Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama Campaign Takes Yet Another Phrase Off the Table

Throughout this campaign and during the primary campaign Barack Obama has issued edicts regarding what can and cannot be said. He has chided opponents for saying that he is a liberal or for daring to use his middle name. I don't know where Obama ever got the idea that he is the boss of what anyone is allowed to say.

In his time as a candidate Obama has instructed the media that he should not be called "liberal" There should be no mention of his middle name, Hussain. No one should comment on his ears. It is unacceptable fir anyone to criticize his wife. He should not be held responsible for the statements of his former pastor, Reverend Wright.

Now the term "community organizer" has been added to the list of things that must not be said. Former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown recently introduced the idea that when Republicans say "community organizer" it is a code word for "black man".

Well, Obama's biggest liability isn't the color of his skin. In my opinion it is the thinness of that skin that is his weakness. That and the arrogance that he should be able to set the rules for everyone else to follow.

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