Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Could Al Gore be a Bigger Nimrod?
Finally, finally some questions are being asked about the incredible amount of money Al gore has made pushing his junk science theory on global warming. At a Fortune Forum summit last month Gore collected 100,000 British pounds for a thirty minute speech. In addition to giving a speech that was a real snoozer Gore put off guests and journalists by acting like a diva. Gore is really raking it in giving essentially the same speech over and over again for fat fees.
While Gore was accepting his ridiculous award and making yet another rambling wooden speech, ice storms were taking aim at the Midwest region of the United States. Also, the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society has published a report that CO2 is not a pollutant and that the warming the earth has experienced in recent years is natural and cannot be affected by an actions we may or may not take.
The report cites the cause of global warming as most likely variations in the solar wind and associated magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on the earth’s atmosphere. Even more damaging to Gores insistence that CO2 levels are causing warming is the finding that earth's atmosphere is warming at the same rate as the surface. If Gore's "Greenhouse Effect" was truly occurring the atmosphere would be warming two to three times faster than the surface.
Consequently, reducing CO2 emissions would have no impact on global warming and would only be an incredible expense. An expense that Al Gore and others who are hawking "carbon offsets" will be collecting and taking to the bank.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Clinton News Network Rolls Over, Again!
What is CNN's motto? I think it has something to do with trust. Well you can certainly trust CNN to report only bad news as long as George W Bush is in the White House. I remember way back when, Bill Clinton was just taking office and Rush Limbaugh promised that the "Homeless Problem" that the media had been harping on since Ronald Reagan took office would disappear. Darned if it didn't only to resurface, though with less intensity once we had another Republican elected President.
During Al Gore's and John Kerry's run for office I got to see how hard the media would work to assist a Democrat into the Presidency. To this day Kerry still hasn't answered the many questions asked by the over 200 Viet Nam Veterans who became the Swiftboaters for Truth, or made good on his promise to have ALL of his military records released. He did accept a million dollar bet recently to disprove at least one of the charges the Swiftboaters alleged. I can't wait to see how that wager comes out. Kerry didn't have to worry about answering the questions during the 2004 election. The media, for the most part, investigated only the men bringing the charges not the validity of those claims. The facts supported the swiftboaters, Kerry did receive three Purple Hearts without ever spending one night in a hospital.
The recent CNN Democrat debate was carefully orchestrated to make sure Hillary didn't have a second disastrous performance. Although Wolf Blitzer claims he was not warned by the Clinton camp to "go easy" he did do just that. Blitzer gave Mrs Clinton all the time she needed to answer as she choose. Even when her answer contradicted prior statements Blitzer never asked a follow up question or challenged Mrs. Clinton in any way.
Now it turns out that everyone of the "Independent, undecided citizens" selected at random to ask a question of the candidates were democrat operatives. One is a seventeen-year-old who works for Harry Reid. This is not "Freedom of the Press" at it's best.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Shrillary's Not Great Debate
Until now Mrs. Clinton has not been asked about the New York Governor's unpopular plan to provide drivers licenses to illegal alien's even though she is one of the Senator's from that state. Russert asked her "Why does it make a lot of sense to give an illegal immigrant a driver's license?" Mrs. Clinton's initial response was to explain that what the Governor is trying to accomplish with this policy is "to fill the vacuum left by the failure of this administration to bring about comprehensive immigration reform". Brilliant, except that the President supported immigration reform and it was the Senate who did not produce a solution that could pass and be sent to the President for signature.
What was truly remarkable is that two minutes after defending the policy when Chris Dodd said he found the policy "troublesome" Mrs Clinton butt in with "Well, I just want to add, I did not say that it should be done, but I certainly recognize what Governor Spitzer is trying to do, and we have failed, we have failed." Dodd replied "No, no, no. You said yes, you thought it made sense to do it." Mrs. Clinton replied "No, I didn't, Chris", but she did, we all heard her. Russert pressed the point causing Mrs. Clinton to accuse him of playing "Gotcha" and to fall back on the party line of getting people to "come out of the shadows".
John Edwards pointed out that Hillary has accepted more in political donations from lobbyists, the drug companies, the insurance companies and the defense industry than any other Presidential candidate, Democrat or Republican. The point he was making is that Mrs. Clinton is not the person to change the way things currently work in Washington DC. Mrs. Clinton's reply was chilling her exact words were "I'm going to take $10 billion away from a lot of these industries". Then she threw two bogeymen under the bus, Halliburton and the HMO's. Luckily, for these lying Democrats, most Americans don't remember that Halliburton got "no bid contracts" during the Clinton Administration too, and our all knowing congress created the HMO's. Oh, and just for good measure, she threw in a reference to the Supreme Court handing the Presidency to George W. Bush, the left lunatic fringe loves to hear that fantasy repeated.
Mrs. Clinton was asked about the "mother of all tax increases" proposed by Charlie Rangle and waffled masterfully. Initially Mrs. Clinton claimed ignorance of the "details" of the plan but a few seconds later stated "I don't agree with all the details" So, does she know that details or not and if she doesn't know them how does she know that she disagrees with them.
Finally in a truly Clintonian example of duplicity, when Tim Russert asked if Mrs. Clinton would
allow the National Archives to release the documents regarding her communications with the president and the advice she gave to verify that she held an important role in that administration Mrs clinton did the following. First she tried to claim that documents were being released "as rapidly as the archives moves". Russert, that brute, pointed out that President Clinton has written a letter specifically asking that any communication between Mrs. Clinton and he not be made available to the public until 2012. When Russert asked again "Would you lift that ban?" the reply delivered with a huff and a sigh was "Well, that's not my decision to make, and I don't believe that any president or first lady ever has, but certainly we'll move as quickly as our circumstances and the processes of the National Archives permits." Don't hold your breath.
