Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who Really Hates the U.S.?

Our wonderful "main stream media" has been telling us since President Bush took office that our country is hated, truly hated throughout the world. Can we be sure this is true? This is the same MSM who told us that AID's was becoming an epidemic among heterosexuals, which was untrue. The same MSM warned us that the Avian Flu would be killing ten percent of America by now which hasn't happened. The same MSM who are telling us we have changed the climate of the earth, but can't prove it.

I admit that there will always be some anti-American factions out there and the MSM will dutifully report every protest they put on, but how widespread is this feeling? When they report on these protests take notice of the camera angle. If you are seeing an aerial shot of thousands in the streets then there are thousands in the streets. If the cameras are on the ground and the shots are rather narrow you might be looking at a small number of people filmed to look like a lot of people. This ploy was used at a Cindy Sheehan event a year ago. The picture was cropped to prevent readers from seeing that there were more reporters present than protesters.

Lets look at the way the rest of the world has been voting lately. According to the MSM America is hated because the world absolutely despises George W Bush whom we have had the bad taste to elect, twice. In Germany the candidate who presented herself as an ally of the United States was elected and the anti Bush candidate lost. In Australia, our second best ally in Iraq, Prime Minister Howard was re-elected. If you were asked which European country hates us the most you would probably say France. They just had an election in France. One candidate, an attractive woman was clearly anti-American and decidedly anti-Bush. She called her opponent, Nicolas Sarkozy "the Bush candidate" in hopes of using hatred of Bush to win the election. Sarkozy won with 53 percent of the votes!

Apparently it is the MSM that hated America and president Bush, not a majority of Europeans.

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