Sunday, December 14, 2008
Firstly I will not purchase an inflatable version of President Obama with a long Pinocchio style nose and keep it in my home and think my self so very clever. I didn't have any Clinton items like that despite him being a proven liar who had to surrender his law license for committing perjury. I also have no plans to wallpaper my refrigerator with cartoons that belittle President Obama and leave them there for months.
I've had eight years of seeing some nasty comment about Bush nearly every time I drive anywhere in Palm Beach County (nicknamed pea brain county after the 2000 election). Consequently, I won't buy and display an anti-Obama bumper sticker although I bet there will be some funny ones available. One caveat, if there is a specific issue that I feel I must display comment about I will do so. This would require a serious misstep or some malfeasance by Obama. Also, prior to January 20th I will remove my small, unobtrusive "W the President" sticker just as I removed my McCain stickers the day of the election. If only everyone would do so imagine how tidy the car cabooses of America would be.
I will not compare Obama to Hitler, unless of course he annexes Austria and invades Czechoslovakia, at which point it would be a fair comment to make. I won't criticize every step President Obama makes even when he embraces a policy I was for when Bush was President as Democrats have done. For example when Bush provided the Medicare prescription benefit that had been a Democrat campaign promise for two decades many Democrats were against it just because it was now a Bush policy. Here is South Florida many of those same complaining liberal seniors are making use of that program without ever thinking they should thank Bush for the benefit.
I will criticize actions that I feel are bad for the country, but will do so in a, mostly, respectful manner. I won't say Obama is stupid, he is not, but then neither is Bush. I may comment on his endless hemming and hawing when ever he is speaking without a teleprompter. I may not always be able to refrain from comment on his ears or his overall scrawny physique. I'll try but there will probably be the occasional odd mention of his scary wife.
In short I will not, as the left has done with George W Bush, go berserk, foam at the mouth, or buy into convoluted conspiracy schemes. I won't put opposing President Obama ahead of supporting America's best interests. I won't treat family members who disagree with me in the same hurtful hateful manner they have treated me for the past eight years. In short, I doubt I'll love President Obama but I won't hate him, no mater how much I disagree with him.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Throughout the campaign I felt my candidate was treated unfairly. Although Bush served for a couple of years in the prestigious Texas Air National Guard, long enough to learn to fly jets he was treated like a draft dodger. Again, something that was not considered important when it came to Bill Clinton who was an actual draft dodger. Gore's short stint in Viet Nam as an army "journalist" was treated like superior service to his country.
Bush was called a stupid frat boy while Gore was lauded as a genius and a statesman. All this despite the fact that Bush and Gore graduated from Yale and Harvard, both "C" students. While Bush went on to get an MBA from Harvard Gore never got a post-graduate degree instead he dropped out of law school and later divinity school. Bush had been the chief executive of one of the largest states in our union. Gore had been an ineffective congressman followed by two terms as Vice-President and you know what they say that position is worth.
The Bush bashing went on unabated and just a few days prior to the election Fox News broke a story that Bush had a DUI from twenty years ago. Bush didn't try to deny that this had happened and had always admitted that when he was young and foolish he had behave like a young fool. Also, it was common knowledge that at age 40 George W. Bush had made the decision to quit drinking and by all reports had done just that. Still, this was big news and the media reported all they could about it in the last days of the campaign.
On election day Fox News was the first to erroneously call the state of Florida for Gore. They did so before the polls were closed in the panhandle and all networks followed with the same wrong call for Florida. This allowed the media to create the impression that Gore was winning in a landslide. Folks on their way to the polls in the panhandle heard the news on the radio and went home without voting. People in line to vote heard the news and gave up and went home with out voting.
These incorrect early reports dampened Republican turnout nationwide. It is estimated that the early call in Florida cost Bush 5,000 to 15,000 votes in the panhandle. It is obvious this illusion of a Gore juggernaut cost Bush the popular vote nationwide. The networks had to take the "Gore wins Florida" call back but the damage was already done. Once enough precincts had reported in to make it obvious Bush had won things really started to happen.
I was so relieved, my candidate had managed to win despite the unfair media treatment. Since the final count had Bush winning Florida by less than 1% a machine recount was required but he won that count too. Then Gore and the Democrats launched their attempt to steal the Presidential election. Manual recounts have long been an election stealing tool used by the Democrats when the margin of victory is small. hanks to the voter suppression in the panhandle and some ballot tampering in Palm Beach County the margin was small enough to be overcome if Democrats could control the recount.
I was sick. Every night I would lay in bed thinking "They're going to steal it". Democrats usually demand recount after recount until one results in their win than claim victory and demand all challenges to the results be put aside in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Gambits the Democrats tried included disqualifying as many of the Florida absentee ballots from our service men and women as possible. A memo went our with suggestions for all the possible technicalities that could be used to disenfranchise members of our military. In addition a court case was filed to disqualify all the Republican absentee ballots from one county on a technicalities. If that case has succeeded Gore would have successfully stolen the election.