Same old, same old Clinton triangulation, misdirection, and faked umbrage that these question dare be asked of them. The Clinton's have built a political house of cards and eventually it will fall. Perhaps Al Gore will join the fray and the media which has protected the Clinton's for so long will turn on them. If the media ever began to really report on all the Clinton shady dealings their political careers would be dead and buried in 30 days. I think I'll visit that "Draft Gore" web site. See you there.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Why Shun Shunning?
I could have been nicer and I usually recommend erring on the side of kindness but do not regret my remark. This man had been a fairly rotten boyfriend. He and I were on a ski trip long ago the trip where I first learned to ski. We had been dating for a while at this time and we agreed that he would ski with his friends while I took skiing lessons. The deal was that if I learned to ski well enough to brave the blue ski runs after three days of lessons he would ski with me the last afternoon of our trip. I worked really hard to learn to ski and I made great progress. Then when the time came for us to ski together it just was not enough fun for him and he abandoned me.
There were other instances none really worth mentioning but eventually I decided the relationship had run it's course. I wrote a letter explaining exactly why I did not want to continue the relationship. Since people in our ski club were sure to notice we had split he brought an attractive young lady to the very next meeting. I don't recall her name and we never saw her again after that short appearance, she was after all only a prop. He did accomplish his goal. I was mildly humiliated and he was able to give the appearance that he had been the one who chose to move on from our relationship.
There was a time when it was considered part of one's societal responsibility to shun persons who had behaved badly. Before people became completely non-judgemental and learned that there would be no consequences to their actions people behaved better. Fifty years ago would Woody Allen have dared to marry his adopted daughter? He would have been turned away from "polite society" and told to never darken their doors again. Instead he explains "The heart wants what it wants" and gets to do exactly as he pleases with minimal criticism. When a man marries a woman young enough to be his daughter, and in this case one who was raised as his daughter, he is following one of his organs but it isn't his heart.
So, if Woody Allen rushes up to your table in a restaurant to show you his wedding ring feel free to be as rude to him as you like. You have my permission.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
How the Clinton's Led the Left to Sell Their Souls
Because of Bill Clinton feminists had to defend not just an adulterer, but a a serial womanizer, a sleazy groper and most likely an actual rapist. This couldn't have been easy for the "no means NO" crowd.
Veterans had to defend not just a draft dodger but one who escaped the draft by promising to join the ROTC and then weaseled out of that commitment in a letter where he admitted that he "loathes the military". Veterans had to defend this draft dodger while he was running against two true WWII war hero's, George Bush and Bob Dole. That had to feel wrong, wrong, wrong especially after Clinton's first action in office. The courageous "Don't ask don't tell" policy. That's was really impressive leadership.
Unions leaders had to let thousands of sweet, high paying jobs go by the wayside to save Anwar, a desolate frozen area that most closely resembles the surface of the moon. They had to let all those jobs and all the new union members the jobs could have generated go to save a place where no one lives and which no one would want to visit. Then the most bitter pill of all they saw the passage of NAFTA. That can't have been easy to swallow.
The trial lawyers probably had the least trouble. No one can put their principles aside like a trial lawyer. It's almost as if they have none. However even lawyers take umbrage at perjury and obstruction of justice. This was the only time the Supreme Court boycotted a state of the union address right? It was all of the Justices too, not just the non-liberal ones.
I may be wrong about this as the Left may have been soulless prior to the Clinton's arrival. They are, after all, Godless and generally joyless. Still, you can understand that some of them are apprehensive at the idea of another Clinton administration. As well they should be.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
You May Not Know Jack, But You BETTER Know About George
There is an organization called the "Open Society Institute. In addition to supporting lots of liberal causes this organization has been very helpful to NASA's James Hansen. Any scientists who is skeptical of the "global warming consensus" is accused of being backed by big oil. James Hansen has been described as a "lone whistle blower" who was allegedly censored by the Bush administration. An accusation that is made laughable by the fact that NASA changed it's media policies to allow Hansen to continue his crusade. It was recently reported that Hansen received $720,000 to help him spread the alarm about "global warming". Who is politicizing science now? How would Hansen's credibility been affected if everyone knew who was backing him?
The Open Society Institute had a hand in another big news story in 2006. When all the "immigration rallies" began it was reported that this was a spontaneous grass roots movement. There was no mention of an organizer or instigator except for a Los Angeles Spanish-language radio station. That was not true. The truth is that the 17 million dollar Justice Fund, a underling of the OSI listed 19 projects for 2006 and one was "immigration rallies" another was funding illegal immigrants activists groups court cases. These immigrants and their supporters didn't "rise up" on their own. They were manipulated by one of Soro's well funded groups.
You have heard, I'm sure, about some of the court cases that seem to favor terrorists. Have you ever wondered who brings these suits? The Open Society Institute spent $74 million in 2006 to "shape U.S. policy". Some court cases they backed and won include the Supreme Court's decision to abolish military commissions judging terrorists at Guantanamo. They financially supported the radicals who pressured the TSA to eliminate their "Secure Flight" program, which matched passenger lists against lists of terrorists names. The lawyers who persuaded the Texas judge to block tracking terrorists cell phones were funded by OSI too. Soros' OSI partners with a group called the Tides Foundation which is a cause Terri Kerry supports and which is know for very quietly transferring funds from wealthy donors to left wing "fringe groups" like eco-terrorism.
