Some Presidents can throw like a pro and others throw like a beauty queen.
When the Democrats insisted that the "Stimulus" bill had to be passed immediately the President said that it would create two to three million jobs. That promise was quickly altered to "create or save" two million jobs. This was a brilliant move because there is no way to prove how many jobs have been "saved". This week the President tells us that the oh so urgent stimulus bill was never expected to have an immediate impact. "It was always a two year plan" I believe was the exact quote but unlike our media I have a memory. President Obama and his team said that without this bill passed immediately unemployment would hit 9%. Well, we are over 9% now with the bill passed. Obama and Biden blather on about how they inherited so many problems. Well they were both in the Senate before they ran if they didn't want the job they shouldn't have run.
Now, about that pitch. First the president strides out amid cheers and boos in a pair of jeans which have a crease ironed into them??? Anticipating the boos the President is wearing a White Sox jacket like oh sure, he is getting booed but it's because of the White Sox jacket not his pathetic handling of our economy. Then he throws a pitch so pathetic that the FOX camera is forced to avert it's eyes from the landing near home plate. What is the story with this guy? He can only play basketball? Obama's attempts at golf are said to be laughable and remember he tried bowling during his campaign. I got a higher bowling score on my first game than he did and the difference was he was 46 and I was 6.
Now, about that pitch. First the president strides out amid cheers and boos in a pair of jeans which have a crease ironed into them??? Anticipating the boos the President is wearing a White Sox jacket like oh sure, he is getting booed but it's because of the White Sox jacket not his pathetic handling of our economy. Then he throws a pitch so pathetic that the FOX camera is forced to avert it's eyes from the landing near home plate. What is the story with this guy? He can only play basketball? Obama's attempts at golf are said to be laughable and remember he tried bowling during his campaign. I got a higher bowling score on my first game than he did and the difference was he was 46 and I was 6.
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