If the shoe had been on the other foot and Bush was requesting recounts of the three most Republican counties in Florida he would have been crucified in every newscast and news paper in America. Gore was given a complete pass. I can see him now on TV saying "when people vote we should count those votes", right Al how many times should we count them? What a crock!
The Florida Supreme Court got into the act and did everything in their power to help Gore overturn the election results. Everyone focuses on the rulings from the United States Supreme Court which decided 7 to 2 that what the Florida court had done was unconstitutional and then decided 5 to 4 to finally put a stop to this farce of a "recount."
The Democrats spent the next 8 years claiming Bush was "Selected not elected". In the 2004 election they tried again to make the nation believe that Bush was losing big. In Florida AGAIN Democrats flooded certain poll locations when they knew pollsters would be there. Unfortunately for the Democrats the Republicans were ignoring any media reports of early results but John Kerry fell for the ruse. Overconfident that he was on his way to a big win Kerry said that whoever wins they should concede promptly for the good of the country. This made it difficult for Kerry to hold out when it became clear Bush had been re-elected.
The first Bush administration was put at a terrible disadvantage by having their transition time stolen by this bogus recount nonsense. Perhaps if the Bush team could have transitioned in the usual time frame they would have uncovered and prevented the attacks on September 11th, 2001.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
For the First Time in My Adult Life
Obama ran on promises of "hope" and "change" with very little detail as to what changes would be made and for what exactly we could hope. Obama has been carried on the shoulders of affirmative action his entire life. He has personally accomplished nothing but electoral success.
Obama was the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review but apparently wrote nothing of merit during that time. Perhaps his writings from that time are sequestered like Hillary's thesis (about her mentor Saul Alinsky) which is under lock and key at Wellsley. Obama has published two memoirs but those tomes were probably written by former domestic terrorists Bill Ayres.
Obama's time in the Illinois legislature was unremarkable. He was the only member to stand and oppose a law which would require babies born after botched abortions be provided medical care rather then simply setting them aside and allowing them to die. I was living in Illinois in 2004 and we came quite close to electing some reformers to stop the time honored Chicago policy of "pay to play". Unfortunately Obama put his support behind the status quo and Mayor Daly and Governor Blagojevich were both re-elected. I think Obama promised change in Washington D.C. but in Chicago he supported business as usual.
Obama is extremely sensitive to criticism. Not a good quality in a President when nearly half of the nation is going to disagree with whatever he chooses to do on any issue. Luckily for Obama the media is on his side for the time being at least. Imagine the noise they would have made if President elect George W Bush had spent two weeks in a 30 million dollar property in Hawaii when he should have been preparing for his Presidency. Instead the media is swooning at the sight of our President-elect rising bare chested from the surf like Venus on a clam shell.
Oh well, I am basically an optimist and all his life Obama has done whatever made him look good. As President he will have to make good choices for the country is he wants to "look good".
Friday, November 14, 2008
As soon as Bush announced his intention to run for President the attacks started. Throughout the campaign I felt my candidate was treated unfairly. Just a few days prior to the election Fox News broke a story that Bush had a DUI from twenty years ago. This and some ballot tampering in Florida kept the election close enough for Gore to mount an attempt to steal it. If Gore could, by hook or crook, reverse the Bush win in Florida he would be declared the winner of the 2000 Presidential election. The media supported Gore in every way they possibly could but through divine providence Bush prevailed and was inaugurated in January 2001.
The election was over but the anti-Bush campaign went on. Bush had naively promised a "new tone" so time and time again he reached out to the democrats. No matter what Bush did he was endlessly and almost universally criticized. National disgrace Ted Kennedy would accept an invitation to the White House to see a movie about the Cuban missile crisis and resume denigrating the President the following Monday morning in the Senate. President Bush would give an over the top complimentary speech while unveiling the Presidential portraits of Bill & Hillary Clinton, but Senator Clinton would never say anything complimentary about President Bush. When the country was attacked everyone came together for about 2 weeks. After that it was Bush Bashing business as usual. Hillary Clinton stood on the floor of the Senate holding the New York Times with a two inch headline screaming WHAT DID BUSH KNOW WHEN!
Throughout all these attacks President Bush never stooped to the level of his detractors. An organization named ironically created to ask the country to move past the Clinton scandals was instrumental in keeping the "Bush was selected not elected" fallacy alive. George Soros spent 24 million dollars of his own money to help defeat Bush in 2004, but Bush prevailed once again. The term BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) was born. The President was attacked in movies, books (some portraying his assassination) and especially in print.
Bush supporters have suffered terribly. I have been personally slandered in emails from family members. I have been ordered out of my brother's home at night in the snow when I didn't have a car with me. In the past 8 years I have rarely had a moments peace from the relentless Bush Bashing. Anti-Bush comments can come from anywhere. The movie or TV show I am watching, my hairdresser, the radio host, the idiot making my sandwich at subway. I hadn't previously know how liberal sports writers were but I quickly found out. No matter the subject you were reading about there could always be an anti Bush zinger waiting to jump out at you. Once I encountered one in the food section of the Sun Sentinel. Anyone with anything negative to say about our President felt it was their civic duty to spout off at any time. Even shopping for Christmas cards I have to be subjected to cards coupling Bush's face in different expressions next to the faces of chimps.
