Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is a cup of tea too much to ask?

Is a cup of tea too much to ask? If you are a coffee drinker perhaps you can relate. Imagine that when you wake up and stagger into the kitchen one morning seeking that first cup that you need so desperately only to find that someone has hidden the coffee. This is something that happens to me about every 3 to 6 months. Making my morning tea requires four things, a cup, a teabag, sweetener and my two cup measuring cup. Who can wait for a kettle to boil when the microwave can serve up two cups of boiling water in 3 minutes? However, I need my Pyrex two cup measuring cup to hold the water while it boils. This has been explained to my husband on several occasions.

Still, this morning I was ready for my necessary cup of tea and my husband was already gone to work. My cup which I had left on the kitchen counter was nowhere to be found. It was not in the dishwasher, where I usually find it. It was not in either of the kitchen cabinets where plates, cups and bowls abide. I did find a rarely used 1 quart measuring cup and filled it half way and put it into the microwave.

I prepared my tea cup with a tea bag and two packets of Splenda and then had two minutes to stop and think. Where? Where could he have put it this time? I realized that both of my 2 cup and my 1 cup measuring cups were all missing. They had to be together somewhere. Two out of three had been in the dishwasher which my husband emptied the evening before. Okay, I had already looked where these items should be it was time to look where they shouldn’t be.

It was a short search. I found all three cups stacked inside each other on the top shelf of the pantry next to the flour, sugar and microwave popcorn. Should I explain my need for this one item to never be moved or just buy two more identical cups as back-ups? I could stash them in secret places like an alcoholic hiding booze. That question needs to be left to a morning when I get my cup of tea without the scavenger hunt.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Governor Christy Scandal?

I had heard as you may have that Governor of New Jersey Chris Christy is being investigated by the Obama Justice department for overspending on trips while serving as Attorney General of New Jersey. I hadn't heard any details and was concerned that someone who is such a fiscal conservative could have been living large on the taxpayers’ dime.

Fox and Friends broke the story this morning with figures. The Justice Department reviewed 23 trips taken between 2007 and 2009. By determining what the cheapest accommodations available were they have determined Christy could have paid $2176 less over those 23 trips.

Really? Really Obama? Really Eric Holder? You decided to drop charges against a Black Panther standing in front of a polling place with a 14 inch baton in a holster at his hip. You decided to START OVER prosecuting KSM (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) despite the fact that he had been found guilty by a military tribunal. KSM has admitted he was the mastermind of the 9/11 attach and had asked for the death penalty. TWO YEARS LATER, Eric Holder says he is close to a decision regarding where the new trial for KSM will take place.

Still the DOJ had the time and resources to comb through the old expense reports of a popular Republican Governor looking for dirt. Despite their partisan efforts all they come up with was alleged over-spending by comparing the lowest possible rate with the rate Christy paid. This was brought up during the election and dismissed as nonsense. As Governor Christy said, "There is a limited number of rooms available at the government rate, if you get one you get one if you don't you don't.”

With Obama taking an entourage of 3,000 to India and Nancy Pelosi using a military jet to get from D.C. to California weekly at a cost of over $20k per trip they have a lot of nerve trying to sully Governor Christy with this petty partisan bull S#%*.

Friday, October 01, 2010

The Sins of Jimmy Carter

The world will be a safer place when former President Carer is no longer able to speak or write. In addition to being possibly the worst President in the 20th century Carter has continued to harm this nation and the world since leaving office. Carter is endlessly lauded for Habitat for Humanity which is actually a wasteful inefficient attempt at providing needed housing. This organization spends an average of $100K per family helped and those helped still have a mortgage to pay when they move in to their "habitat".

Carter gave away the Panama Canal. America built the canal and losing control of it could have a devastating impact if the control ends up in the wrong hands. Carter decreed the canal would leave American hands on HIS BIRTHDAY in 1979.

Carter, without being asked to do so, inserted himself into America's negotiations with North Korea during the Clinton Administration. This undermined the "hard-line" Clinton stated and weakened our position. Thanks to his interference and the incompetence of Madeline Albright North Korea has nuclear weapons now.

Carter systematically undermined the Shah of Iran and allowed Islamic extremists to take control of Iran. This, Carters biggest sin, set the stage for the rise of Islamo-fascism, the September 11 attacks and the war on terror that we will be fighting for the next 50 years.

Way to go Jimmy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Woe to You

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.” (Matthew 23: 27-28).

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Algore, More than a Bore

Al Gore should be universally shunned.

