This Christmas we have had to put up with al-Qa'ida trying to blow us up and atheists trying to deny us our reason for the season. I can't begin to understand what convoluted thought process allows people to believe that killing innocent strangers of another faith will bring them closer to their God. Consequently they need not be understood, they must simply be stopped.
The atheist are another story. They are like the obnoxious older child who couldn't wait to tell you there was no Santa Clause. They feel superior because they know better, at least they think they know better. They are like the woman I knew who rushed to my side one night when I entered a big party. I was surprised to see her hurry my way we weren't very close but she had a purpose. This woman wanted to be the first to tell me that another acquaintance of ours had died the night before. I am still taken back a bit by her enthusiasm. Who wants to be the bearer of bad news? Well, atheists I guess.
Atheists want to assure you that your faith in God is misplaced. The thing that gives your life purpose, guides your behavior and brings you comfort is a fake. How do atheist know there is not God? They say God does not exist because His existence cannot be proven. If only everyone would be as skeptical of man-made global warning. Being unable to prove something does not automatically prove the opposite. There are many unanswered questions in our world. We do not know all there is to know about how our world was created, how it all works and when and how it will all cease to exist.
So, the ACLU makes us push our Nativity scene to the side to make way for "Heathens Greetings" and billboards stating "Yes Virginia there is no God". If you want to spread the news that there is no God wouldn't April first be a better choice? Atheists believe faithful people have been duped so they should run their ads on April Fools Day. "Believe in God? April Fools!" That would be much more appropriate but unnecessary, people lose faith every day without any prompting. Christ Himself lost faith for a moment on the cross when he asked "Why have You forsaken me?"
If atheists are so confident in their anti-faith and want to open the eyes of others they are free to do so. However to insist on doing so during the most joyous time of the year, well I'm sorry but you are just being a jerk, and that is something which can be proven.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fair & Balanced? Damn Right They Are!
To all of you who rail against Fox News and claim that they are not "fair and balanced" step off! I know that it is shocking to you aficionados of CBS ABC CNN and worst of all MSNBC to hear the conservative view on any subject but 40% of this nation identify themselves as conservatives. Take that you 23% of self described liberals.
Firstly with the acquisition of John Stossel Fox News now has all of the Conservatives in broadcast media but that is only because they are not welcome at other networks. Secondly I can prove Fox News is fair and balanced. If they are not reporting the liberal side too why do I have to mute and fast forward thru the opinions of Bob Beckel, Geraldo Rivera, Ellis Hennigan, Geraldine Ferraro and Ellen Ratner (whom I like to say "puts the "rat" in Democrat" since the day she said she hoped we would lose in Iraq to prevent President Bush being reelected).
Try having opposing views to your own shoved in your face daily as conservatives have done for 30 years and you'll may develop some perspective. At any moment if I am watching a movie or TV show, listening to music or reading anything a liberal poison dart may strike. I once read an anti President Bush comment in a restaurant review in the Palm Beach Post. So suck it up you sniveling little liberals about conservatives having one news channel and most of talk radio as their tiny oasis from 24-7 liberal indoctrination.
Firstly with the acquisition of John Stossel Fox News now has all of the Conservatives in broadcast media but that is only because they are not welcome at other networks. Secondly I can prove Fox News is fair and balanced. If they are not reporting the liberal side too why do I have to mute and fast forward thru the opinions of Bob Beckel, Geraldo Rivera, Ellis Hennigan, Geraldine Ferraro and Ellen Ratner (whom I like to say "puts the "rat" in Democrat" since the day she said she hoped we would lose in Iraq to prevent President Bush being reelected).
Try having opposing views to your own shoved in your face daily as conservatives have done for 30 years and you'll may develop some perspective. At any moment if I am watching a movie or TV show, listening to music or reading anything a liberal poison dart may strike. I once read an anti President Bush comment in a restaurant review in the Palm Beach Post. So suck it up you sniveling little liberals about conservatives having one news channel and most of talk radio as their tiny oasis from 24-7 liberal indoctrination.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Liberals Never Learn
After the debacle of the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui's any one who was paying attention knows that a criminal trial for a terrorists is a bad idea. Moussaoui turned his trial into a circus When we tried "the blind sheik" we spent millions, gave a maniac a platform to spew his venom and released to the world the names of all the terrorists we knew about. On that list was Usama bin Laden and I'm sure he appreciated the "heads up" that we provided.
Our judicial system only works if all parties have some skin in the game. When you have a defendant who does not care if he is convicted he can really throw a wrench into the works. When Khalid Sheik Mohammed's was captured in Pakistan he said he would not tell us anything "until he arrived in New York and had an attorney". The Bush Administration had the good sense to not send him to New York. Instead, we splashed some water in his face and he sang like a canary. We got a lot of good information from KSM that allowed us to capture other terrorists and save innocent lives.
The Obama Administration lacks that "good sense". Egg-headed intellectual types are notorious for having high minded ideas that NEVER work well in the real world. KSM will use this opportunity to put the United States on trial and terrorists don't play fair. KSM will lie, cheat and do anything he can come up with to use the world stage Eric Holder has given him. The trial could take years and the expense will be unprecedented. New York will be more of a target for terrorists then ever.
This is the worst plan the Obama Administration has come up with yet.
Our judicial system only works if all parties have some skin in the game. When you have a defendant who does not care if he is convicted he can really throw a wrench into the works. When Khalid Sheik Mohammed's was captured in Pakistan he said he would not tell us anything "until he arrived in New York and had an attorney". The Bush Administration had the good sense to not send him to New York. Instead, we splashed some water in his face and he sang like a canary. We got a lot of good information from KSM that allowed us to capture other terrorists and save innocent lives.
The Obama Administration lacks that "good sense". Egg-headed intellectual types are notorious for having high minded ideas that NEVER work well in the real world. KSM will use this opportunity to put the United States on trial and terrorists don't play fair. KSM will lie, cheat and do anything he can come up with to use the world stage Eric Holder has given him. The trial could take years and the expense will be unprecedented. New York will be more of a target for terrorists then ever.
This is the worst plan the Obama Administration has come up with yet.
Friday, November 13, 2009
A Poem Written by my Niece
In His Green Chair
In his green chair he sits and stares,
Remembering times of despair.
Watching his westerns and the news,
Guns ablaze as John Wayne fights through,
Reminding him of the warfare.
He is my grandpa. And he cares
In his silence with loving glares,
Sits a tail gunner from World War III
In his green chair.
He saved many lives in the air
And lost more friends then I could bear.
He fought for our country, me, and you,
Representing red, white, and blue.
Sitting, after much wear and tear,
In his green chair.
-Madison Blake 11/11/09
In his green chair he sits and stares,
Remembering times of despair.
Watching his westerns and the news,
Guns ablaze as John Wayne fights through,
Reminding him of the warfare.
He is my grandpa. And he cares
In his silence with loving glares,
Sits a tail gunner from World War III
In his green chair.
He saved many lives in the air
And lost more friends then I could bear.
He fought for our country, me, and you,
Representing red, white, and blue.
Sitting, after much wear and tear,
In his green chair.
-Madison Blake 11/11/09
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Cereal Bowl Backlash
I don't eat cereal, I'm not a child. I remember a study a few years back that claimed "people who have cereal for breakfast are healthier than those who do not". Of course they are! Not because of the cereal but because they do what is expected of them. Cereal is for breakfast so that is what they eat. I assure you these are the people who wait an hour after eating before they swim. They look both ways before they cross the street they are going to outlive their less boring counterparts.
But I digress. It isn't cereal eaters that have got me steamed it is cereal bowls. I have lived for over fifteen years with a man who likes to have a bowl of cereal before bed nearly every night. It has never been much of a problem. I have no idea why a man who conscientiously rinses out his wine glass and places it in the sink drainer each evening has to leave his cereal bowl in the sink. There it sits the next morning with it's little spoon and the inevitable traces of left behind sweetened milk. Oh well, such is my lot in life and if this had been the extent of it you would never have heard a complaint from me, but things have gotten worse, much worse.