If you dare to make your support for the President known (tee shirt, bumper sticker whatever) perfect strangers feel it is within their rights to challenge your opinion. They have managed to make it "controversial" for me to dare to support the President of the United States of America in my own country. I have been laughed at, given a thumbs down, confronted and insulted. My own and only sister has in my presence spit the word Republican as tho it were an expletive. My mother sent an email to me and other family members addressing the general infamy of Republicans and when I replied, sent a second email essentially apologizing for my existence. I try not to think about that one.
Enough Bush Bashers, for eight years I have cried, I have screamed I have lain awake with clenched fists. You have your skinny liberal messiah as President elect so get off my President George W Bush. Oh, and by the way between the two of them with worse hair and bigger ears Obama looks more like a chimp than W ever did.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Obama's First Broken Campaign Promise
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Democrats Love Legal Loopholes!
The law, stupidly, does not require a candidate to identify a donor who gives less than $200. Consequently, dishonest Obama supporters are flooding the donation web site with multiple small donations given under false names. These contributors could be identified easily by the Obama campaign (the McCain campaign identifies all of it's donors) but to do so would make the fraud obvious. A donor listing himself as "Will Good" made 1,000 donations for a total of $17,375. Even after a number of the donations were returned the amount contributed of $8,950 is well above the legal amount one person may contribute. Since Mr. Will Good listed his employer as "Loving" and his job as "You" it is possible he isn't who he says he is.
Another contributor, Doodad Pro gave $19,500 in 786 separate donations. Remarkably he had the same employer and job as Will Good (Loving & You). In addition to these questionable practices the Obama campaign has been running a "Matching Donation Drive" Here is how that works, If you donate say $100 some rich Obama supporter who has already met or exceeded their donation limit will donate an additional amount in your name. That way they are exceeding the legal amount they may donate but it is no longer illegal since the excessive amount is said to have come from you.
Barry Obama learned well in the Chicago School of dishonest politics. This shocking fund raising situation has been known since late September but it is yet another "story" in which the main stream media has no interest.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Illegal Foreign Donations AGAIN?
Barack Obama has used a legal loophole in the campaign finance rules to accept millions from foreign supporters. Using the Internet foreign citizens can make multiple small donations which are illegal and add up to millions. Since the Internet is an excellent tool for tracking information it is well within the ability for the Obama campaign to identify these donors and refuse the illegal contributions. However, if they did that they wouldn't hove those millions to use out-spending McCain 4 to 1 in the battleground states. The Federal Election Commission has identified 11,500 foreign donors who gave a total of $33.8 million to the Obama campaign.
The Hillary Clinton campaign required out of the country donors to fax their proof of citizenship prior to accepting donations. Did you ever expect to see the day when the Democrat Presidential candidates fund raising policies would be less scrupulous than those of a Clinton campaign? Over 1,400 of the foreign donations were from American service people and diplomats who contributed a little over $200,000. That leaves 33.6 million from unknown and undoubtedly foreign donors. Over 500 listed their "state" as "IR" which probably means Iran. Other contributions came from Iraq, France the middle east, Beijing and Italy. Dividing the number of donors by the dollar amount reflects an average donation of nearly $3,000.
Donations to American political campaigns from foreigners are illegal. The Obama has taken some too little too late steps to discontinue accepting foreign donations but has not addressed the vast sums already received. As John Fund of the Wall Street Journal recently said "Oh, there will be an investigation, after the election and someone will probably have to pay a fine." By then the damage will have been done and America will be the one to pay the price.
Friday, October 03, 2008
From the Tiny A.C.O.R.N. a Mighty Scandal Grows
One of the things A.C.O.R.N. does is register new voters, generally Democrat voters. The organization claims to be non-partisan but they do have a PAC (political action committee) which has endorsed Obama. Several A.C.O.R.N. employees have been convicted of voter fraud. In Washington state 1800 voters were registered but only 6 of them were legitimate. In Ohio employees of A.C.O.R.N. admitted to making up names of registrants, using names like Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive Turkey. Statistically speaking 15 to 30 percent of the voters registered by A.C.O.R.N. are felons, do not reside in the state in which they are being registered or are dead. I suppose a few might have died after being registered by A.C.O.R.N. but that would be a small percentage.
Barack Obama was the attorney for A.C.O.R.N. for several years and involved with one of their groups in Chicago. They're motto was "It's a power thing". As an attorney for A.C.O.R.N. Obama sued banks to force them to make sub-prime loans to low income borrowers. A.C.O.R.N. is one of the organizations pushing the lending policies that resulted in the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
All of Obama's associations are with groups promoting the same old liberal ideas that sound good but eventually blow up in our face. Heaven help us if he becomes President with Democrats still in control of both houses. The troika of Obama, Reid & Pelosi would be disastrous for our country.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Charlie Rangel, A Man of Means AND Ways!