Despite being groomed for public office from childhood Gore is in no way a remarkable individual. Al Gore did manage to graduate college but then enlisted as he was eligible for the draft. dropped out of law school. When he was running for President supporters claims he was brilliant and George Bush a dunce. If you pointed out that Bush actually got his 2nd degree, an MBA from Harvard while Gore did not they just refused to believe Gore didn't have a law degree.

Gore served in Viet Nam as a journalist from January 2, 1971 until his Honorable discharge from the Army in May 1971. Gore then attended Vanderbilt University Divinity School from 1971 to 1972 leaving without a degree. After another short stint of journalism Gore attended Vanderbilt University Law School in 1974. Gore did not complete law school either. In 1976 when his father's former seat in the House was about to be vacated Gore ran for and won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Finally Gore found something he could finish, a campaign. He won the next three elections in 1978, 1980, and 1982 twice running unopposed, thanks a lot Tennessee. In 1984 Gore won a seat in the U.S. Senate.

Gore fell backwards into the Vice-Presidency and spent 8 years attending funerals and giving wooden speeches.

As a presidential candidate three different Al Gores showed up for debates with George W Bush. The first Al Gore was a childish cheat, sighing loudly and rolling his eyes when his opponent had the floor. After this pathetic showing Gore was on his best behavior in the second match and came off weak. Consequently he tried to act tough in the third debate leading to a comical moment when he walked up to Bush who looked at Gore and nodded, seeming to say "yes, I'm speaking but I'll be with you in a minute".

Then Al Gore tried to steal the 2000 election. After conceding defeat Gore learned that the race in Florida had been lost by a margin small enough to possibly be overcome. Some dirty tricks in my own Palm Beach County helped where 15,000 Republicans who voted for the GOP Senate candidate who lost statewide didn't vote for Bush, a mathematical anomaly that can only be explained by ballot tampering.
Although Gore failed to overturn the election he and Democrats managed to convince themselves that they were the ones who had an election stolen. Sine then Democrats have stolen the elections in Washington state and the senate election in Minnesota.

Finally, Al Gores latest sin against humanity is his specious Global Warming hoax. Gore has become a multi-millionaire touting junk science, selling carbon credits to serve that junk science. All the while demanding that others live green while he flies on private jets and lives in a home using 10 times the energy of an average family.

In short Gore has undermined Americans confidence in our electoral system, diminished our economy by pushing policies that increase the cost of energy and gotten fat and rich by doing so. Actually Al Gore is both more and less than a bore.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Obama Channels Stalin

Obama touting the success of his "reset" of America's relationship with Russia is a lot like the easiest girl in high school touting her "popularity". President Obama who has not hesitated to bow to other leaders and apologize for America's existence appears to think that he can have diplomatic success by ingratiating himself with other leaders. However, quoting Stalin by referring to WWII as "The Patriotic War" was a bit over the top.

The Democrats have falsely blamed Bush for an erosion of our "relations" with Russia. Any space between the two nations was actually caused by bad actions on the part of Putin. Trifles like invading Georgia and selling weapons to Iran. Why should Putin or his puppet Medvedev behave when they know any outrageous thing they do will be blamed on Bush.

I suppose the Obama Administration has to point to some diplomatic success. Since Obama has taken office most of America relationships with our best allies have suffered. Also, the Obama policy of reaching out to the bad guys, Iran, North Korea and others has not born any fruit. Well he may have sold a few more books. These liberal peace-nicks never learn. You simply cannot schmooze a dictator into being a good actor on the world stage. Of, course, I am assuming, maybe falsely, that Obama wants world leaders to behave. Our President may have another agenda.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Told Ya So...

Loan ago I suggested that, if elected President, Barack Obama would be the first black Jimmy Carter. Since then Obama was elected, the American economic situation continued to erode and unemployment increased sharply. Now Obama has had his "Amy Moment". In a recent press conference, the first in over 300 days, the President used one of his daughters to demonstrate his dedication to solving this problem. "Did you plug the hole Daddy?" Will go down in history as a prime example of lame leadership.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Obama Brings in THE Expert

If you need to tell the American People a lie and a big one at that you need to bring in an expert to close the sale. Congressman Joe Sestack said the White House offered him a job to stay out of the Democrat primary for Pennsylvania's senate seat currently held by Arlen Specter. That sort of back room horse trading did not sit well with the public and multiple questions have been asked. What was the job? Who made the offer? As the cacophony of questions increased the Obama Administration realized that their statements that "nothing illegal or unethical had occurred" wasn't going to quash this controversy. President Obama did not answer these questions but announced that a "statement from his administration" would be forth coming.