I now have three cereal eating people in my home. One person is very likely to rinse her bowl and spoon and place them in the dishwasher. Two can't seem to do this simple task. So, now when I get up in the morning I have a bowl to rinse and put in the dishwasher and if I go off to work or out to run errands there is a very good chance another bowl will appear in the sink while I am gone. No matter how clean I leave the kitchen there is a good chance that when I return a bowl and a spoon will be there to greet me. With a small puddle of milk just mocking me. Damn you cereal bowl, damn you to hell.
But I digress. It isn't cereal eaters that have got me steamed it is cereal bowls. I have lived for over fifteen years with a man who likes to have a bowl of cereal before bed nearly every night. It has never been much of a problem. I have no idea why a man who conscientiously rinses out his wine glass and places it in the sink drainer each evening has to leave his cereal bowl in the sink. There it sits the next morning with it's little spoon and the inevitable traces of left behind sweetened milk. Oh well, such is my lot in life and if this had been the extent of it you would never have heard a complaint from me, but things have gotten worse, much worse.
I now have three cereal eating people in my home. One person is very likely to rinse her bowl and spoon and place them in the dishwasher. Two can't seem to do this simple task. So, now when I get up in the morning I have a bowl to rinse and put in the dishwasher and if I go off to work or out to run errands there is a very good chance another bowl will appear in the sink while I am gone. No matter how clean I leave the kitchen there is a good chance that when I return a bowl and a spoon will be there to greet me. With a small puddle of milk just mocking me. Damn you cereal bowl, damn you to hell.
Katie and Madison

This is the year that my nieces will be
fourteen and fifteen and taller then me.
I cannot describe how lovely they are,
a blessing, a gift, a wish on a star.
Two pretty pink little bundles of joy,
nobody minded neither was a boy.
We thought them perfect but we've had to wait.
to see at what they would be good or great.
They grow more precious with each passing year,
continuing to amaze and endear.
Where will the future take our two beauties?
Somewhere great, you can bet your petutties.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
In Some Cases Even Switzerland Cannot Be Neutral
There are some actions that are just beyond the pale like drugging and sexually abusing a thirteen-year-old girl. Roman Polanski took a child to a party at Jack Nicholson's house and gave her Quaaludes and alcohol. Polanski took advantage of the girl having sexual intercourse and sodomizing the child. These acts are not alleged, Polanski plead guilty to a reduced charge of "illegal sex with a minor"in 1977.
This was a shameful situation all around. Shame on that child's parents for allowing her to go anywhere alone with Polanski. Shame on Jack Nicholson for condoning such behavior in his home. Shame on all the enlightened nitwits who defend Polanski. Apparently they cannot grasp the concept that a good director can also be a monster and the work does not excuse the evil.
Polanski fled the United States to avoid arrest and incarceration for his heinous acts. He has lived well for 32 years in France where it is considered unsophisticated to hold artist to any standards of decency. Now he has been arrested and there is a chance that he will finally receive the punishment he deserves. In a bit of irony the much celebrated Polanski was taken when he appeared to accept an award.
This was a shameful situation all around. Shame on that child's parents for allowing her to go anywhere alone with Polanski. Shame on Jack Nicholson for condoning such behavior in his home. Shame on all the enlightened nitwits who defend Polanski. Apparently they cannot grasp the concept that a good director can also be a monster and the work does not excuse the evil.
Polanski fled the United States to avoid arrest and incarceration for his heinous acts. He has lived well for 32 years in France where it is considered unsophisticated to hold artist to any standards of decency. Now he has been arrested and there is a chance that he will finally receive the punishment he deserves. In a bit of irony the much celebrated Polanski was taken when he appeared to accept an award.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wholly Inappropriate
In a country where 90% of Americans believe in God and 93% celebrate Christmas and 85% consider themselves to be Christians it is illegal to pray in public school. Most schools do not allow Christmas carols to be sung and even outlaw any mention of Christmas using the term "winter break" instead. Liberals and the ACLU have spent decades trying to force any demonstrations of faith from the public square. It has been acceptable to celebrate religions other than Christianity like say Islam or to celebrate Kwanzaa but the religion a vast majority of Americans follow is verboten.
Inch by inch our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion have been taken from us. Freedom of religion has morphed into freedom from religion forcing a gag order on the faithful. Keep your faith on the low down, shut up so that your beliefs won't offend someone who does not share your faith. At the same time don't complain when other beliefs are foisted upon you and your children. Some beliefs are allowed to be celebrated like "choice". "Choice" is good, women must have the right to choose. Homosexuality also must be celebrated in all it's forms, gay lesbian (are lesbians not gay what exactly is the difference besides gender?) trans gender (whatever the hell that is) and all the rest of that crowd. Speaking out against abortion earns you ridicule and can keep you off the Supreme Court. Daring to say that homosexuality isn't good for America is just "Hate Speech" pure and simple.
Although teachers were recently criminally prosecuted for saying grace over a meal where no students were present and even secular holiday tunes like "Here comes Santa Clause" cannot be sung by our nations school children a new religion is apparently encouraged. There isn't a formal name yet so I'll call it Obamaism. The following is the text of two hymns which were taught to and preformed by 2nd grade public school students. You can view the performance your self at
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said all should lend a hand to make the country strong again.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today, equal work means equal pay.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said take a stand, make sure everyone gets a chance.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight.
(wait that sounds familiar but in the version I learned all were "precious" in
His sight and He was Jesus not Barack Obama)
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.
Yeah! Barack Hussein Obama.
Then there is this charming ditty sung to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic...
…Hello, Mr. President, we honor you today
For all your great accomplishments, we all do say hooray.
Hooray, Mr. President, you are No. 1
The first black American to lead this nation.
Frightening, isn't it and not just the strained attempt at rhyme (hand and again, number one and nation). It's just like the daily song of praise all school children in Iraq used to sing to Saddam Hussain. Wow, who will depose America's dictator?...and all his little czars too???
Inch by inch our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and religion have been taken from us. Freedom of religion has morphed into freedom from religion forcing a gag order on the faithful. Keep your faith on the low down, shut up so that your beliefs won't offend someone who does not share your faith. At the same time don't complain when other beliefs are foisted upon you and your children. Some beliefs are allowed to be celebrated like "choice". "Choice" is good, women must have the right to choose. Homosexuality also must be celebrated in all it's forms, gay lesbian (are lesbians not gay what exactly is the difference besides gender?) trans gender (whatever the hell that is) and all the rest of that crowd. Speaking out against abortion earns you ridicule and can keep you off the Supreme Court. Daring to say that homosexuality isn't good for America is just "Hate Speech" pure and simple.
Although teachers were recently criminally prosecuted for saying grace over a meal where no students were present and even secular holiday tunes like "Here comes Santa Clause" cannot be sung by our nations school children a new religion is apparently encouraged. There isn't a formal name yet so I'll call it Obamaism. The following is the text of two hymns which were taught to and preformed by 2nd grade public school students. You can view the performance your self at
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said all should lend a hand to make the country strong again.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today, equal work means equal pay.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said take a stand, make sure everyone gets a chance.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black and white, all are equal in his sight.
(wait that sounds familiar but in the version I learned all were "precious" in
His sight and He was Jesus not Barack Obama)
Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.
Yeah! Barack Hussein Obama.
Then there is this charming ditty sung to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic...
…Hello, Mr. President, we honor you today
For all your great accomplishments, we all do say hooray.
Hooray, Mr. President, you are No. 1
The first black American to lead this nation.