Gee Charlie, most of us know that we have to claim all of our income.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Obama's Early October Suprise
We now have evidence that Barack Obama has attempted to undermine our efforts to negotiate a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq. We know that Obama met with Iraqi leaders in July. One of the men he met with, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari disclosed some details of that meeting in an interview with Amir Taheri of the New York Post. According to Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July. Zebari said "He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington." Obama's advice was that, rather than reach an accord with the "weakened Bush administration," Iraq should seek an extension of the UN mandate. While in Iraq, Obama also tried to persuade the US commanders, including Gen. David Petraeus, to suggest a "realistic withdrawal date." They declined.
At present we are on track to remove all American combat troops by 2011 or 2012. There is no way to responsibly accelerate that date. Delaying an agreement for political reasons like allowing President Obama to claim the credit is toying with our troops and is certainly not putting the country first.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
There may be something wrong with a candidate for President who can barely string two sentences together without a teleprompter. Obama has consistently refused to join John McCain in a series of "townhall meetings" which would allow the American people to get to know the candidates. When Obama was finally shamed into visiting Iraq he gave a forty minute press conference. During which he hemmed and hawed so many times that Rush Limbaugh had all the stops and stutters strung together to make a seven and a half minute "Obama Uh Montage". Now before you do the math and say, "well seven minutes out of 40 isn't so bad" remember to allow time for the questions from the press which had to take up 1/3 of the 40 minutes.
Obama has been hailed as a brilliant speaker, but take away the teleprompter, which holds a speech written by David Axelrod, and he is more tongue tied than George W Bush.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Did Trial Lawyers Bring Down the World Trade Center Towers?
It didn't matter that those corporations may have had no idea that asbestos was dangerous to humans. It didn't matter is the company being sued had purchased a now defunct company that had some asbestos in their history. The only thing that mattered was could a "victim" be found and did the corporation have sufficiently deep pockets to make the suit worth the while of an attorney.
This litigious feeding frenzy made any type of asbestos radioactive. Once the health problems associated with asbestos were fully identified safe formulas were created but treated with suspicion. Builders were so concerned of some future harm being caused by the new asbestos they avoided using it whenever possible.
Consequently, the steel girders holding up the World Trade Center were not coated with this flame retardant product above, well, I forget above exactly which floor but clearly not high up enough. Now, Rosie and other assorted nut cases may choose to believe that fire cannot melt steel and indulge in the conspiracy du jour. They must have missed the explanation of the process detailed in Popular Mechanics.
The Twin Towers fell because the fire weakened the steel girders enough that they could no longer support the floors above the fire. When the weight of those floors struck they took the rest of the towers down and vaporized most of the people and things inside. Perhaps, if those girders had been coated in asbestos as had been the policy of the past they may have survived.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Obama Campaign Takes Yet Another Phrase Off the Table
In his time as a candidate Obama has instructed the media that he should not be called "liberal" There should be no mention of his middle name, Hussain. No one should comment on his ears. It is unacceptable fir anyone to criticize his wife. He should not be held responsible for the statements of his former pastor, Reverend Wright.
Now the term "community organizer" has been added to the list of things that must not be said. Former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown recently introduced the idea that when Republicans say "community organizer" it is a code word for "black man".
Well, Obama's biggest liability isn't the color of his skin. In my opinion it is the thinness of that skin that is his weakness. That and the arrogance that he should be able to set the rules for everyone else to follow.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Was Obama a Teenage Muslim?
Barack Obama was born a Muslim because his father was a Muslim. His mother was an anthropologist and although his grandparents were Christians his mother was more of a secular humanists. Barack's father took off pretty quick and since he had never divorced his first wife in Kenya it is hard to say if their marriage was valid anyway.
Obama's mother then married an Indonesian man who was also a Muslim. When Barack was six years-old he moved to Indonesia and lived there for four years. In Indonesia Barack attended a Catholic school but was enrolled by his mother as a a Muslim. Consequently he did pray with the other Muslim children and received weekly instruction on the Koran. In the third grade Obama was enrolled in a public school again identified as a Muslim, but he never attended a "madrassa" or any radical Muslim school as some have claimed.
Still, the Obama campaign is being untruthful when they claim that he was "never" a Muslim or that he has never prayed in a mosque. He was the son of one Muslim man and the stepson of another. As a child he occasionally attended a mosque and had some training in Islam. When the Obama campaign wants to be scrupulously accurate they say he has never been "a practicing Muslim". They know that admitting to having any Muslim background could cost the Senator votes.
It is true that some Americans would not vote for a Muslim just as some might have not voted for Mitt Romney because he is a Mormon. It is also true that Barack Obama became a practicing Christian in the 1990's when he joined the Trinity United Church in Chicago.