On the Friday afternoon before Memorial Day Week-end that statement was rolled out. The "job" offered was suddenly an unpaid consultants position. The offer that Sestack said came from the "White House" had been filtered through former President Clinton. Clearly this is not what actually happened. It is a shame that Joe Sestack has had to agree to this public sham. Also one has to ask what did the Obama administration offer Bill Clinton to get his assistance in this attemp to "Punk" America.

I would have gone another way. Since it appears this all took place prior to Joe Sestack entering the primary it may not be illegal. If they had gotten him to drop out of an election the way Bill Clinton got Bob Torricelli to step aside to allow room for Frank Lautenberg, that is a blatant illegal action. Why didn't we ever investigate that turn of events? Perhaps that is why Clinton was the go to guy for this latest cover up of totally unethical and possibly illegal electioneering.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Specter of Arlen Haunts No More

One of my disagreements with the Bush Administration was it's support of Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey six years ago. Now at long last the nation is free of this party hopping, self serving, political hack! I do not support people staying in office for decades even when they are conservatives. It seems our representatives become less and less responsive to the electorate the longer they lounge in Washington, DC. I have my doubts about Rand Paul but agree with him on the solution to most of the countries ills, TERM LIMITS!

Arlen Specter was elected to the Senate in 1980 after an already long political career. He has been no statesman and the Senate and the nation will be better off without him. That may sound harsh Arlen but you had a good long run, you are a cancer survivor, relax and enjoy your retirement.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweet Dreams?

When I fell asleep my satin sheets
were clinging to my moistened flesh.
My cheeks were flushed, lips bruised and crushed
my heart was pounding in my breast.
I awoke near dawn to find you gone.
The realization left me quite distressed.
Your impassioned kiss, was a smothered wish
and it seems that I had dreamed the rest.

Friday, April 23, 2010

To VAT or Not to VAT

I would support a VAT Tax ONLY if it replaced an Income Tax. However, I am surrounded by retired liberal neighbors who vote for all the "government goodies" that those of us still working pay for through our taxes. I would enjoy seeing them begin to contribute again, involuntarily with a tax on every matinee movie, early bird buffet and seniors cruise they purchase. It would be especially sweet as this would be done to them by the politico's they support.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your Heart May Be In The Right Place...

I apologize in advance for the slightly harsh sound of the following statement directed at all my liberal friends and acquaintances.

Your heart may be in the right place but your head is up your a**.

Some times you need to be a little harsh to get your point across especially when the emotionally mushy thinking of a minority of Americans threatens our future. President Bush coined the term "Compassionate Conservative". Lets look how that turned out for our nation. The conservative GWB brought us tax cuts that brought our economy back from the Clinton recession and allowed it to bounce back quickly from the September 11th attacks. Those tax breaks fueled 60 consecutive months of job growth. The media endlessly portrayed the Bush economy as weak and the tax breaks as benefiting only the "rich". The media completely overlooked the facts. The economy was strong and the Bush tax cuts moved more of the tax burden to the nations top earners, increasing the percentage of Americans who paid no income tax at all.

President Bush had less success with his "compassionate" policies. The Medicare drug benefit was very compassionate and something Democrats had promised for two decades. I was against it, AARP was for it and the President proposed it and got it passed. It was a huge expensive new entitlement and we are stuck with it for eternity even as it accelerates the bankruptcy of Medicare. Any thank you's from our senior citizens? I haven't heard any.

In an effort to beat back the endless media charges of heartlessness the Bush Administration threw millions after millions down the post Katrina rat hole that is Louisiana. Bush was too kind to point out that the folks next door in Mississippi managed through the same storm without blaming their own lack of preparation and execution of emergency measures on the President. Every American tax payer will be paying for the government largess ladled on Louisiana for years to come. Although the voters of Louisiana were gullible enough to re-elect their incompetent Senator and mayor of New Orleans they did choose a better Governor and might eventually recover from Katrina.

Hysteria is seldom productive. The desire to "do something" that is so urgent that we do not consider whether the "something" will make the situation better or worse is always a mistake. When 51% of the American people voted for "Change" without understanding exactly what sort of changes we would get resulted in the mistake which resides at 1600 Pensylvania Ave NW.

Friday, March 19, 2010

No Boom Obama?

