Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Al Gore, Triple Threat!

Algore has had quite a week. First we learned that his home is a real energy hog. Apparently his home uses twenty times the energy used by an average home. Also, his energy use has increased since his movie was released. The Gores pointed out that they purchase "carbon offsets" to make up for their excessive energy use.

Next we learned that Al Gore was purchasing these useless "carbon offsets" from, wait for it, Al Gore. He owns the company that he is paying to absolve himself for his energy gluttony.

Finally, Algore testified in front of the U.S. Congress where when he was asked if he would sign the "Energy Ethics Pledge" which he asks us all to sign at the end of his movie. Algore didn't say yes, he dodged the question. Hypocrisy, thy name is Al!

On the light side the late night talk hosts had a field day commenting on the size of Al's ass. Finally Al Gore was bringing a little joy into the world.

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