Considering the type of sermons delivered by the Reverend Wright in that church I think the country might be better off with a Muslim.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
More Man Than You'll Ever Be, More Woman Than You'll Ever Get
Wow! Governor Sarah Palin is really something. You can judge her greatness by the degree of hysteria occurring on the left. Here are some of the outrageous statements that have been made so far regarding Mrs. Palin
"The only qualification vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has is that she didn't have an abortion". - Carol Fowler, Chairwoman of the South Carolina Democrat Party. WOW! Don't that just put the "rat" in Democrat! Oh, this is the wife of the guy who was chuckling about hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans during the GOP Convention. Just a couple of liberals who "care".
"Jesus Christ was a communnity organizer Pontius Pilate was a governor" - Donna Brazil - Democrat operative and former advisor to AlGore and then this statement was repeated on the floor of the House of Representatives by Democrat Congressman Steve Cohen Tennessee. WOW, usually only the Jewish Republicans are called "Christ Killers".
Monday, September 01, 2008
Do You Know How Obama Won his Seate Seat?
Illinois Democrats and Republicans who wanted to stay in office knew they had to "go along to get along". Exceptions to this rule were generally rare and dealt with promptly. One exception was Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald was elected in 1998 by narrowly defeating Carol Mosley Braun after using over 13 million of his own money to fund his campaign.
Senator Fitzgerald had no intention of "going along to get along". Senator Fitzgerald requested the appointment of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to investigate the "Illinois Combine". Thanks to the efforts of these two Fitzgerald's some "bad actors" were prosecuted and several, from both parties, were sent to jail. Sadly Senator Fitzgerald efforts were not appreciated and without the support of his own party he chose not to run for reelection.
This provided an opportunity for the Democrats and specifically for Barack Obama. However he had to win the primary first. There were several candidates and the early favorite was state comptroller Dan Hynes. Hynes would probably have won except for another candidate, Blair Hull. Hull, an eccentric multi-millionaire spent nearly 29 million dollars attacking Hynes. Hynes lead was beaten down and with a 10 point lead over Hynes and Obama Hull was poised to win the Senate seat.
Thirty days prior to the primary election sordid details of Hulls divorce appeared in the Chicago Tribune and Senator Barack Obama was born. Obama, of course, had nothing to do with the release of this information, or did he. One of Obama's advisors had known about this skeleton in Hulls closet for over two years. That advisor, David Axelrod is still working with and for Barack Obama as his chief strategist and speech writer. This could all be coincidence but Axelrod had known for two years about Hulls marital disgrace. Information which didn't become public knowledge until after Hull had destroyed Obama's other competition, Dan Hynes. Oh, and the story was run by Axelrod's former employer, the Chicago Tribune.
Obama had won the Democrat primary and now faced Republican, Jack Ryan. Ryan was an attractive candidate who had a chance of beating Obama. Unfortunately he also was divorced. The Chicago Tribune sued to have Jack Ryan's divorce documents released and the details of the couples sex life completely derailed his campaign. Ryan withdrew from the campaign and Republicans tried to replace him with a good candidate in the short time they had left but could not do so. So, if Obama becomes President and destroys this country you can blame Mike Ditka. Ditka was approached but chose not to run and he was the only Illinois Republican who had a chance at that time.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Do You Know Who Obama's Godfather Is?
Emil Jones gave Obama high-profile legislation which had already cleared most hurdles and was near passage. Also, Jones placed Obama in the chairmanship of the senate's health committee. This allowed Obama to advance legislation that would make him the darling of the Service Employees International Union which has over 100,000 members in Illinois.
Normally, the state Senate President would be twisting arms to get the legislation he wants passed but Barack Obama had a special deal with Jones. If a piece of legislation was controversial and support for it could come back to haunt Obama he was allowed to vote "present". Obama voted that way approximately 130 times in the Illinois State Senate and if the legislation was really something that could come back and bite him he would just duck out until the votes had passed or failed.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Do You Know How Obama Got Elected in the First Place?
We all know that Barack Obama was a "community organizer" in Chicago before he was elected to the Illinois State legislature. How exactly did Obama manage to get elected to office in the first place. In his second book Obama credits the message he brought but how important is your message when you don't have an opponent?
In Illinois candidate collect voters signatures on petitions to qualify to appear on the ballot. Obama's main opponent in the 1996 election was Alice Palmer, the incumbent and a state senator since 1991. Ms Palmer had collected 1,580 signatures, more than twice the 757 needed to qualify to be on the ballot. However Ms Palmer in the end was not on the ballot. A paid consultant for Obama went over the list of signatures with a fine-tooth comb and managed to disqualify enough of those signatures to get Ms Palmer disqualified. Just a little bit of hard-ball politics Chicago style. Some of the signatures were truly not valid but many were eliminated on technicalities, some as small a thing as printing ones name instead of writing it.
