. This is not "Freedom of the Press" at it's best.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Shrillary's Not Great Debate
Surprisingly, Tim Russert asked some tough questions in the Democrat debate on Monday night. Hillary was not pleased and under pressure for the first time in her political career Mrs. Clinton made some serious mistakes. The following may not be in chronological order.
Until now Mrs. Clinton has not been asked about the New York Governor's unpopular plan to provide drivers licenses to illegal alien's even though she is one of the Senator's from that state. Russert asked her "Why does it make a lot of sense to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?" Mrs. Clinton's initial response was to explain that what the Governor is trying to accomplish with this policy is "to fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform". Brilliant, except that the President supported immigration reform and it was the Senate who did not produce a solution that could pass and be sent to the President for signature.
What was truly remarkable is that two minutes after defending the policy when Chris Dodd said he found the policy "troublesome" Mrs Clinton butt in with "Well, I just want to add, I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize what Governor Spitzer is trying to do, and we have failed, we have failed." Dodd replied "No, no, no. You said yes, you thought it made sense to do it." Mrs. Clinton replied "No, I didn't, Chris", but she did, we all heard her. Russert pressed the point causing Mrs. Clinton to accuse him of playing "Gotcha" and to fall back on the party line of getting people to "come out of the shadows".
John Edwards pointed out that Hillary has accepted more in political donations from lobbyists, the drug companies, the insurance companies and the defense industry than any other Presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican. The point he was making is that Mrs. Clinton is not the person to change the way things currently work in Washington DC. Mrs. Clinton's reply was chilling her exact words were "I'm going to take $10 billion away from a lot of these industries". Then she threw two bogeymen under the bus, Halliburton and the HMO's. Luckily, for these lying Democrats, most Americans don't remember that Halliburton got "no bid contracts" during the Clinton Administration too, and our all knowing congress created the HMO's. Oh, and just for good measure, she threw in a reference to the Supreme Court handing the Presidency to George W. Bush, the left lunatic fringe loves to hear that fantasy repeated.
Mrs. Clinton was asked about the "mother of all tax increases" proposed by Charlie Rangle and waffled masterfully. Initially Mrs. Clinton claimed ignorance of the "details" of the plan but a few seconds later stated "I don't agree with all the details" So, does she know that details or not and if she doesn't know them how does she know that she disagrees with them.
Finally in a truly Clintonian example of duplicity, when Tim Russert asked if Mrs. Clinton would
allow the National Archives to release the documents regarding her communications with the president and the advice she gave to verify that she held an important role in that administration Mrs clinton did the following. First she tried to claim that documents were being released "as rapidly as the archives moves". Russert, that brute, pointed out that President Clinton has written a letter specifically asking that any communication between Mrs. Clinton and he not be made available to the public until 2012. When Russert asked again "Would you lift that ban?" the reply delivered with a huff and a sigh was "Well, that's not my decision to make, and I don't believe that any president or first lady ever has, but certainly we'll move as quickly as our circumstances and the processes of the National Archives permits." Don't hold your breath.
Same old, same old Clinton triangulation, misdirection, and faked umbrage that these question dare be asked of them. The Clinton's have built a political house of cards and eventually it will fall. Perhaps Al Gore will join the fray and the media which has protected the Clinton's for so long will turn on them. If the media ever began to really report on all the Clinton shady dealings their political careers would be dead and buried in 30 days. I think I'll visit that "Draft Gore" web site. See you there.
Until now Mrs. Clinton has not been asked about the New York Governor's unpopular plan to provide drivers licenses to illegal alien's even though she is one of the Senator's from that state. Russert asked her "Why does it make a lot of sense to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?" Mrs. Clinton's initial response was to explain that what the Governor is trying to accomplish with this policy is "to fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform". Brilliant, except that the President supported immigration reform and it was the Senate who did not produce a solution that could pass and be sent to the President for signature.
What was truly remarkable is that two minutes after defending the policy when Chris Dodd said he found the policy "troublesome" Mrs Clinton butt in with "Well, I just want to add, I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize what Governor Spitzer is trying to do, and we have failed, we have failed." Dodd replied "No, no, no. You said yes, you thought it made sense to do it." Mrs. Clinton replied "No, I didn't, Chris", but she did, we all heard her. Russert pressed the point causing Mrs. Clinton to accuse him of playing "Gotcha" and to fall back on the party line of getting people to "come out of the shadows".
John Edwards pointed out that Hillary has accepted more in political donations from lobbyists, the drug companies, the insurance companies and the defense industry than any other Presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican. The point he was making is that Mrs. Clinton is not the person to change the way things currently work in Washington DC. Mrs. Clinton's reply was chilling her exact words were "I'm going to take $10 billion away from a lot of these industries". Then she threw two bogeymen under the bus, Halliburton and the HMO's. Luckily, for these lying Democrats, most Americans don't remember that Halliburton got "no bid contracts" during the Clinton Administration too, and our all knowing congress created the HMO's. Oh, and just for good measure, she threw in a reference to the Supreme Court handing the Presidency to George W. Bush, the left lunatic fringe loves to hear that fantasy repeated.
Mrs. Clinton was asked about the "mother of all tax increases" proposed by Charlie Rangle and waffled masterfully. Initially Mrs. Clinton claimed ignorance of the "details" of the plan but a few seconds later stated "I don't agree with all the details" So, does she know that details or not and if she doesn't know them how does she know that she disagrees with them.
Finally in a truly Clintonian example of duplicity, when Tim Russert asked if Mrs. Clinton would
allow the National Archives to release the documents regarding her communications with the president and the advice she gave to verify that she held an important role in that administration Mrs clinton did the following. First she tried to claim that documents were being released "as rapidly as the archives moves". Russert, that brute, pointed out that President Clinton has written a letter specifically asking that any communication between Mrs. Clinton and he not be made available to the public until 2012. When Russert asked again "Would you lift that ban?" the reply delivered with a huff and a sigh was "Well, that's not my decision to make, and I don't believe that any president or first lady ever has, but certainly we'll move as quickly as our circumstances and the processes of the National Archives permits." Don't hold your breath.
Same old, same old Clinton triangulation, misdirection, and faked umbrage that these question dare be asked of them. The Clinton's have built a political house of cards and eventually it will fall. Perhaps Al Gore will join the fray and the media which has protected the Clinton's for so long will turn on them. If the media ever began to really report on all the Clinton shady dealings their political careers would be dead and buried in 30 days. I think I'll visit that "Draft Gore" web site. See you there.
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