Another "below the radar" political organization called "Democracy Alliance" enjoys great largess from Soros. The policy of Democracy Alliance seems to be that the party whose name is closest to the word Democracy gets full control of the government. This group was formed in 2005 and until this week I had never heard of them, had you? This is another group throwing vast sums of money and misinformation around to further their far left agenda.
That brings us to America Coming Together or ACT which is not dedicated to the sexual fulfillment of all Americans, but would be less worrisome if it were. Remember all the news about "disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff"? Well ACT was fined $775,000 by the Federal Election Commission, the third largest fine in FEC history and there was hardly a ripple in the main stream news about it. In 2004 ACT raised $137 million in 17 states, most of which the FEC says were illegal contributions. Why isn't this BIG NEWS?
Wake up America! You need to know who these people are and what they are doing behind the scenes to manipulate you.
Friday, September 21, 2007
ENVIRO-COMMUNISM or Is Green the New Red?
From the Nixon administration's creation of the EPA on there has been a never ending battle between capitalism and so called environmentalists (which I shall here in refer to as Enviro-Mentals). Whenever and where ever someone wanted to build homes, factories or any commercial enterprise they would have to run a gauntlet of inspections, regulations and frequently litigation. Hundred year-old family farms were left to dry up and blow away while the water was reserved to save a tiny fish, the snail darter. Logging interests had to be shut down to save the spotted owl who we were told could only live in certain trees. This was disproved when a family of these owls took up residence in a K-Mart sign.
The Enviro-Mentals have successfully prevented the construction of an oil refinery in this country for over thirty years. They opposed the Alaskan Pipeline but were unable to prevent it. Their dire warnings of the destruction the pipeline would cause never came true. Just the opposite occurred. Caribou populations expanded as they found some previously unavailable warmth generated by the pipeline. The Enviro-Mentals have successfully prevented us from tapping the huge oil reserves in Anwar while other Liberals and some reasonable folks denounce our dependence on foreign oil.
The new Crisis du jour from the Enviro-Mentals is "Global Warming" Ah, if not for Global Warming we might have heard the last of Al Gore, but no such luck. Again, those who so loudly decry the horror of an increase in the temperature of the northern hemisphere of less than two degrees in one hundred years vehemently oppose the one source of energy which causes no carbon emissions, nuclear power.
Most Americans may be unaware that Canada uses nuclear power for a lot of their energy needs. France produces 76% of it's electricity from 56 nuclear power plants. There hasn't been a nuclear incident for decades and we can certainly make safe use of a power source that has been mastered by the French. Does Global Warming guru Al Gore call for a switch to nuclear power? Absolutely not. Instead he calls for all of us to live our lives greener. Gore himself can't do so, his mission is too important, but he expects you to lessen the way you live your life.
Some scientists disagree with the "global warming consensus". Al Gore calls them "Deniers" comparing them to people who claim one of history's darkest events never happened. Anyone who fails to buy the "global warming lie" hook line and sinker is attacked. During the Clinton Administration any government scientist who doubted global warming was fired any others were advised they would be blacklisted from receiving any government grants.
The only solution the Enviro-Mentals will accept is to throw even more draconian hurdles in front of American business interests. The estimated cost to our economy for reducing carbon emissions per Al Gore's baby, the Kyoto Treaty was 77 to 338 Billion in 1992 dollars. I assure you the price hasn't decreased in the past 15 years. A hefty price tag has never been a deterrent to those on the left who seek bigger and bigger government. No problem, they'll just "tax the rich".
All to keep the planet at it's current temperature. The benefits of some additional warming are never discussed. There is significant scientific evidence to support theories that the earth has been warmer than current temperatures in the past. Directly prior to the Renaissance for example. A warming trend resulted in longer growing seasons and world wide benefits to mankind. Now record heat is big news and record cold is ignored. Here's an idea, if we have to ignore something let's make it Al Gore.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I Love Liberals
This does explain how so many liberals can support Hillary Clinton. I find it totally unreasonable for anyone to attack then cry foul, hardly good sportsmanship or even adult behavior. Apparently many disagree and that makes it reasonable, for them and for Hillary to have it both ways. When Hillary accuses some imaginary "Vast Right wing Conspiracy" for making up lies about her husband canoodling with an intern that is a perfectly legitimate claim. When it turns out that her husband was doing exactly what he was accused of he is the only liar in the scenario no apology is offered. When asked by Tim Russert if she owes an apology for that accusation Mrs. Clinton reverts to innocent victim replying only "I wish that none of us had to go through that very difficult time. Never taking any responsibility for causing the "very difficult time".
When Hillary and others accuse the President of every evil imaginable including knowingly allowing September 11th to happen that is their Constitutional Right. If anyone dares to reasonably point out that these statements might damage our country and hurt our chances of winning the war in Iraq they scream foul! "How dare you" they cry! "How dare you impugn my patriotism". It's amazing to me. You can watch it time and time again, first outrageous behavior and then when that behavior is commented upon immediate highhanded victim hood. This passive aggressive ploy has silenced Americans nationwide. Millions of conservative and moderate Americans just pipe down to avoid the theatrics the left employs if you dare speak up.