Obama's consultant, Ronald Davis was so good at this that they went ahead and got the other three candidates disqualified as well. So, whatever Obama's message to the people of the 13th district was and however well he delivered that message or how well it was received there is something we will never know. When those voters entered the booths to cast their ballots would they have elected Barack Obama if they had had more than one candidate to choose from.
Obama was asked years later about the apparent unfairness of these tactics and this was his response. "If you can win you should win and get to work doing the people's business." By all means Senator, these are important decisions, why would you let the people whose business you plan to do have any say in the selection of their representative?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Do You Know Who the FOO's (Friends of Obama) Are?
Here is a short list of the FOO's (Friends of Obama).
William Ayers - Obama began his political career in this man's living room. Ayers is a professor at the University of Chicago and a neighbor of Obama. They have worked together on the board of the Woods Foundation and on a school reform group called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Ayres is an unrepentant terrorist. He was a member of the left-wing group "the Wetherman". This group bombed police departments, the Capital and the Pentagon. Those acts were forty years ago but as recently as 2001 Ayere said he didn't regret setting bombs and felt that they hadn't done enough. Here is a quote from Ayers book Fugitive Days - "Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them."
David Axelrod - Chief Strategist and speech writer for the Obama campaign. Formerly the main mouthpiece and "spin-doctor" for Mayor Daley of Chicago. Axelrod has kept Daley from being indicted despite multiple investigations of corruption, bribery, and pay-to-play schemes which have resulted in the indictments and imprisonment of dozens of Daley staff members, contributors and supporters.
Saul Alinsky - The author of "Rules for Radicals" and a hero of Hillary Clinton. Obama studied and implemented Alinsky's "techniques" during his stint as a "community organizer" when he was working for and with some of Alinsky's disciples. Here is a quote from Saul Alinsky. "Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life." Note to Saul Alinsky, some of us outgrow this and develop character and integrity.
Antoin "Tony" Rezko - Tony Rezko is the most obviously guilty of a group of developers with ties to Obama, he is currently in prison. Obama wrote letters to state and city officials promoting Rezko's bid to get $14 million in tax dollars to build senior citizen housing. Obama supported and co-sponsored legislation that benefited developers of "low cost" housing projects. Remarkably most developers involved were FOO's and most of the projects turned out to be poorly built, ill maintained and are now vacant eyesores. Rezko raised and contributed a total of $250,000 to Obama throughout his political career.
Robert Blackwell Jr - Ping-pong patronage. Blackwell owned EKI a company that put Obama on an $8,000 a month retainer and paid him a total of $112,000 in 2001 and 2002. Obama wrote a request to Illinois state officials for a $50,000 tourism grant paid to a company called Killerspin, also owned by Blackwell. Killerspin organized ping pong tournaments and sold ping-pong gear. Killerspin received $20,000 in 2002, $200,000 in 2003 and $100,000 in 2004. Blackwell was a regular contributor to Obamas campaigns and has 'bundled" contributions from employees of his companies.
Rev Jeremiah Wright - Obama attended Rev. Wright's church for twenty years. Wright married the Obama's and baptized both their daughters. Obama had previously called Wright a "mentor" and claims it was Wright who "brought him to Christ". The Rev. Wright is a man who thinks it appropriate to say that God should "damn" America in his Sunday service. Wright told his congregation that their government invented A.I.D.S. to eradicate them and supplied their youths with drugs so that they would end up in jail. Here is a quote of Wright explaining the September 11 attacks. - "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and the black South Africans, and now we are indignant-because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back into our own front yards! America's chickens are coming home to roost." How many Sunday's would you sit with your elementary school age children listening to sermons like that?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Yet Another Wandering Husband Cheats Hillary
If John Edwards hadn't managed to hide his "bit of stuff on the side" long enough to cause Hillary to come in third in Iowa she might be making an acceptance speech tomorrow instead of the speech she made yesterday.
Oh, the irony!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Much Ado About Nada!
First they came up with the gimmick of making the announcement via text messages. This served two purposes. It was "new" and cool and invited the comparison of John McCain as an old fuddy-duddy who has admitted he isn't computer savvy. Secondly, it gave the Obama campaign access to information on supporters who could possibly be converted to donors.
Then they delayed that announcement, and delayed it and delayed it. Obama announced that the choice had been made but played coy on telling us who it was. This might have been a successful tactic if they had managed to make the announcement before it leaked out. Instead of having wall-to-wall coverage and making the announcement with fanfare and a drum roll the Obama campaign was forced to send their "text messages" at 3am on a Saturday morning. It was as if they were ashamed of their choice and wanted to slide it by with a little notice as possible.
Considering who Barack Obama chose as his runningmate the 3am announcement kind of makes sense.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Save Our Seas - Drill Drill DRILL!
We must begin immediately to remove these oil deposits from beneath our beautiful seas. Oil derricks can be placed far enough from shore to be invisible to from ocean front homes and beaches. This despicable substance which is of no benefit to our oceans or their marine life must be brought ashore where it can be processed and safely destroyed. Although this oil can only hurt our seas, brought ashore it can warm our homes, fuel our cars and planes and be converted into useful products to enhance our lives.
There is not a moment to spare we must begin immediately to drill here and drill now!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Bush & Batman
I was so intrigued by this I went to see the movie. To me the biggest similarity between our fight against Islamo-fascist and Gotham's fight against the Joker was the way many people attacked their defenders as being the problem. Many of the Gotham citizens and policemen called for Batman to acquiesce to the Jokers demands in hopes that that would end the violence. Just as many Americans call for us to get out of Iraq, forgetting who is perpetrating the violence. Essentially the Gotham's were excusing the Joker's direct actions, killing people, and blaming Batman for his actions which were antagonizing the criminals of their city including the mentally deranged Joker.
Since we have held fast in Iraq we have not had demonstrated for us what would happen if we acquiesce to the Islamo-fascists demands. In The Dark Night we did see what happened. Stop reading here if you haven't seen the film yet. The Joker didn't stop killing people, he just changed the target and told the citizens of Gotham to kill a person or he would unleash more terrorism on the city. Several citizens did try to carry out that execution request. Hey, just because the Joker didn't keep his first promise doesn't mean he wouldn't keep a second one.
You should see the eyes roll when I say that Star Wars helped Ronald Reagan get elected but this film, The Dark Knight" could help us win the war on terror. Like Star Wars, it could remind us that there is good and evil. There are enemies with whom we cannot negotiate. Enemies who must be defeated and very probably destroyed if we want to survive.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Senator Obama, Who Are You Calling Bitter?
I think a better example of a bitter person would be Michelle Obama. Still nursing a grudge because she didn't feel that she fit in at college. Despite having achieved the American Dream Mrs. Obama is not proud of her country, except when it is cheering her husband. Mrs Obama has described the United States of America as a country that is "downright mean". Yep, we are so mean that we gave her a 100k job at a hospital and when her husband was elected to the Senate she got a 200k raise. No wonder she hsates America.
How about the Reverend Wright. Couldn't he be described as bitter? He so hates America that he called the attacks of 9/11 "America's chickens coming home to roost". Screaming in front of his congregation that their government had created A.I.D.S. in an attempt to kill them. What kind of a parent would allow their children to hear such a thing, in church! The reverend then drives home to the more than a million dollar home he was given by his church. A home in a gated, white, upper-class, golf community. Makes you wonder how he keeps the bitterness alive.
Barack Obama. His wife is angry, his minister is angry. He is not who he claims to be. He is not who his supporters think he is and he cannot unify anyone.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Will Politicians Ever Learn
Even more recently, Barack Obama's arrogance was exposed when he spoke about "small town Pennsylvania" to a crowd in San Francisco. Obama said You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them, and it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Wow, so Obama sees hardworking folks in Pennsylvania as bitter losers who turn to religion or cling to their guns. If they dare to oppose illegal immigration it isn't that they want our laws enforced or our borders secured to keep us safe. No they're just angry that they haven't had a job for 25 years and are looking for someone to blame. Finally, since Sen. Obama is speaking out against NAFTA and opposes a trade agreement with Columbia who is he to claim that some Americans are anti-trade because they are bitter? Is this the way Obama plans to "unite" America?
Now with YouTube readily available to most Americans public figures will need to think twice before fabricating events or telling elites in San Francisco how little they respect rubes in another part of the country. Even average Americans are finding that more of their behavior is being filmed and saved for posterity whether they want it to be or not. With video cameras in every public place and in perhaps as much as twenty-five percent of cell phones there is no longer any safe place to act the fool.
In the case of our elected officials I like the idea of being able to see for myself what they said and being able to hold them responsible for their statements. It's a good deal more difficult to claim you were "misquoted" or taken out of context when we can see you as you made that statement.
In the case of private individuals I hope public behavior will improve with the knowledge that you too could have embarrassing behavior available for anyone in the world to view at their leisure. So, as my Grandmother used to say, "watch your P's & Q's".
Friday, March 07, 2008
Barack Obama Could Be the First Black Jimmy Carter
I was first eligible to vote way back when Jimmy Carter was facing Jerry Ford. I knew almost nothing about politics and was a registered Democrat, but then I repeat myself. Despite my naivete I looked at the two men asking for my vote and I voted for Ford. Judging from how the following four years went I stand by my choice. Then came the Reagan years and to this day I have always voted for the person I considered the best choice. I have never voted for a Democrat for President. I was a Republican in my heart only for years. I was on jury duty once and hanging around the courthouse with nothing to do. I noticed the Supervisor of Elections office and went in and officially changed parties.
As I am composing this I hear on the radio that twenty percent of white Democrats say they will vote for John McCain if Obama is their nominee. I can assure you that if twenty percent of white Democrats say that, there is another twenty percent who say they will vote for Obama but will not. People have a limited comfort zone. Some dedicated Democrats will find themselves in that voting booth and either feel unsure about voting for a black man or be uncomfortable with the idea of President Obama. Now, President McCain sounds more like what most of us are accustom to.
However, if some twist of fate puts Senator Obama in the Oval Office I predict that he will be as unsuccessful in that office as Jimmy Carter. President Carter had no true love for this country. Look at the things he said and did in office and since. Carter was and is always critical of the US. You would be hard pressed to find evidence Carter was ever really proud of this country. Carter always proceeded as though the US deserved to be humbled. In his time in office he gave away the Panama Canal, he denied us an Olympics, a national Christmas tree, and warm homes. All this from a Southern white man who had been successful in America and should have had no ax to grind against us.
Then comes Obama. The son of an anthropologist described in the Chicago Tribune last year as a "fellow traveler" the warm and fuzzy term used to describe a communist sympathizer. Obama's mother, Ann Dunham married first a Kenyan economics student who abandoned her and her infant and then an Indonesian. When her second husband had his student visa revoked she followed him to Indonesia in 1967. Ann Dunham's doctoral dissertation reflected her admiration for more primitive cultures. She praised the peasant blacksmiths of Indonesia in terms she would never offer to any Americans. Anthropology was and is one of the far left fringes of our already left leaning universities. Raised by a mother like this Senator Obama could not possibly develop great admiration for America.
The second, and perhaps more important women in Obama's life, his wife is also no fan or the good old U S of A. The subject of Michelle Obama's college thesis was "Blackness at Princeton".
Mrs. Obama stated that she felt like a visitor at Princeton, like someone who didn't really belong. This was presented as the fault of Princeton not due to some sensitivity or shortcoming on the part of Mrs Obama. An average American would look at Mrs. Obama's life and think she had it pretty good. Attending Princeton and then Harvard law School is considered the pinnacle of academic achievement. Again Mrs. Obama speaks not of the opportunities she has enjoyed but of the hardships she has endured.
While urging a group of lower middle class women at a day care center in Ohio to eschew careers in lucrative jobs like corporate law and hedge fund management Mrs. Obama complained about the burden of student loans. Although she had a job at a Chicago Hospital making $120K she claimed they were unable to retire their student loans and save for their children in their 40's. I'm sure things began to look up when her husband was elected to the Senate and her salary was raised to $312K. That impressive raise made the news in the Chicago area.
Much has been said about Mrs. Obama's statement that she is now "for the first time in her adult life, really proud of my country", well, at least she called America "my country". I was more troubled by the rest of her statement. Mrs Obama went on to say that she has been "desperate to see our country moving in that direction" and "feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment". This is a woman angling to be our First Lady and when she describes this great country that has afforded her so much the words she uses are desperate, frustration and disappointment. As negative as these statements sound in print they are much worse when delivered by Mrs Obama. The only word I can find to describe the look on Mrs. Obama's face during these statements is "hate".
Since then Mrs Obama has gone on to repeatedly give a stump speech that she wrote for herself that includes the following. America is a country of "cynics, sloths, and complacents" we’re a divided country, we’re a country that is “just downright mean,”. I didn't go to Princeton or Harvard and I never got more then half way to earning a six-figure income but I know that America is anything but a "downright mean" country. I am six years older than Mrs. Obama but I have been "really proud" of my country time and time again.
Has Mrs. Obama never seen the space shuttle launch? She has traveled a lot I would guess. Has she never looked out of the window of the plane with awe and wonder at the magnificence of our great country. Would a "mean" country have given three billion to help the victims of the Sumatra Tsunami in 2004. Americans gave $283.05 billion in 2005 and an estimated $295.02 billion in 2006 to charitable causes, and those figures exclude disaster relief.
Anyway, enough about the wife except to say that no one would be married to this women unless he shared her beliefs. Obama speaks out against the American presence in Iraq in terms that can only undermine our attempts there and demean the country as a whole in world opinion. His own statement that he wants to make it possible for young Americans traveling abroad to "hold their heads high when they say they are Americans" makes clear that he feels they do not have reason to do so now. Like many on the left Barack Obama sees his country as the problem not the solution.
Would General Motors hire a CEO who believed that it was inferior to every other car maker on the planet? Would Starbucks choose a CEO who thought that no one should drink coffee? Should the American people elect a President who thinks that you should hang your heads in shame when you travel the globe? We did so at least once before, and the results were not positive.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
GOP Bane, John McCain
McCain teamed with uber-liberal Russ Feingold to limit your right to free speech. This bill wasn't aimed at pornography or what the politically correct call "hate speech". No, the McCain Feingold legislation was specifically directed at political speech. By some this was dubbed the "incumbent protection act" and this law has limited the ability of groups of citizens to get their message out regarding candidates running for elections during the time period when most voters are paying the most attention.
Senator McCain promised this legislation would "get the money out of politics" and just the opposite has happened. This faulty legislation has created 527's which allowed one man, George Soros to spend 24 million dollars to defeat the reelection of George W. Bush in 2004. Soros failed in this but he sure has gotten a lot of Americans stirred up and these organizations have kept people that way for the past 4 years.