Monday, August 14, 2006

URBAN ADVENTURE CRUISE or Another Bad Hair Day In Chicago

Our cruise in Chicago Saturday was really a great time and sort of an adventure. Jack wanted me to reserve a specific cruise but with boats leaving every half hour and not knowing for sure when Jack would arise I didn't. Jack had chosen a $27 90 minute river cruise that would include commentary on over 50 buildings and had a bar aboard.

Well, he sort of slept in, then of course we had to go to breakfast and we caught the 11:05 into the city. I selected the correct exit from Union Station for the first time ever and the bus we needed was waiting there as we came out the doors. Still we arrived at the cruise Jack chose shortly before it sold out for the day (while I was in line with only 3 people in front of me). I was at a loss and not sure what to do.

Jack said, "Get in line for this cruise instead", and I stepped right up to the Mercury "Urban Adventure Cruise". The cruise was a Lake and River tour with commentary on 17 bridges and 82 buildings and landmarks and get this cost only $19. The only down side was no bar on board (which had to save us another $10+) and it was leaving in 40 minutes. While we were in line to board I mentioned to Jack that the boat we would be on was like the one in the movie "The Breakup". Later during the cruise our guide told us it is the boat used in that movie.

I didn't know there was a locks for boats to enter and leave the lake (to control the amount of water going from the lake to the river. It was interesting entering the lake, the water level in the lock went up 3-4 feet and then decreased on the trip back. In the lake we learned about the "adventure" portion of the cruise. The seats we had chosen were near a large bumper hanging off the side of the boat. This bumper threw up amazing amounts of water which dowsed everyone seated nearby, especially Jack who had traded seats with me. Poor Jack was drenched and we both missed small portions of the commentary on the skyline, distracted by the occasional cold wall of water falling on us!

Soon we were back in the river and no longer being drowned. Chicago has an amazing array of buildings and landmarks and the information provided by the tour guide was fun and fascinating. We cruised all the way to the Sears Tower and got to see and hear about a great deal of the city. Just as I was getting concerned about possible sunburn our cruise was over an we were back ashore. Two boats had unloaded at the same time and there was a delay to get up the stairs to the corner of Wacker and Michigan. Everyone seemed to be going to the top and I suggested we only go half way up. I can't fully explain but there is an Upper Michigan Ave and a lower Michigan Ave and get this there is Upper Wacker, Lower Wacker and Lower Lower Wacker?????

Anyway this worked well too as we wanted to go to the original Billy Goat Tavern which was at Lower Michigan and Wacker. We walked across the lower level of the bridge and were there (with one short stop for me to try and wring some of the water out of the tail of Jack's shirt). The Billy Goat Tavern was nothing special but the beer and double cheeseburger were great. If you every come here don't even consider a single burger, get the double or even the triple, (or as they say "Cheezborger! Cheezborger! No fries, cheeps! No Pepsi, Coke).

Refreshed we decided we could walk back to Union Station and talked about stopping for another beer if we passed a good spot. However, once I checked the time and saw that we could catch the 4:39 if we moved along smartly instead of taking our time and getting the next train at 5:39. Jack was highly motivated and hurried me along the 10 blocks in time to catch the train. I really think this was one of my best trips to the city. If you ever get to Chicago, I highly recommend this cruise followed by a triple cheeseburger.

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