One good example occurred at a women's bible class of all places. A very outspoken woman thought it appropriate to say in a bible class how she "hates" being in any group that thinks President Bush is so great. This was not in response to anything said in class, politics had not been mentioned. This woman just wanted us all to know that if we had anything positive to say about the President, that would be offensive to her. I think I would have been happier living in the 1950's when folks were more likely to be offended by negative statements about the President.
Here we are, in a country where you would hesitate to say in public "I think President Bush is doing the best job possible under very difficult circumstances". Hows that for muzzeling the opposition. Millions of people are afraid to voice and support for our President. Supporting the President openly has been deemed "rude" but defaming him venomously is perfectly allowed.
It's a crazy time! And, not in a good way.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Second Clinton Fundrasing Scandal - THIS WEEK
Today we learn that Mr. Hsu is a wanted man. There has been a warrant for his arrest in California since 1992. Many Democrats who have enjoyed Mr Hsu's financial support are returning the funds or giving them to charity. So far, only Minnesota Rep. Michael Honda is returning the donations from the Paws and another contributor Hsu lined up.
In an unrelated additional scandal another "fundraiser", Abdul Rehman Jinnah, is thought to have fled the country after an indictment on charges of conspiracy and making illegal campaign contributions. This gentleman, a Pakistani immigrant, disappeared in May after being indicted and is thought to have returned to Pakistan.
Prior to the indictment Jinnah directed $30,000 to Mrs Clinton's campaign and $50, 000 to Barbara Boxer. It is alleged that he organized fake fundraisers where he would collect contributions from friends and family members and reimburse them. His flight makes one think the allegations are probably true.
Please No Forwards on Politics
The same people who have openly expressed their desire to personally harm our President chide me for daring to bring some shady dealings to their attention. People who never hesitate to tell you how much they absolutely hate President Bush act as though you are behaving boorishly if you mention that Ms. Clinton has not one but two new fund raising scandals to explain. People who will believe our President capable of any evil up to and including knowing about the September 11th attacks in advance but allowing thy to occur in some mad grab for power go all huffy on you for questioning the character of a proved liar, swindler and generally despicable person.
My reply, which will go unspoken to that family member is "I'll respect your wishes but cannot respect your attitude".
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Here Comes Another One Just Like the Other One
There is a six member family, the Paws, who live in a 1280 square foot residence that sits in Daly City, CA under one of the flight paths for San Francisco International airport. Although Mr and Mrs Paw and their four grown children are of modest means they are some of the Democrat Party's biggest contributors. Since 2005 the Paws have donated a total of $200,000 to Democrats $45,000 of that going to Ms Clinton.
The Paws are Chinese and all got their Social Security numbers in 1982. They did not seem to be politically active until this recent generous support of all things Democrat. Five of the six Paws are registered to vote as Non-partisans and according to county election officials vote only "sporadically". There was no record of any political donations made by the Paws until they gave $3,600 to John Kerry during the 2004 presidential election . The Paws first donation to Ms Clinton was the maximum allowed (at the time) $4,000 to her Senate campaign in December of 2004. Odd that a member of a middle class family in Daly City, California would contribute to a New York Senate race. Another donation of $17,500 went to Ms Clinton in March 2005.
There is something else fishy about the Paw family donations. Another benefactor for the Democrats and specifically Ms Clinton is New York businessman Norman Hsu and his donations have been made on the same dates and in the amounts as the Paws donations. Oh, one other odd detail, Mr Hsu previously listed the Paw residence as his home address.
I'm sure there is a simple explanation for his but doubt it will ever be given or even asked for by our "main stream media" who always gives Democrats and especially the Clinton's a pass.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I have lots of memories from the first grade but do not recall the exact moment when I learned how to read. Kindergarten was optional at the time and no one had ever heard of pre-school. The first grade was my first experience with formal education. I clearly remember standing with the class and reciting the alphabet. There was also a version we did that went "A, apple, B, Ball etc. In that version X was a bit sticky as none of us had ever seen or heard of a xylophone. I later remember sitting in a circle on the floor of the classroom reading aloud when my turn came. I don't recall the reading matter but think I was in the "best readers" circle. Imagine the hue and cry if in today's first grade classroom the teacher tried to designate a small group as "the best" anything and allowed them to read from more advanced texts.
Still, I am sorry I cannot recall that moment of enlightenment when I realized that the letters made words and the words contained meanings. It must have been like discovering an amazing decoder ring that could unlock the mysteries of the universe. Or maybe it was just a quick "Ahhh" moment.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Are We Ready NOW To Admit Israel Is NOT The Problem?
Hamas got a foot in the door in the recent election and are moving to take full control by force. If you have doubts about the need for us to finish the job in Iraq just look at Hamas in the Gaza Strip to see what Iraq will turn into if we leave prematurely.
Democrats Work Toward American Defeat
WP reports that Senator Harry Reid provoked by an article in USA Today took some cheap shots at General David Petraeus. Petraeus, was unanimously approved by the Senate to take command in Iraq four months ago. Still after approving Gen. Petraeus Reid now claims that the General "isn't in touch with what's going on in Baghdad." Reid also indicated that he thinks Petraeus has not been sufficiently open in his testimony to Congress. Noting that Petraeus, who is now on his third tour of duty in Iraq, oversaw the training of Iraqi troops during his second stint there, Reid said: "He told us it was going great; as we've looked back, it didn't go so well.
The quote in USA Today was that the general sees "astonishing signs of normalcy" in the Iraqi capital. "I'm talking about professional soccer leagues with real grass field stadiums, several amusement parks -- big ones, markets that are very vibrant," Petraeus told the newspaper.