Frightening, isn't it and not just the strained attempt at rhyme (hand and again, number one and nation). It's just like the daily song of praise all school children in Iraq used to sing to Saddam Hussain. Wow, who will depose America's dictator?...and all his little czars too???
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Racists Conundrum
What are American racists to do? Should they hate President Obama because he is half black or hate him because he is half white? It doesn't really matter because apparently you will be called a racist if you dare to complain about any of the President's policies. So if you think Obama's health care plan will destroy a system that provides the best medical care in the world you can keep it to yourself or get ready to be defamed.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
A Lie by any Other Name Still Decieves
Last night South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson voiced the opinion of millions of Americans when he shouted "You Lie" during President Obama's speech. Truth is the President statement that his health care plan will not cover illegals is probably untrue for many reasons and a statement need not be a lie to deceive. If the President was saying that his health care plan won't cover illegals because his immigration plan will make illegals legal that is still a deception. However, what and where is the President's health care plan? The answer is there isn't one. There are several bills floating around but none was authored by the Obama administration and if he is supporting one of these bills he has yet to signal which one. Obama had the nerve to tell the Republicans "If you have a better plan where is it?" Too bad for him several members had copies of their bills with them which they waved in response to a question he must have meant to be hypothetical.
The demonstrated shock and outrage is excessive and hypocritical. Media pundits and politicians have repeated over and over another lie that this outburst is "unprecedented". The only thing that makes the occurrence "unprecedented" is that a single voice rang out rather than the crowd of boos heard from Democrats at the 2004 state of the union speech given by President Bush. For eight years it was considered brillant and or fashionable to call the President a liar Now it is suddenly beyond the pale to do such a disrespectful thing.
This double standard is nothing new. Democrats can get away with stupid statements, tax evasion, criminality and extra marital activities for which Republicans are forced to apologise repeatedly until they are forced to resign. Republicans are criticized unless they play by the Marquess of Queensberry rules and Democrats get a pass from their party, their supporters and the media.
The bipartisan laugh Obama got when he said "there are a lot of details to be worked out" was actually the most embarrassing moment of the speech. Yep, our President told us that he can provide insurance coverage to more people with no loss of quality for less money. If that isn't a lie I don't know what is.
The demonstrated shock and outrage is excessive and hypocritical. Media pundits and politicians have repeated over and over another lie that this outburst is "unprecedented". The only thing that makes the occurrence "unprecedented" is that a single voice rang out rather than the crowd of boos heard from Democrats at the 2004 state of the union speech given by President Bush. For eight years it was considered brillant and or fashionable to call the President a liar Now it is suddenly beyond the pale to do such a disrespectful thing.
This double standard is nothing new. Democrats can get away with stupid statements, tax evasion, criminality and extra marital activities for which Republicans are forced to apologise repeatedly until they are forced to resign. Republicans are criticized unless they play by the Marquess of Queensberry rules and Democrats get a pass from their party, their supporters and the media.
The bipartisan laugh Obama got when he said "there are a lot of details to be worked out" was actually the most embarrassing moment of the speech. Yep, our President told us that he can provide insurance coverage to more people with no loss of quality for less money. If that isn't a lie I don't know what is.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Democrats Ever Shifting Priorities
Democrats have a shockingly ever shifting set of priorities. They know that they can change the definition of words if it is beneficial to them. Heaven knows the lame stream media will never call them on it. Well if Bill Clinton can question the meaning of the word "is" then more complicated concepts like patriotism or experience can certainly have murky meanings.
When a Democrat presidential candidate has served in the United States military it is important and when he has not it is of no importance. Bill Clinton was an actual "draft dodger" but he was the Democrats presidential candidate so military service suddenly had nothing to to with being Americas Commander in Chief. Clinton ran against two true military heroes. George H W Bush and Bob Dole. Then when John Kerry was the candidate his four MONTHS in Viet Nam was essential experience for anyone who would dare to be our President and the two years George W. Bush spent in the Texas Air National Guard was worthless.
Apparently it was acceptable for Mr. Obama to list the groups and individuals he claims are telling lies about his alleged health care plan. It is apparently also fine for him to threaten opponents by promising to "call them out". It seems to be okay for the head of his party, Howard Dean, to say that Americans who disagree with Obama are "trying to bring down the country" tho to Dean's credit he later claimed he never made such a statement, despite the moment being caught on film. It was perfectly acceptable for Speaker of the Democrat run House to mention swastikas when describing the Americans attending town hall meetings. Also, any American who dares to disagree with any policy of the Obama administration can be called a racist.
One of the chief arguments against electing George W Bush was his lack of "experience" despite him being in his second term as governor of Texas. First he ran against a life time politician who had never authored a significant piece of legislation and who had been less than influential as Vice-President. Then he defeated another life time politician who had never authored a significant piece of legislation and who had been known to usually be more interested in leaving the Senate early than on what was going on there. Apparently Kerry was happy to rest in the shade of Sen Kennedy's plus-size shadow.
Despite Obama's total lack of executive experience and military experience his ability to be President of the United States of America was never questioned. Governor Palin's ability to be Vice-president however was debated endlessly. Personally I'd rather see Floyd the barber in line to replace the President ahead of Joe Biden. Biden's secret service code name is rumored to be "assassination insurance".
Well, we get the government we deserve...heaven help us!
When a Democrat presidential candidate has served in the United States military it is important and when he has not it is of no importance. Bill Clinton was an actual "draft dodger" but he was the Democrats presidential candidate so military service suddenly had nothing to to with being Americas Commander in Chief. Clinton ran against two true military heroes. George H W Bush and Bob Dole. Then when John Kerry was the candidate his four MONTHS in Viet Nam was essential experience for anyone who would dare to be our President and the two years George W. Bush spent in the Texas Air National Guard was worthless.
Apparently it was acceptable for Mr. Obama to list the groups and individuals he claims are telling lies about his alleged health care plan. It is apparently also fine for him to threaten opponents by promising to "call them out". It seems to be okay for the head of his party, Howard Dean, to say that Americans who disagree with Obama are "trying to bring down the country" tho to Dean's credit he later claimed he never made such a statement, despite the moment being caught on film. It was perfectly acceptable for Speaker of the Democrat run House to mention swastikas when describing the Americans attending town hall meetings. Also, any American who dares to disagree with any policy of the Obama administration can be called a racist.
One of the chief arguments against electing George W Bush was his lack of "experience" despite him being in his second term as governor of Texas. First he ran against a life time politician who had never authored a significant piece of legislation and who had been less than influential as Vice-President. Then he defeated another life time politician who had never authored a significant piece of legislation and who had been known to usually be more interested in leaving the Senate early than on what was going on there. Apparently Kerry was happy to rest in the shade of Sen Kennedy's plus-size shadow.
Despite Obama's total lack of executive experience and military experience his ability to be President of the United States of America was never questioned. Governor Palin's ability to be Vice-president however was debated endlessly. Personally I'd rather see Floyd the barber in line to replace the President ahead of Joe Biden. Biden's secret service code name is rumored to be "assassination insurance".
Well, we get the government we deserve...heaven help us!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Obama to Our Greatest Generation - Drop Dead
Those of you who served your country in WWII may get a second opportunity to die for your country. Only 43% of you voted for President Obama in 2008 and he has no incentive to help you make it to 2012. Consequently the President plans to reduce health care costs by discouraging the elderly from needlessly extending their lives.
In a recent town hall meeting the President was given a scenario in which a 100 year-old woman needed and received a pacemaker. The woman is now 105 and going strong. Her daughter asked Mr Obama if that could happen under his plan and his response was "in the case of someone who is 100 perhaps it would be better to give them a pain pill". Now I'm no doctor but I am pretty sure that, unlike a pacemaker, a pain pill would not keep a human heart beating.
It should come as no surprise that a man who was comfortable supporting a bill that made it legal to allow the babies born alive in late term abortions to be set aside until they died would have no problem telling Grandma or Grandpa "Lets just make you comfortable, curing you is just not cost effective".