During the campaign and early in the Obama Administration our new President has said that he wants to stop the "boom and bust" cycle to our economy. Do you really want to live in an America that never has another economic boom?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jeanane You Ignorant Slut!

That title may sound harsh but it is stolen from an old SNL skit. Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtain did this hysterical Point Counterpoint bit where Dan always opened his comments with "Jane you ignorant slut". If only Ms. Garofalo was half as funny.

Rosie O'donnell has a radio show, who knew? O'Donnell recently took a career risk and had Jeanane Garofalo as a guest. This was either brave or stupid as Ms. G was instrumental in shepherding the long slow death of Air America failure. These two first directed their uninformed venom on Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Ms. G described Hasselbeck as "anti-intellectual" and "not compassionate". Ms. G went on to say that Hasselback has a "ridiculous take on religion"and is a "very limited person". Rather uncool to publicly bad mouth someone who isn't there to defend herself. I don't know a whole lot about Ms Hasselbeck but I have observed that she is something these two will never be, a lady.

These two shrews then moved on to Rush Limbaugh and his listeners and that is when they began talking about me. Ms O referred to Rush as a "junkie" and asked how he could have such an important voice after being exposed as a "junkie". First words have meaning and a junkie is a drug addict, usually addicted to heroin, someone who smokes crack might also qualify. A middle aged man who because of back pain became addicted to prescription pain killers would not qualify as a "junkie". Ms. O & Ms. G were exhibiting a shocking lack of compassion, an accusation they had just leveled at Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Hypocrites!

So, since Ms. G has stated her opinion of me I would like to express my opinion of her. First Ms. G is a liar. This isn't really an opinion because she did actually lie making my statement a fact. Ms. G said prior to our invasion of Iraq which she opposed that if the American troops were welcomed as "Liberators" she would apologize to President Bush for her strident opposition. We were in fact welcomed as liberators. It didn't last a real long time but it did happen, You may recall film of an Iraq man slapping a mural of Sadam Hussain with his sandal saying "Thank you Mr. Bush!".

Ms G may not know what makes someone a fan of Rush Limbaugh but I don't know what made the guys who make 24 cast her as a second and unnecessary Cloe? It was truly bazaar, she was a second Cloe, a little meaner but basically the very same character. Jeanane, you are not unaccomplished. I thought the truth about Cats & Dogs was a charming film. However, you are not many of the things you think you are. You are not an intellectual despite the Tina Fey glasses. You are not a kind or thoughtful person. What you are Ms G is a very angry woman who never hesitates to be vulgar.

I am sorry that you live in a world where you are forced to maintain a lower weight than your body naturally gravitates toward. I know that it must be very hard for you to live your life never feeling full. Please either give it up and go back to being chubby (look at Rosie) or fill that void with something else. Try love for your fellow man, or a man. Oh, I just thought of another possible cause for your recent decade of being in a bad mood.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Religion in America

Religion, or at least a firm belief in the existence of a creator is in America. It is woven into every ideal that was used to create our great union. The Jews were Gods chosen people but the American people chose God.

Our founding fathers were not all Christians, some were Jewish and some claimed no specific religion but they shared a common vision. They created for us a nation that allowed freedom of religion among many freedoms. The single guiding principle was that power comes not from government but from the people. Government was a necessary evil which was to have only the powers the governed would allow.

We should really try to get back to the founding principles and get government out of our daily lives.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Funniest Video Ever

This is the funniest video ever and before you liberals get all up on your high horse in indignation remember the jokes sent around about Bush.......

Click on:

Monday, January 04, 2010

It's a Cold Cold World this Winter

The following are all recent headlines with a link to the story if you want to know more. The point is that the "warming period" our Northern Hemisphere experienced from 1980 to 1998 has truly ended and the time to shut down the "Global Warming Hysteria" is come. Hurry before these maniacs destroy our economy further with "Cap & Trade" and before Obama & Hillary make good on their promise to divert 100 billion to 3rd world countries to elevate global warming.

Miami shivers from coldest weather in decade

Winter of 2009-2010 Could Be Worst in 25 Years

Vermont All-Time record snowfall

Seoul buried in heaviest snowfall in 70 years

Cold weather kills scores in India

Britain facing one of the coldest winters in 100 years, experts predict

Once in a generation cold snap forecast for NC

Feeling cold? We're at 30 below normal -Iowa

Peru's mountain people face fight for survival in a bitter winter

Siberian winds usher in record lows in Beijing

As Britain told to expect snow for 'next 10 days', how is the rest of the world is coping with this Arctic weather? more: