Thursday, April 22, 2010

Your Heart May Be In The Right Place...

I apologize in advance for the slightly harsh sound of the following statement directed at all my liberal friends and acquaintances.

Your heart may be in the right place but your head is up your a**.

Some times you need to be a little harsh to get your point across especially when the emotionally mushy thinking of a minority of Americans threatens our future. President Bush coined the term "Compassionate Conservative". Lets look how that turned out for our nation. The conservative GWB brought us tax cuts that brought our economy back from the Clinton recession and allowed it to bounce back quickly from the September 11th attacks. Those tax breaks fueled 60 consecutive months of job growth. The media endlessly portrayed the Bush economy as weak and the tax breaks as benefiting only the "rich". The media completely overlooked the facts. The economy was strong and the Bush tax cuts moved more of the tax burden to the nations top earners, increasing the percentage of Americans who paid no income tax at all.

President Bush had less success with his "compassionate" policies. The Medicare drug benefit was very compassionate and something Democrats had promised for two decades. I was against it, AARP was for it and the President proposed it and got it passed. It was a huge expensive new entitlement and we are stuck with it for eternity even as it accelerates the bankruptcy of Medicare. Any thank you's from our senior citizens? I haven't heard any.

In an effort to beat back the endless media charges of heartlessness the Bush Administration threw millions after millions down the post Katrina rat hole that is Louisiana. Bush was too kind to point out that the folks next door in Mississippi managed through the same storm without blaming their own lack of preparation and execution of emergency measures on the President. Every American tax payer will be paying for the government largess ladled on Louisiana for years to come. Although the voters of Louisiana were gullible enough to re-elect their incompetent Senator and mayor of New Orleans they did choose a better Governor and might eventually recover from Katrina.

Hysteria is seldom productive. The desire to "do something" that is so urgent that we do not consider whether the "something" will make the situation better or worse is always a mistake. When 51% of the American people voted for "Change" without understanding exactly what sort of changes we would get resulted in the mistake which resides at 1600 Pensylvania Ave NW.

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