In a recent town hall meeting the President was given a scenario in which a 100 year-old woman needed and received a pacemaker. The woman is now 105 and going strong. Her daughter asked Mr Obama if that could happen under his plan and his response was "in the case of someone who is 100 perhaps it would be better to give them a pain pill". Now I'm no doctor but I am pretty sure that, unlike a pacemaker, a pain pill would not keep a human heart beating.
It should come as no surprise that a man who was comfortable supporting a bill that made it legal to allow the babies born alive in late term abortions to be set aside until they died would have no problem telling Grandma or Grandpa "Lets just make you comfortable, curing you is just not cost effective".
Saturday, July 18, 2009
President's Promises, Like His Pitches, Fall Short

Some Presidents can throw like a pro and others throw like a beauty queen.
When the Democrats insisted that the "Stimulus" bill had to be passed immediately the President said that it would create two to three million jobs. That promise was quickly altered to "create or save" two million jobs. This was a brilliant move because there is no way to prove how many jobs have been "saved". This week the President tells us that the oh so urgent stimulus bill was never expected to have an immediate impact. "It was always a two year plan" I believe was the exact quote but unlike our media I have a memory. President Obama and his team said that without this bill passed immediately unemployment would hit 9%. Well, we are over 9% now with the bill passed. Obama and Biden blather on about how they inherited so many problems. Well they were both in the Senate before they ran if they didn't want the job they shouldn't have run.
Now, about that pitch. First the president strides out amid cheers and boos in a pair of jeans which have a crease ironed into them??? Anticipating the boos the President is wearing a White Sox jacket like oh sure, he is getting booed but it's because of the White Sox jacket not his pathetic handling of our economy. Then he throws a pitch so pathetic that the FOX camera is forced to avert it's eyes from the landing near home plate. What is the story with this guy? He can only play basketball? Obama's attempts at golf are said to be laughable and remember he tried bowling during his campaign. I got a higher bowling score on my first game than he did and the difference was he was 46 and I was 6.
Now, about that pitch. First the president strides out amid cheers and boos in a pair of jeans which have a crease ironed into them??? Anticipating the boos the President is wearing a White Sox jacket like oh sure, he is getting booed but it's because of the White Sox jacket not his pathetic handling of our economy. Then he throws a pitch so pathetic that the FOX camera is forced to avert it's eyes from the landing near home plate. What is the story with this guy? He can only play basketball? Obama's attempts at golf are said to be laughable and remember he tried bowling during his campaign. I got a higher bowling score on my first game than he did and the difference was he was 46 and I was 6.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Months ago I met a bartender who was a Hillary supporter. He said "Well, you have to admit universal health care would be a good thing". I told him no it would be a very bad plan and gave him a few examples of "health care" in England. People waiting till they go blind in one eye to get treatment for macular degeneration. An Englishman super gluing his tooth in place since there are no dentists. Imagine if we had universal bar service. The government would set his pay, tell him what to charge and he would not have the right to refuse service to anyone. Tips would be illegal because it might mean those who could afford to tip might get better service. The lazy bartender would make the exact same amount as the hard working one. Now would service improve do you think? Would being a bartender be more enjoyable?
I'm sure this young genius is in the 32% in his age group who think Socialism is as good a system as Democracy. Our government can't run a railroad or deliver the mail without losing their shirts do we really want to put our health care in their hands?
I'm sure this young genius is in the 32% in his age group who think Socialism is as good a system as Democracy. Our government can't run a railroad or deliver the mail without losing their shirts do we really want to put our health care in their hands?
Sunday, July 12, 2009
January 23, 1947 – July 7, 2009
January 23, 1947 – July 7, 2009
Donald Anderson was, to put it simply, one of the good guys. He was no slave to fashion, no citizen of the world, I’m pretty sure he never got a manicure. Don was the type of man we see less these days a good old American guy. Don was raised by two wonderful people; Bill and Lavergne Anderson, to honor his parents love his country and behave like a gentleman. Dons’ mother’s brownies with white frosting were always his favorite treat. If any of the women in his home planned to make brownies he would ask them to use his mother’s recipe. Don and his brother Bill both served our nation in the armed forces. Don always knew he could count on his big brother and Bill knew he might get a late night I love you bro call at any time.
Don had his own ideas about things but he could be won over. When he walked into his college dorm room for the first time and saw his roommate playing a guitar he thought “What have I gotten myself into?” By the end of the first semester he had made a friend and developed a lifelong appreciation for Sonny & Cher’s “I’ve got you Babe. Don had a great sense of humor but didn’t like to draw attention to himself. He was a thoughtful person who seemed content to observe and listen and consider. Then Don would inject a comment or two that were always insightful, interesting and well worth hearing. Don was really quite brilliant and I deeply regret that I didn’t spend more time discussing current events with him.
Don was a kind and loving husband. He had about a number of ways of saying Deanne. When he was teasing, chiding or pretending to be shocked he would always say Deanne instead of De. I can hear his voice saying Deanne and shock, teasing or whatever inflection he chose you could hear the love quite clearly. Don was very protective of Deanne he did all the stinky jobs like cleaning the shells, cleaning out De’s lunch containers for her or seeing to any of the hundreds of details he took upon himself to make her life easier. Don did all the ironing and most of the gift buying. He took time to notice what all of their friends and family liked and was always on the lookout for the very thing that would delight one of the lucky people on his gift list. Don was an excellent gift wrapper and even recycled last year’s Christmas cards into lovely tags for this year’s gifts.
Don had a special relationship with his sister in law, Margaret Quinn. He was ever vigilant in seeking out Miami Dolphin memorabilia for her. Margret wasn’t shy about asking if he had anything for her either. She would sometimes tease the gifts out of him and was always thrilled with whatever he had found. Margaret’s child like enthusiasm made the gift giving as enjoyable for Don as the receiving was for Margaret. Today they are together again and looking over all the loved ones they have left behind, just for a time.
Some men might think twice about marrying a woman with two little girls but Don saw Peggy and Lori as the bonus blessings they were. Even during the teen years when they overfilled and broke the washing machine on a regular basis, sure he complained, loudly sometimes but you could tell that he really enjoyed being the guy who could fix the washing machine. Don has been a loving father from the first and the blessing of two little girls was multiplied by the gift of two grandsons.
Matthew and Steven can tell you what a wonderful loving grandfather their Poppop has been. Don taught Stephen to play cribbage as soon as he was old enough to hold a hand of cards so well that Stephen was able to beat his Uncle Bill the first time they played. Thursday night Steven and Uncle Bill played cribbage again and with PopPop looking over his shoulder Stephen didn’t just win, he “skunked” his uncle.
Matt and Don were co-conspirators in a sense. During the family trips to Mitchells Sand Castle in Sanibel they would go shelling during the low tide. The low tide was often between midnight and 3am. While everyone else slept they would slip out of the hotel like cat burglars, bundled up, carrying flashlights to collect the shells that were underwater the other 23 hours of the day. I am sure Matt will treasure those memories over the most exotic shells they discovered.
Don somehow spent his time in the army in Colorado and learned to ski. Don and Deanne got involved in the local Snow Ski club and went on a number of ski trips over the years. Most people who fly from Florida to ski country take steps to deal with the difference in altitude and humidity. Not Don, we were all having lunch on the mountain once and while I was gulping water to recover from a morning of skiing in the thin dry air Don was enjoying a Miller Lite. He had a tee shirt that said “Never too drunk to ski”
Don somehow spent his time in the army in Colorado and learned to ski. Don and Deanne got involved in the local Snow Ski club and went on a number of ski trips over the years. Most people who fly from Florida to ski country take steps to deal with the difference in altitude and humidity. Not Don, we were all having lunch on the mountain once and while I was gulping water to recover from a morning of skiing in the thin dry air Don was enjoying a Miller Lite. He had a tee shirt that said “Never too drunk to ski”
Deanne and Don enjoyed diving, snorkeling and boating. Many of us here were or are members of the Flotilla Club and the Palm Beach Fin Divers. Some people who dive just look but Don didn’t like coming up empty handed. He speared fish and caught lobster. Don found bottles and shells if you’ve been to the Anderson home you know how good he was. Deep down I know Don thought he would find sunken treasure one day I saw it in his eyes once when we were in Key West looking at treasure in some little museum. I always hoped he would come across at least one gold doubloon but for Don it wasn’t what he had just found that was most exciting to him; it was always what he would find next. I dressed rather brightly today because of a complaint Don voiced twenty years ago at the Fin Diver Christmas party. He just didn’t see why so many women wore black when they dressed up and he preferred to see us in bright colors.
Don’s collecting went way beyond shells. He collected cookie jars, Marilyn Monroe bottles of wine and many things of interest and value. Don was telling me once about his Tweety Bird collection and how the value was increasing. Initially I thought he was pulling my leg, but over the years he bought and sold so many things at a profit I have to admit he knew that he was talking about. I think it was the very concept of finding value where others might overlook it that drew Don to be such a collector. When Don wasn’t finding beautiful things he was creating them. His mosaics are really quite wonderful and I am pleased that I have a lovely example of Don’s artistic talent in my home which I will always treasure.
Don was incredibly intelligent and had a natural mathematical gift. Over the years he developed systems to win at Jai Ali and the lottery. Unfortunately these schemes required huge financial investment and he ever got the chance to fully test them. Recently he found black jack to be a suitable outlet for his skill and desire to gamble. Although, judging from his success at the black jack tables you couldn’t really call it gambling. De’s brother Jim and family friend Gary can tell you firsthand about Don’s cruise ship casino success and perhaps explain why he referred to them as “the girls”.
From the moment I heard the terrible and shocking news of Don’s death the same phrase kept running through my mind. What will we do without Don? As I pictured future events, parties and get-togethers wondering if they would even be possible I kept thinking what will we do without Don? I don’t know the answer to that question. I don’t know why this wonderful man was taken from us so abruptly and at such a young age.
I do know that he was loved and admired, I know that he will never be forgotten and that he will be missed so very terribly missed.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
More On That Dance Step
As it turns out the promised new dance step has not been lost. We will all be able to see it provided we buy the DVD!
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Dance Move We'll Never See
Well, Michael Jackson is gone. We don't know yet exactly what caused his death just a short time prior to his 51st birthday. Michael was planning a tour which promised a dance move that would amaze us all. Unless there is some film of rehersals that is a dance move the world will never see. I hope that Michael was truly innocent of the charges that were dismissed against him and that he has found eternal peace.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Outraged at Last!
Finally, finally the President is outraged over what is going on in Iran. First stealing an election that was not open or fair to begin with (the unelected Mullahs got to pick the candidates). Second, they announced the results immediately when it should have taken days to count all the ballots. Next, the results themselves were highly suspect. All pre-election polls predicted a loss for Ahmadinejad or at least a very close election but the results announced were a landslide for the incumbent. Then we began to hear that there were more votes than voters in some providence's but that is nothing new for a politician from Chicago.
When Iranian citizens began to protest in the streets they were tear gassed, beaten, and some were killed. President Obama's spokesman called this a "debate". Worse still, the President himself said there was "very little difference between the two candidates". That is not what people risking their lives to achieve democracy want to hear from the President of the United States. However, it is what we can expect from our current President who has no true core principles.
Now, finally our President is using words like outraged but as the mullahs close their iron fist on the citizens of Iran it is too little too late.
When Iranian citizens began to protest in the streets they were tear gassed, beaten, and some were killed. President Obama's spokesman called this a "debate". Worse still, the President himself said there was "very little difference between the two candidates". That is not what people risking their lives to achieve democracy want to hear from the President of the United States. However, it is what we can expect from our current President who has no true core principles.
Now, finally our President is using words like outraged but as the mullahs close their iron fist on the citizens of Iran it is too little too late.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Time for Democrats to Change their Name Again?
In the not too distant past the Democrat Party began calling itself the Democratic Party. This was not announced as a name change they just pretended that the party name was "Democratic" all along. In the more distant past it was the Democrats who supported spreading democracy and so called "Nation Building". Back then Republicans were the isolationists who thought that we should "mind our business". There has been a complete reversal of roles.
During the 18 month debate about Iraq (dubbed the "rush to war" by lefties) one of the arguments put forward by Democrats was essentially "Democracy, it's not for everyone". It was said that the people of Iraq were not ready or able to create and maintain a democracy. President Bush and I disagreed. Bush put his presidency on the line to provide democratic governments to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. If both these fledgling democracies survive President Bush will have freed more people than Abraham Lincoln.
Meanwhile, his successor will not choose a side between the people of Iran and the Mullahs who first stole an election and are now attempting to force their citizens into accepting those results. The Mullah's first tried to shut down all media coverage of the election results and the ensuing protests. When texts and tweeters kept communication possible the Mullah's got serious about dealing with descent in their nation. Protesters have been beaten, tear gassed and even killed in the streets. Many of the protesters carry signs written in English, clearly a cry for help from the west.
If only President Obama were more like President Kennedy who in his inaugural said..."Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to to insure the survival and the success of liberty." The difference between the two men could not be more clear. One had principals and the other has panache.
During the 18 month debate about Iraq (dubbed the "rush to war" by lefties) one of the arguments put forward by Democrats was essentially "Democracy, it's not for everyone". It was said that the people of Iraq were not ready or able to create and maintain a democracy. President Bush and I disagreed. Bush put his presidency on the line to provide democratic governments to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq. If both these fledgling democracies survive President Bush will have freed more people than Abraham Lincoln.
Meanwhile, his successor will not choose a side between the people of Iran and the Mullahs who first stole an election and are now attempting to force their citizens into accepting those results. The Mullah's first tried to shut down all media coverage of the election results and the ensuing protests. When texts and tweeters kept communication possible the Mullah's got serious about dealing with descent in their nation. Protesters have been beaten, tear gassed and even killed in the streets. Many of the protesters carry signs written in English, clearly a cry for help from the west.
If only President Obama were more like President Kennedy who in his inaugural said..."Let every nation know whether it wishes us well or ill that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to to insure the survival and the success of liberty." The difference between the two men could not be more clear. One had principals and the other has panache.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
..and where does the President get off commenting that America, like Islamic countries does not offer full equality to women. First of all there is a big difference between not allowing women to attend school, drive or leave their homes without a male family member and not yet electing a woman president. By the way who prevented Hillary Clinton from being President? Obama!
Monday, June 08, 2009
President Obama’s recently gave a historic (apparently everything the guy does is historic) speech in Cairo. Like President Bush in similar speeches, Obama went out of his way to praise Muslims, but to the best of my knowledge Bush didn’t just make stuff up. President Obama described himself as a “student of history” and went on to tell some real whoppers.
According to Mr. Obama we can thank the Muslims for arches, spires, poetry, music, algebra, calligraphy the compass, printing, our understanding of how disease spreads and can be healed and most remarkably their religious tolerance and racial equality. Where does he get this stuff? Remember that there were no Muslims until the 7th century and the Romans had arches and spires before the birth of Christ. Poetry, I’ll give them that one if Kahill Gabran was a Muslim but on music I’m doubtful since some Muslim communities forbid musical instruments. I’ll throw in calligraphy, who really cares after all what the impact a lack of Islam would have had on the world’s wedding invitations. Algebra and the magnetic compass are a little more useful and I assure you neither were a gift to the world from Islam. The magnetic compass was a Chinese invention a version of which might also have been discovered by Central Americans. The first people known to use Algebra were the ancient Babylonians and the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese and the Indians all had their versions of this mathematical process before Islam existed. If Islam ever had any innovations in disease control or printing they didn’t make a big splash in the world with their insights.
Finally, religious tolerance and racial equality, give me a break! I have often heard from smart people I trust that Islam is a religion that has often been spread by the sword. I know that there are countries on our planet today where the punishment for converting from Islam to any other religion is death. That seems to suppoprt the "spread by the sword" claim.
Hey Mr, President, how about saying something positive about the country that elected you just for a welcome change of pace.
According to Mr. Obama we can thank the Muslims for arches, spires, poetry, music, algebra, calligraphy the compass, printing, our understanding of how disease spreads and can be healed and most remarkably their religious tolerance and racial equality. Where does he get this stuff? Remember that there were no Muslims until the 7th century and the Romans had arches and spires before the birth of Christ. Poetry, I’ll give them that one if Kahill Gabran was a Muslim but on music I’m doubtful since some Muslim communities forbid musical instruments. I’ll throw in calligraphy, who really cares after all what the impact a lack of Islam would have had on the world’s wedding invitations. Algebra and the magnetic compass are a little more useful and I assure you neither were a gift to the world from Islam. The magnetic compass was a Chinese invention a version of which might also have been discovered by Central Americans. The first people known to use Algebra were the ancient Babylonians and the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese and the Indians all had their versions of this mathematical process before Islam existed. If Islam ever had any innovations in disease control or printing they didn’t make a big splash in the world with their insights.
Finally, religious tolerance and racial equality, give me a break! I have often heard from smart people I trust that Islam is a religion that has often been spread by the sword. I know that there are countries on our planet today where the punishment for converting from Islam to any other religion is death. That seems to suppoprt the "spread by the sword" claim.
Hey Mr, President, how about saying something positive about the country that elected you just for a welcome change of pace.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
It's Rush Hour in Manhatten Mr. President, Do You Know Where Your Plane is at?
President Bush, God love him, made his share of mistakes but he never buzzed Manhatten. Bush never asked American's suffering through tough economic times to "tighten their belts" while he was serving $100 a pound Japanese beef every Wednesday night and spending $329,000 to take a photo of his airplane. America had to suffer through eight years of liberals acting out their Bush Derangement Syndrome but Bush never sent several hundred New Yorkers running for their lives in the middle of their work day.
Like many national debates fueled by our wonderful media the entire premise is wrong. America always starts with a worthy and perfectly valid idea. Then time and the endless efforts of "progressives" contort that idea to imbecility. Consider the idea that "cruel and unusual" punishment should not be allowed. Sounds great but look how that idea has been manipulated over the years. One method after another of inflicting the death penalty has been eliminated. Newer and more humane methods were invented only to later be deemed cruel and unusual. We are currently at the point where death penalty opponents argue that lethal injection is cruel because we cannot be sure the recipient does not feel some pain or discomfort. They no longer bother to argue the "unusual" part since executions are so rare they feel unusual no longer applies. Also, this obscures the meaning of the phrase. You see, we never meant to outlaw punishment that was cruel, just punishment that was unusually cruel.
Now, thanks to the media and our new President we are calling mildly rough interrogation methods torture. I assure you I have both received and have doled out worst punishment simply by growing up with four siblings. Imagine the horror of being told that a caterpillar would be placed in your cell. The offending bug was never introduced, just threatened. Imagine the impact being lightly smacked on the cheek, or grabbed by your lapels or pressed suddenly up against a wall could have on your self esteem. If you've lead a normal life you shouldn't have to imagine these things you can just remember what it was like when you encountered a school yard bully in elementary school, and that kid actually had a bug in most cases.
Waterboarding is deemed torture by President Obama but splashing water on the face of a terrorists is not my idea of torture. To me torture would have to be something more serious like being forced to decide between burning to death or jumping from an eighty or ninety story window. I would consider if torture if a man bit my lip and held that lip painfully between his teeth while he raped me or if he left me trapped in submerged car to die. There is a limit to the amount of empathy I can offer people who are willing to bomb a pizza parlor filled with women and children, fly a plane full of innocent folks into a building or hack off the head of a young man for his great sin of being born an American and a Jew.
Torture? Really Mr. President.
Now, thanks to the media and our new President we are calling mildly rough interrogation methods torture. I assure you I have both received and have doled out worst punishment simply by growing up with four siblings. Imagine the horror of being told that a caterpillar would be placed in your cell. The offending bug was never introduced, just threatened. Imagine the impact being lightly smacked on the cheek, or grabbed by your lapels or pressed suddenly up against a wall could have on your self esteem. If you've lead a normal life you shouldn't have to imagine these things you can just remember what it was like when you encountered a school yard bully in elementary school, and that kid actually had a bug in most cases.
Waterboarding is deemed torture by President Obama but splashing water on the face of a terrorists is not my idea of torture. To me torture would have to be something more serious like being forced to decide between burning to death or jumping from an eighty or ninety story window. I would consider if torture if a man bit my lip and held that lip painfully between his teeth while he raped me or if he left me trapped in submerged car to die. There is a limit to the amount of empathy I can offer people who are willing to bomb a pizza parlor filled with women and children, fly a plane full of innocent folks into a building or hack off the head of a young man for his great sin of being born an American and a Jew.
Torture? Really Mr. President.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Obama's War of Words
Apparently President Obama thinks he can solve problems simply by changing what we call them. Tired of the "War on Terror"? No problem we'll scrap it for a much lesser conflict, the "overseas contingency". We needn't worry about terrorist attacks. Even if there is one the Obama administration plans to call it a "man caused disaster". Really? If you want to discuss a disaster lets discuss Janet Nipolitano. As a British newspaper recently asked "How did this woman get her job?" Would it be too unkind to say the best thing about her is her haircut?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm sure many of us expected some "rookie mistakes" from the Obama administration and we haven't been disappointed. I do think we could have expected better from Hillary Clinton. The Obama's have very little experience thinking about others. They talk a good game about helping others but have pretty much looked after their own interests primarily. Mrs Clinton however was the First Lady for eight years and should know a thing or two about appropriate gifts for foreign dignitaries.
When America's best ally, Great Britain sent Prime Minister Brown for a state visit the Obama's lack of experience was blatantly obvious. President Obama chose to unilaterally omit the traditional joint press conference, without advising the British PM. Bit of a nasty surprise that! Unaware of the diss to come the Browns chose their gifts for the Obama family carefully. The Obama girls received outfits from a trendy British children's shop and an assortment of British children's books. A thoughtful and personal gift. The gift to President Obama was a pen case made from wood taken from the sister ship of the MS Resolute. A gift with historical significance. In return the Brown children received gifts that probably came from the White House gift shop and PM Brown received DVD of 50 American movies which unfortunately were in a format that will not work in Great Britain. Not an especially thoughtful gift for a man who is blind in one eye and has probably seen all the classic films anyway.
The Clinton gaffe was even more troubling. In an attempt to stick to their story that America lost international status during the Bush administration the Clinton State Department came up with a cheap little trick which backfired. In a televised meeting with Russian diplomat Mrs. Clinton presented a prop. The so called "reset button" was supposed to demonstrate a "do-over" in the relationship between America and Russia. The idea itself was too cute by half and the execution was flawed. Considering our history with Russia handing them a red button is problematic on it's own. Add to that the fact that button was labeled "Overcharge" instead of "Reset" (shouldn't we have people in the state department who know Russian?) and we have an embarrassing mistake which would have been front page news during the Bush administration.
When America's best ally, Great Britain sent Prime Minister Brown for a state visit the Obama's lack of experience was blatantly obvious. President Obama chose to unilaterally omit the traditional joint press conference, without advising the British PM. Bit of a nasty surprise that! Unaware of the diss to come the Browns chose their gifts for the Obama family carefully. The Obama girls received outfits from a trendy British children's shop and an assortment of British children's books. A thoughtful and personal gift. The gift to President Obama was a pen case made from wood taken from the sister ship of the MS Resolute. A gift with historical significance. In return the Brown children received gifts that probably came from the White House gift shop and PM Brown received DVD of 50 American movies which unfortunately were in a format that will not work in Great Britain. Not an especially thoughtful gift for a man who is blind in one eye and has probably seen all the classic films anyway.
The Clinton gaffe was even more troubling. In an attempt to stick to their story that America lost international status during the Bush administration the Clinton State Department came up with a cheap little trick which backfired. In a televised meeting with Russian diplomat Mrs. Clinton presented a prop. The so called "reset button" was supposed to demonstrate a "do-over" in the relationship between America and Russia. The idea itself was too cute by half and the execution was flawed. Considering our history with Russia handing them a red button is problematic on it's own. Add to that the fact that button was labeled "Overcharge" instead of "Reset" (shouldn't we have people in the state department who know Russian?) and we have an embarrassing mistake which would have been front page news during the Bush administration.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ask me how we got into such bad economic condition and I'll tell you. It was the toxic combination of good intentions and bad ideas. The two most devastating hits on our economy in 2008 were the failure of Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac and the high cost of energy. First the banking failure.
In 1993 I worked for a small bank in North Palm Beach. Although the lending guidelines were the same for all borrowers it was bank policy to take a second look at any application from an African-American before issuing a denial. If there was any way the loan could be made, despite the borrower or the property not meeting the required guidelines the loan would be approved. It was explained to me by bank management that since a percentage of the banks depositors were African-American a similar number needed to receive loans by law. The law was the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) passed during the Carter administration then aggressively in forced during the Clinton years. That small bank did not survive the 1990's.
Another feature of the CRA made the bank practice called "red lining" illegal. Bank lending guidelines included not lending in areas or neighborhoods in decline. The unavailability of investment in an undesirable area would hasten the decline and people would move out as property values continued to decline. Eventually the values would be low enough to make it profitable for an investor to buy the area, raze it and build something new and valuable. By outlawing this practice the CRA put dying neighborhoods on life support drawing our their decline and delaying or forever preventing their revitalization.
When I began my career in mortgage lending the maximum loan Fannie Mae would approve was under $100,000. To qualify the borrower's monthly mortgage payment could not exceed 28% of their gross monthly income. The borrowers total monthly indebtedness could not exceed 36% of their gross monthly income. Every loan approved was signed by the underwriter who made the decision and if the loan defaulted the underwriter was sure to hear about it.
By the time the wheels came off the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac express the maximum loan was over $400,000 and lenders were using "desktop underwriting". This ingenious device was a computer program that made the loan decision for the underwriter. Suddenly it was possible to get an approval on a loan where the total housing expense was 50% or more of the borrowers gross monthly income. If a loan was somehow declined by desktop underwriting the loan broker could tweak it and re-submit as many times as needed to get an approval. Even more detrimental than the higher loan amounts and higher ratios was the absence of any accountability for the loan decision.
If Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac had stuck to "low income housing" perhaps the banks could have survived the required by law bad loan decisions. Unfortunately as property values continued to rise they implemented "Alt-A" mortgage lending funding the Sub Prime mortgage market. The cost of the American Dream home went from $100,000 to $500,000 and in some areas to $1,000,000. Lenders became creative and offered loans that required no income verification, no significant down payment and adjustable interest rates. All to make it easier to buy the ever more expensive homes or to refinance the one you already owned.
Why would Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac want to finance million dollar homes? Perhaps to reap the larger profits generated by the larger loans. Congress had direct oversight of Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac and congressman Barney Frank, the one individual most responsible for the government failure to reign in Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac feels free to blame the banks who lent using Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac guidelines. Franklin Raines, the head of Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac had to resign in 2004 when it was discovered that Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac was under capitalized and that he had "cooked the books" to generate maximum bonus payout to himself and his staff. Raines received over 45 million in compensation during his tenure at Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac. His malfeasance was never punished and he was defended by Democrats who deflected any criticism of Raines by claiming it was "a racist attack". Lucky for Mr Raines he had the "get out of jail free card" of being an African-American.
There are at least a half dozen more government regulations which exacerbated the problem. Those issues are just too intricate and boring for me to address here.
More and more bad loans were made and the "housing bubble" got bigger and bigger every month. Property values skyrocketed and some borrowers refinanced annually reaping and spending their equity over and over again. Average Americans became real estate speculators and bought properties they had no intention of occupying, sometimes flipping a property before it was fully constructed. Any attempt to reign in Mae/Freddy Mac was opposed by Democrats and anyone daring to demand reform was called a racist.
Then there is our problem with energy which can be summed up in two words, Enviro Mentals!The price of oil topped $100 a barrel and $4 a gallon gasoline was more than our economy could bear. Although the United States has vast resources of oil and natural gas most have been put "off limits". Nuclear power plants which have been providing most of the energy needs for France and Canada are also not allowed. Liberals gush on about solar and wind power but will even oppose those methods if it might interfere with their yachting or spoil their view. We are the "Saudi Arabia" of coal but expanding the availability of cheap electricity from coal powered plants is, you guessed it, not allowed. Despite global cooling for the past decade and no convincing argument that the warming from 1978 to 1998 was caused by human activity the "Enviro Mentals" reject every workable method of energy production proposed including "Greenhouse Gas" free nuclear power.
And that is the one-two punch that brought the American economy to it's knees. Not corporate greed, not unbridled capitalism but bad government regulation and bad environmental policy. All with the best intentions of course.
In 1993 I worked for a small bank in North Palm Beach. Although the lending guidelines were the same for all borrowers it was bank policy to take a second look at any application from an African-American before issuing a denial. If there was any way the loan could be made, despite the borrower or the property not meeting the required guidelines the loan would be approved. It was explained to me by bank management that since a percentage of the banks depositors were African-American a similar number needed to receive loans by law. The law was the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) passed during the Carter administration then aggressively in forced during the Clinton years. That small bank did not survive the 1990's.
Another feature of the CRA made the bank practice called "red lining" illegal. Bank lending guidelines included not lending in areas or neighborhoods in decline. The unavailability of investment in an undesirable area would hasten the decline and people would move out as property values continued to decline. Eventually the values would be low enough to make it profitable for an investor to buy the area, raze it and build something new and valuable. By outlawing this practice the CRA put dying neighborhoods on life support drawing our their decline and delaying or forever preventing their revitalization.
When I began my career in mortgage lending the maximum loan Fannie Mae would approve was under $100,000. To qualify the borrower's monthly mortgage payment could not exceed 28% of their gross monthly income. The borrowers total monthly indebtedness could not exceed 36% of their gross monthly income. Every loan approved was signed by the underwriter who made the decision and if the loan defaulted the underwriter was sure to hear about it.
By the time the wheels came off the Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac express the maximum loan was over $400,000 and lenders were using "desktop underwriting". This ingenious device was a computer program that made the loan decision for the underwriter. Suddenly it was possible to get an approval on a loan where the total housing expense was 50% or more of the borrowers gross monthly income. If a loan was somehow declined by desktop underwriting the loan broker could tweak it and re-submit as many times as needed to get an approval. Even more detrimental than the higher loan amounts and higher ratios was the absence of any accountability for the loan decision.
If Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac had stuck to "low income housing" perhaps the banks could have survived the required by law bad loan decisions. Unfortunately as property values continued to rise they implemented "Alt-A" mortgage lending funding the Sub Prime mortgage market. The cost of the American Dream home went from $100,000 to $500,000 and in some areas to $1,000,000. Lenders became creative and offered loans that required no income verification, no significant down payment and adjustable interest rates. All to make it easier to buy the ever more expensive homes or to refinance the one you already owned.
