Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Good Day

You may disagree with this statement "A good day for this country is a bad day for the Left", but there is supporting evidence. Today the President has made a "surprise" visit to Baghdad where he will attend a meeting with the Iraqi Prime Minister, most of his cabinet and a group of advisors assembled at Camp David. This is the second successful secret visit to Iraq our President has made. I'll never forget seeing President Bush appear at a big Thanksgiving Dinner for the troops in Iraq. That really took the shine of of Hillary Clintons' simultaneous visit to Afghanistan, where it was rumored troops had to be ordered to eat with her.

Pay attention to the way today's meeting in Iraq is reported and how the Democrats attempt to downplay the importance of this event. Since just a week or two after the Senate and Congress voted to give President Bush the authority to invade Iraq the Democrats have been undermining our war effort by marginalize any good news from Iraq and shouting any potentially bad news from the nearest mountain top. New York Congressman Charlie Rangle reacted to the elimination of Uday and Quesay with the following "I personally don't get any satisfaction that it takes 200,000 troops, 250,000 troops, to knock off two bums." Rangel went so far as to accuse the U.S. of acting illegally in killing the Hussein boys despite the fact that they were killed in a fire fight after refusing to surrender.

Since then we have seen the capture of Saddam Hussein, two very successful elections, the creation and ratification of a Constitution and the assembling of a freely elected Iraqi government. Each of these mile stones had drawn a yawn from the MSM (mainstream media) and the odd assortment of Democrats have taken every opportunity to undermine our effort. Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean said "The idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is just plain wrong," A remark that flew through the news and undoubtedly heartened the hopes of every terrorist fighting us and the Iraqis. Most recently when the top al-Qaida terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi was killed the Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi said "This doesn't change anything in Iraq", but it does.

Another front in the MSM and Democrat war against the Bush administration suffered a blow today. Liberal Democrats are distraught over reports that Leakgate Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has decided there is no reason to indict senior White House advisor Karl Rove. Beginning with the Gore "Recount" fiasco the Left has tried every method they can invent to weaken the Bush Presidency. A memo written by an aide of Senator Rockefeller laid out the Democrats plans to throw one roadblock after another in front of the Bush Administration and use every trick they could access to trump up charges of wrongdoing.

Watch how they spin all the success in Iraq. Already today Senator Chuck Schummer (aka Schmuckie) has taken the opportunity of this momentous and historic meeting in Iraq to throw out the "Q" word once again, calling Iraq a "quagmire". Never mind that a brand new democracy is getting on it's feet and that we will have an ally in the Mid-east for the first time since Jimmy Carter allowed the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. If the Democrats no longer have any faith in democracy, it's time for them to change their name.

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