Reid went on to say "I was a little disappointed, to say the least, today reading the USA Today newspaper, where he's saying things are going fine." Seeing signs of normalcy is hardly saying "things are going fine." I sincerely doubt that you could find any instance of General Petraeus saying "things are going fine," in a war zone.
Reid had a conversation Tuesday with liberal bloggers, according to The Politico, in which he disparaged both Petraeus and Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff whom the administration recently did not nominate for a second two-year term. Reid called Pace "incompetent," and then questioned the integrity of Petraeus by saying he is "waiting to see if General Petraeus can be a little more candid with this."
Compare to statements made by Harry Reid at the time of his last visit to Iraq, March of 2005. "I came away with the feeling that we cannot leave Iraq." He was one of seven Senate Democrats and Republicans that took a week-long trip to the Middle East and several countries near the region. He said, "I came away with the feeling we cannot leave Iraq. If we do, the terrorists will have won." Reid must have forgotten all about that as he actually said "Now I believe myself............that this war is lost" on April 19, 2007.
Harry Reid is a corrupt Democrat. It is well known that you cannot do business in the state of Nevada unless you grease the palms of one or more of the members of the Harry Reid family. However, for the majority leader in the Senate to undermine our war efforts in this way is much more egregious than his ethically questionable and highly profitable land dealings.
Who is more likely to be "out of touch" with the way things are going in Baghdad, the general running our operations there or a fat cat senator sitting in Washington D.C. trying to think up more ways to thwart the President and enrich himself? There is only one accurate description of Harry Reid's behavior and the word is treasonous.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
"Bush Lied" Not!
Now that allegation is disproved by none other than Al Gore. A video taped speech from 1992 has surfaced. In it Al Gore, then running for Vice President, criticises the first President Bush for not confronting Saddam Hussein. Gore makes all the same arguments for attacking Iraq that were made by President Clinton when he made removal of Saddam Hussein the policy of the United states of America. Clinton never followed through on that policy with the exception of a few high altitude bombings.
If one had the time and the inclination you could put together an impressive collection of leading Democrats calling for action against Iraq and explaining how very dangerous Hussein is to us and the world. It is convenient for those Democrats to pretend that they never made those statements and that no one ever considered action against Iraq until Bush 43 came along. The Media willingly complies by reporting the Democrats current criticism and never mentioning the conflicting statements these same people made just a few years ago.
Unfortunately for the Media and the Left, some of us do have more than short time memories and there is always YouTube to fill in the blanks for those who have forgotten.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Who Really Hates the U.S.?
I admit that there will always be some anti-American factions out there and the MSM will dutifully report every protest they put on, but how widespread is this feeling? When they report on these protests take notice of the camera angle. If you are seeing an aerial shot of thousands in the streets then there are thousands in the streets. If the cameras are on the ground and the shots are rather narrow you might be looking at a small number of people filmed to look like a lot of people. This ploy was used at a Cindy Sheehan event a year ago. The picture was cropped to prevent readers from seeing that there were more reporters present than protesters.
Lets look at the way the rest of the world has been voting lately. According to the MSM America is hated because the world absolutely despises George W Bush whom we have had the bad taste to elect, twice. In Germany the candidate who presented herself as an ally of the United States was elected and the anti Bush candidate lost. In Australia, our second best ally in Iraq, Prime Minister Howard was re-elected. If you were asked which European country hates us the most you would probably say France. They just had an election in France. One candidate, an attractive woman was clearly anti-American and decidedly anti-Bush. She called her opponent, Nicolas Sarkozy "the Bush candidate" in hopes of using hatred of Bush to win the election. Sarkozy won with 53 percent of the votes!
Apparently it is the MSM that hated America and president Bush, not a majority of Europeans.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Food To Burn
Since then the cost of food has been rising steadily. I heard yesterday that food costs are up 17%. Since the fanfare about the wonder of Ethanol I have learned that burning it causes more pollution than burning gasoline. We have been trying to drill for oil in Anwar for 20 years and haven't allowed another oil refinery to be built in this country in 30 years. Perhaps we should do something about those two causes for high oil prices before we take a chance of starving a small percentage of the world population to make ourselves feel good because we are using less oil.
Jimmy Who?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Bush Haters, What's Your Beef?
The left in this country is nonsensical. They hated, absolutely hated Richard Nixon. What for, no one knows. They will say "Watergate" but they were after him long before that whole mess materialized. Richard Nixon tried to placate the left. Nixon created the EPA and OSHA, shouldn't the left appreciate that? Richard Nixon ended the Vietnam War, a war the left railed against for it's entirety. A war, by the way that was started by a Democrat, Kennedy, escalated by a Democrat, Johnson and ended by a Republican. The media was out to get Richard Nixon and Watergate gave them the opportunity to do so. Nixon was not involved in the break-in and had no knowledge of it at the time it occurred. He did come to know about it and was involved in the cover-up. When the time came he did the honorable thing, he resigned. At the time lying to the American People was a big deal, during the Clinton administration it was suddenly insignificant for the President to lie, even under oath which is an actual crime.
The most unfortunate product of the Nixon Administration is this, the leftists in the media learned that they could take down a President. Journalism schools thrived as young lefties lined up to learn how to be the next Woodward or Bernstein. Conservative voices were silenced as liberals took over the management of every news room in America. The New York Times depreciated under the management of a lesser Sulzberger. Arthur senior was nicknamed "Punch" Junior is called (behind his back I'm sure) "Pinch" and he took over in 1997. Since then the motto of the New York Times should have been changed from "All the news that's fit to print" to "All the news that fits our Agenda".
No matter how hard people like Pinch Sulzberger and Dan Rather were pulling for the leftist Democrats to win they continued to pretend they were "objective journalists". Dan Rather is a good example because his bias was so poorly hidden. Recall the vicious interview he did with the First President Bush when he was still the Vice President, in which the usually genteel Bush turned the tables on him with the way his eyes welled up when then President Clinton called him on the phone during a broadcast with co-anchor Connie Chung. The "hardened news man" gushed "If we can just be one one-hundredth as great as you and Mrs Clinton have been...blah, blah, blah".
Once the 2000 election came around even the pretense of objectivity was dropped. Thank heavens by then Rush Limbaugh had been on the air for two decades and we had the Fox News Channel growing by leaps and bounds. The gloves were off on the left but normal Americans had alternatives. If we didn't want to see Chris Matthews tear up as he reported that Gore had finally given up his quest to overturn the election results in Florida we could tune to Fox News Channel. If we were horrified to learn that Dan Rather used forged documents to discredit President Bush and his service in the Texas Air National Guard we could read a book written by John Kerry's "band of brothers". Not the few he carried with him, but the over 200 who said he was unfit to be president.
You see, something else had happened in the recent decade. Books with conservative points of view which were once refused by publishers had been found to be huge sellers. Now those books were published and read by millions. If CBS refused to tell you about the many inconsistencies in Kerry's rendition of his military service (which they did) you could buy the book. Now the big network news folks wouldn't investigate the questions raised, they would only investigate those raising them, but word got out. Think about it, three purple hearts and he never spent the night in a hospital?
Anyway, I digress. The truth of the matter is Bush, however imperfect has never knowingly lied to the American people. Bush has consistently done what he thought was best for this country. Not was was most popular, not what was the most expedient but what he actually felt was in the best interests of the United States of America. So Bush Haters take heed. Your hatred of President Bush has nothing to do with him. it is a choice you have made and one day in the not to distant future Bush will no longer be the president but you will still be filled with hatred and rage. Which is what you deserve and compassionate conservatism aside, I hope you choke on it!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Feel Safe or Be Safe
One small madman with two handguns was able to kill 32 innocent people. Some of the students who fled were licensed gun owners, some with concealed-carry permits. None had their guns with them because Virginia Tech is a “Gun-Free School Zone” except of course for the two handguns in the hands of the murderer.
A student had been disciplined the year before for bringing his gun onto school property. If only that student had been armed and present in Norris Hall Monday morning this terrible attack could have been cut short. Since the second amendment gives American citizens the “right to bear arms” gun free school zones have been challenged as unconstitutional.
Last January a bill that would have disallowed schools like Virginia Tech from disarming law abiding citizens was up for a vote. The Virginia General Assembly chose not to pass that bill. Larry Hincker is a spokesman for Virginia Tech and he made the following statement regarding that choice. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus." How safe do you think the parents, students and visitors feel now.
Gun control laws give us the illusion of safety and embolden criminals and mass murderers. This is most clearly displayed by the sharp increases in gun crime in England as private gun ownership was outlawed. Washington D.C. is another good example of how criminals react when they are confident their victims are unarmed and unable to properly defend themselves.
As Economics Professors John Lott and William Landes explained in their book, “The Bias Against Guns”, there is just one policy proven to reduce mass murders like this one. That policy is to enact concealed-carry laws. In their study of all public, multiple-victim shootings in this country from 1977 through 1999 states that allowed citizens to carry concealed handguns reduced these attacks by 60% and the death and injury from the attacks by almost 80%.
It is time to stop disarming law abiding citizens and to actually encourage Americans to take responsibility for their own safety. Look how terrible the Katrina crisis turned out because the people of New Orleans waited on government rather than taking action and evacuating as they knew they should.
We are about to have another gun debate in this country and the media is tuning up to sway the public toward more gun control. Stand up and demand your right to protect yourself, your home and your family. As the one person who cares most about your family and home you are the person best qualified to make decisions about protecting them.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
It's Time to Improve the View!
Rosie asserts that buildings can't collapse the way they did on September 11th. This is a statement that has been made by several people with no idea what they are talking about, like Charlie Sheen. Shortly after that terrible day a magazine, I think it was Popular Mechanics published a very complete explanation of how the WTC buildings "pancaked" when the floors hit by the airplanes gave way, dropping all the floors above on the floors below. There was some speculation that the structure might have held if the girders were coated with the fire retardant substance that was developed to replaced asbestos. The lower levels were coated but above a certain floor they were not. Although the new product is supposed to be enviormentally safe after all the asbestos lawsuits the builders didn't want to take any chances.
Rosie has attacked Donald Trunp, Miss USA, she has insulted Christians and the intelligence of everyone who has ever watched that show. Some examples of her comments include.......
In America we are fed propaganda
Do you want to know why we would go into Iran, for the money!
Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam.
This is a very angry and poorly informed woman and no one should be subjected to her rantings. Lets improve The View by removing this eyesore. Get Rosie off the air!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Anti War or Anti American?
The anti war groups had their chance to prevent this war and they failed. That chance was before we invaded Iraq and the peace activists need to know that their time is before the decision is made. Their time is before military action is taken. That is when they can try to convince Americans that they are right and no action should be begun. Once a majority of the American people support action and our elected representatives authorize that action the time for protests has passed.
Protesting the war once our forces are in harms way is wrong. It emboldens our enemies and gives them the hope they need to keep killing our young men and women. Placing the blame for every death in Iraq on America gives the terrorists a pass on their heinous attacks on innocent Iraqis. We are fighting an enemy that attacks and then hides behind women and children. The peace movement people never blame the terrorists committing these atrocities, they blame the coalition forces who are trying to stop the killing.
Calling our troops home to "protect" them is nonsensical. These are men and women who chose to defend their country. They did not join the military to be safe. They joined to keep us safe. Pulling them out before they have achieved their goals is the worst thing we could do to them. They are willing to die for a cause but you want to take their cause away, or say it is a worthless cause or an impossible cause. You say you want to protect our troops but the only way you try to do so is by forcing defeat on them.
One of the things I heard repeated often in the 18 months of discussion prior to the invasion of Iraq was "The first President Bush should have finished the job in the Gulf War". Well, now some of those same people want to leave the job unfinished a second time. If we do this is a battle that will have to be fought again in ten to fifteen years and by then the terrorists might have nuclear weapons. How many of our brave soldiers and marines will have to die to win that battle?
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thought for the Day
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Al Gore, Triple Threat!
Next we learned that Al Gore was purchasing these useless "carbon offsets" from, wait for it, Al Gore. He owns the company that he is paying to absolve himself for his energy gluttony.
Finally, Algore testified in front of the U.S. Congress where when he was asked if he would sign the "Energy Ethics Pledge" which he asks us all to sign at the end of his movie. Algore didn't say yes, he dodged the question. Hypocrisy, thy name is Al!
On the light side the late night talk hosts had a field day commenting on the size of Al's ass. Finally Al Gore was bringing a little joy into the world.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Letter From General Cash
By Jimmy L. Cash, Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret.
Due to the thunderous applause that I received from the far-left over the "I Am Tired" letter written by one of our troops in Iraq, I thought it prudent to follow up with one last attempt to be very specific about what I have observed and actually personally encountered during my 36 years of service to this Great Country. Unlike Bob McClellan, I will not continue to whine, twist and degrade our country's leaders on a weekly basis. Instead, this will be a one time input attempting to reach some of those who are confused by McClellan and his ilk's unethical rantings and give some insight through my personal experience as a professional military officer over the years. These examples are but a few. In real life there were many more which space and time will not allow.
As a young fighter pilot, flying F-4s in Vietnam, I was stopped in my tracks by the decisions made by Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara. I was young and naive, but even then I knew their daily interference was wrong and would not allow us to win this thing and go home. Decisions like not allowing us to strike enemy aircraft while still on the ground, keeping real targets off the target list, and allowing us to strike only rusted-out trucks made us basically a toothpick factory. However, the big one for me came the day I saw the President Lyndon Johnson on television, forcefully lying to the American people. I'll never forget the language, "I want to assure the American people that the United States of America has never, and will never, bomb or use force inside the borders of Cambodia". On and on he disavowed the reports that this was happening. I was amazed. Guess where I had put several F-4 loads of 750 pound general purpose bombs every day for the past five days. You guessed it, Cambodia!!! So much for Mr. Johnson. The only question in my mind was simply, "Was it just Johnson or was it the methodology of a particular political party?" I decided to delay answering that question until more experience was gained.
Years passed, and I ignored politics as much as possible, as a good military man should. Then came Jimmy Carter. Our young people don't remember 18% interest rates and 18% inflation, but I'll bet someone in your family does. That is one really bad thing Carter did for our country, but it is not the worst. During this period, I was an F-15 Squadron Commander, located at Langley AFB, VA. Jimmy Carter and his democratic party stopped spare parts procurement for almost every weapon system in our military, and diverted the funds to social programs. The F-15 was brand new at the time with leading edge technology designed to provide air superiority anywhere in the world on a moments notice. That was my job. I loved it, but guess what? In a two year period from 1979 to 1981, there was not one day when more that one-third of my assigned aircraft were flyable. It is amazing the lengths we went to in those days, cannibalizing parts, expending twice the time and energy to fix every little item, and still two-thirds of the birds were always broken because of no spare parts. Had this country faced a really serious military threat during that time frame, only Montana Hunters could have saved us. The military had some equipment, but it was all broken. Do you want to know the really bad part for me and the young fighter pilots working for me? Our flying sortie rate was so low that pilot proficiency dropped to dangerous levels. The accident rate tripled. That obviously was totally unacceptable, as we were losing expensive airplanes and highly trained young pilots at a rate comparable to losses seen in actual combat. All of a sudden, even a Texas Aggie like me began to see a trend.
Forward a few years to 1986. I am an F-16 Wing Commander at MacDill AFB, Florida, and Ronald Regan is president. His change in attitude and policy toward the military had time to fix the spare parts problem. We were flying 26,000 flying sorties per year out of MacDill AFB, my aircraft fully mission capable rate (FMC) was above 90%, the aircraft accident rate was below 1.75 per hundred thousand flying hours, fighter pilots were flying and proficiency levels were at an all time high. The United States Air Force was ready to defend this Wonderful Country. Proof of the pudding is simple. Look what the USAF, and the military in general, accomplished in Iraq during Desert Storm. And, they did it in less than 100 hours. Yeah, at this point I was starting to realize there was a difference in mentality between Democrats and Republicans, or should I say, the Right and the Left.
Then, came everyone's favorite---Bill Clinton. If there ever was an individual 180 degrees out of sync with the ideals and the values of the US military, it was Clinton. He was a known draft dodger, military hating, self absorbed, unspeakingly shameless and immoral individual, who the Left managed to elect President of the United States of America. Clinton's antics in the White House would have brought court martial, conviction, and Dishonorable Discharge had he been a military member. We still suffer oral sex on school buses, because the President told the world it wasn't real sex, and some of our children believed him. It took a lot of years, but now I became certain. There is a big difference in the right and the left on all fronts, and for the first time I started feeling angry and shamed that the majority of the American people were actually willing to vote for such an individual.
Sometimes, an abstract such as the following tells the story in very simple terms: Jane Fonda, Tom Hayden, Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Nancy Pelosi, Barbra Boxer, John Kerry, Benedict Arnold, and the list goes on. America, wake up. Giving in to the likes of these people and Abraham Lincoln's prediction of destruction from within just may come true. There is not a country in the world that can be considered a conventional military threat to the United States today. However, this country faces a new kind of threat---one that will not go away. It is a threat even more serious that WWII, because money, industry and technology will not defeat it. It is a threat of defeat from within. It is a threat of a faltering economy because of a lack of resources, or the even the simple threat of such a loss brought on by terrorism. It is a threat created by the American people trusting the inept. It is a threat created by the people wanting change, and perilously believing that the left can successfully deliver that change. Have you seen anything from the left that remotely resembles an answer to the Iraq situation? Have you seen anything more than continued Bush-Bashing? Is that an answer? If there was ever a need for a strong, well trained military, it is now. THE LEFT HAS HISTORICALLY DISMANTLED OUR MILITARY IN THE NAME OF REDISTRUBITION OF WEALTH FAVORING SOCIAL PROGRAMS. We just cannot afford to let that happen now. If we do, the entire country will be bowing to the east several times a day within the next 50 years, maybe sooner.
Now a final thought meant to upset as many as possible on the far-left. As you might guess, I don't believe in political correctness. So, let's look at the facts, not far-left rhetoric attempting to empower the democratic party. Initially, I was not a George Bush fan. I am not even a Republican. I normally vote Republican, because of my total despise of Communism, Socialism and the far-left in this country. I am a Conservative. However, during his watch, I feel President Bush just happened to stumble upon the leading edge of the greatest threat this country has ever faced. Mistakes have been made, because of the newness of the threat. Overall, the President has done a superb job dealing the threat, and at the same time held off the constant ranting, raving, deceitful and malicious escapades of the far-left attempting to regain political power. IF THERE WAS EVER A TIME THE COUNTRY NEEDS TO COME TOGETHER AND BACK OUR PRESIDENT, IT IS RIGHT NOW. WITHOUT CONCENSUS WE ARE EMPOWERING THE TERRORIST!!!! The far-left is totally absorbed with the power struggle and regaining control of congress. They could care less about defeating the threat. It literally disgusts me to hear the constant disagreement with everything the President tries to do, all in the name of trying to make him look bad to the voters. Unfortunately, by the time the American people really appreciate how bad the far-left really is, it may too late.
What are the real facts? On the home front this country's economy is the strongest that it has been in my lifetime. Interest rates are as low as they were when I was in high school forty years ago. Inflation does not exist for all practical purposes. For you youngster's, please remember the Jimmy Carter comments? The Dow is approaching 13,000. Unemployment is nonexistent. Wages are at an all time high. Home ownership is at an all time high. Taxes have been lowered to an almost acceptable level. Because of the surging economy the deficient is under control and projected to go away far ahead of schedule. The far-left is rich beyond its wildest dreams, so Mr. President when are you going to "fix" all these domestic problems? Bob and George, give me a break!!!!
On the war front this country has not been touched since 2001. I remember being part of a seminar at the USAF War College in 1983 discussing the terrorist threat. There were some good minds at that table and a lot of disagreement. However, one common thought was that the US would be hit within the next five years. Answers to the terrorist threat were just as hard to come by then as they are now. Well, it took a little longer than the projection, but the attack occurred. For an old military guy like me, the main point here is that it has not happened again. We have suckered the bad guys into entering the fight somewhere other than in our country. To hell with political correctness. The President can't say this, but I sure can. I smile every morning when I get up and realize that one of our great cities has not been blown away. And, there is zero doubt in my mind that if we pull out of Iraq prematurely, that will happen within a short period of time after our departure. I don't care what you might think of President Bush personally. He has done the best he can with what he has, and this country is not smoking because of it. So, back off McLean and McClellan. You honestly don't have a clue about what you are talking about. Call me, and I will tell you what I really think.
I realize there are different points of view on war, and I do not believe the meek will inherit the earth, at least not in the next few hundred years. To those like McClellan, McLean, poor Eve Kyes and Sinowa Cruz let me say, "This is a strong country!!!" It has survived the uneducated thinking of the far-left before, and I'll just bet it will again. Regardless of who is President, the people will not tolerate mass explosions on a daily basis, as our good friends in Israel have been forced to do. To protect that position of power, even Hillary will be forced to become a true hawk. To guarantee a few more votes Ted Kennedy may be forced to begin supporting a strong military. One more attack on America might even wipe the giddy, 'I-am-finally-somebody' grin from Nancy Pelosi's face, and make her realize that is not about votes and personal power. IT IS ABOUT PROTECTING THIS GREAT COUNTRY FROM ALL ENEMIES, BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.
Jimmy L. Cash, Brig. Gen., USAF, Ret.
349 Jib Lane Lakeside, Montana