Why would Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac want to finance million dollar homes? Perhaps to reap the larger profits generated by the larger loans. Congress had direct oversight of Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac and congressman Barney Frank, the one individual most responsible for the government failure to reign in Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac feels free to blame the banks who lent using Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac guidelines. Franklin Raines, the head of Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac had to resign in 2004 when it was discovered that Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac was under capitalized and that he had "cooked the books" to generate maximum bonus payout to himself and his staff. Raines received over 45 million in compensation during his tenure at Fannie Mae/Freddy Mac. His malfeasance was never punished and he was defended by Democrats who deflected any criticism of Raines by claiming it was "a racist attack". Lucky for Mr Raines he had the "get out of jail free card" of being an African-American.
There are at least a half dozen more government regulations which exacerbated the problem. Those issues are just too intricate and boring for me to address here.
More and more bad loans were made and the "housing bubble" got bigger and bigger every month. Property values skyrocketed and some borrowers refinanced annually reaping and spending their equity over and over again. Average Americans became real estate speculators and bought properties they had no intention of occupying, sometimes flipping a property before it was fully constructed. Any attempt to reign in Mae/Freddy Mac was opposed by Democrats and anyone daring to demand reform was called a racist.
Then there is our problem with energy which can be summed up in two words, Enviro Mentals!The price of oil topped $100 a barrel and $4 a gallon gasoline was more than our economy could bear. Although the United States has vast resources of oil and natural gas most have been put "off limits". Nuclear power plants which have been providing most of the energy needs for France and Canada are also not allowed. Liberals gush on about solar and wind power but will even oppose those methods if it might interfere with their yachting or spoil their view. We are the "Saudi Arabia" of coal but expanding the availability of cheap electricity from coal powered plants is, you guessed it, not allowed. Despite global cooling for the past decade and no convincing argument that the warming from 1978 to 1998 was caused by human activity the "Enviro Mentals" reject every workable method of energy production proposed including "Greenhouse Gas" free nuclear power.
And that is the one-two punch that brought the American economy to it's knees. Not corporate greed, not unbridled capitalism but bad government regulation and bad environmental policy. All with the best intentions of course.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
500 MILLION Americans?
The botox must be seeping into Nancy Pelosi's brain. Twice recently she announced that every month 500 million Americans were losing their jobs. I guess once you start spending hundreds of billions the difference between a million and a thousand is too small to notice.
Liberals do tend to exagerate don't they. Another good example was Barack Obama himself who during the campaign stated that a Kansas storm had killed 10,000 people. The correct count of souls lost in that storm was 12.
Liberals do tend to exagerate don't they. Another good example was Barack Obama himself who during the campaign stated that a Kansas storm had killed 10,000 people. The correct count of souls lost in that storm was 12.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Obama Focused on the Future, but NOT in a Good Way
I was a bit shocked to hear President Obama make reference to re-election on his third day in office and after a week in office Obama made mention of his "Legacy". That's awfully forward looking considering that his administration hasn't accomplished anything yet.
The new President made many promises to the American people during his campaign and I hope he forgets about most of them. He has already reinstated a policy that uses our tax dollars to abort children in foreign lands. I have my doubts that this is the time to look for more ways to spend money on foreign aid. Perhaps this is a matter of national security and President Obama plans to abort all future terrorists.
Another "top priority" for President Obama was to close Guantanamo Bay. There was a bit of a slip up during the signing of the executive order on Guantanamo not unlike the glitch in the swearing in of President Obama. Apparently Mr. Obama was unaware that, at present, no one knows what will be done with the occupants of said detention facility. After signing the executive order closing Guantanamo within one year he asked if there was a second order standing by to describe how that would be accomplished. President Obama was advised that "we are creating a process". Personally, I would have looked into that "process" before I signed an executive order. It seems wrong to me to promise you will do something in a set period of time when you don't have a clue as to how you will successfully complete the task.
Anyway Mr President, it is just plain tacky for you to be planing your re-election and visualizing your "legacy" before you have even made an effort to do your job.
The new President made many promises to the American people during his campaign and I hope he forgets about most of them. He has already reinstated a policy that uses our tax dollars to abort children in foreign lands. I have my doubts that this is the time to look for more ways to spend money on foreign aid. Perhaps this is a matter of national security and President Obama plans to abort all future terrorists.
Another "top priority" for President Obama was to close Guantanamo Bay. There was a bit of a slip up during the signing of the executive order on Guantanamo not unlike the glitch in the swearing in of President Obama. Apparently Mr. Obama was unaware that, at present, no one knows what will be done with the occupants of said detention facility. After signing the executive order closing Guantanamo within one year he asked if there was a second order standing by to describe how that would be accomplished. President Obama was advised that "we are creating a process". Personally, I would have looked into that "process" before I signed an executive order. It seems wrong to me to promise you will do something in a set period of time when you don't have a clue as to how you will successfully complete the task.
Anyway Mr President, it is just plain tacky for you to be planing your re-election and visualizing your "legacy" before you have even made an effort to do your job.
Obama in Office for One Week, Are We There Yet?
The new President made many promises to the American people during his campaign and I hope he forgets about a lot of them. He has already reinstated a policy that uses our tax dollars to abort children in foreign lands and to close Guantanamo Bay within one year.
There was a bit of a slip up during the signing of the executive order on Guantanamo not unlike the glitch in the Presidents swearing in. Apparently President Obama was unaware that, at present, no one knows what will be done with the occupants of said detention facility. After signing the executive order closing Guantanamo he asked if they had a second order standing by to describe how that would be accomplished. President Obama was told "we are creating a process".
Perhaps the two executive orders are linked and Obama plans to abort all future terrorists.
There was a bit of a slip up during the signing of the executive order on Guantanamo not unlike the glitch in the Presidents swearing in. Apparently President Obama was unaware that, at present, no one knows what will be done with the occupants of said detention facility. After signing the executive order closing Guantanamo he asked if they had a second order standing by to describe how that would be accomplished. President Obama was told "we are creating a process".
Perhaps the two executive orders are linked and Obama plans to abort all future terrorists.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bush Transition Beats Clinton's
I know it's easy and somewhat desirable to forget all the Clinton crap from eight long years ago but let's recap, shall we? That way we can be thankful that in President Bush we had a decent man who took his office seriously.
With Bush we won't have the last minute plethora of pardons. On his very last day in office Clinton issued 140 pardons. Many of Cinton's pardons were granted against the recommendations of the Department of Justice and forty-seven were granted, quite unusually, without ANY examination or review by that entity. Bill Clinton pardoned his drug dealing brother, cocaine kingpin Carlos Vignali, some Puerto Rican FALN terrorists, Marc Rich, international fugitive who had done business with Iran while they held our people hostage (he was on the FBI's most wanted list), the Hasidic Jews of New Square community who swindled the U.S Government out of $40 million among others. In Clinton's defence he did not pardon himself despite agreeing to a plea deal the day before the inauguration regarding his lying under oath which included his disbarment.
Then we had all the post-pardon revelations. A large number of the newly pardoned had been big contributors to either Hillary Clinton's senatorial campaign, the Clinton Presidential library or both. Both Clinton's had a brother making pardon requests on the part of criminals who were willing to pay Hugh Rodem or Roger Clinton for the favor. We still laugh about Mrs. Clinton's "sad and disappointed" press conference. Oh, and the Hasidic Jewish community voted for Senator Clinton 1,400 to 12, a truly startling result since Hasidic Jews in general favored her opponent Rick Lazio who had never hugged Arafat's wife in public.
The new first family quickly became aware of a large amount of missing furniture. Apparently the Clinton's thought that everything that had been added to the White House during their two terms was up for grabs. The concept of someone making a gift "to the White House" was beyond their comprehension. After all, the historic building itself couldn't provide a future political favor or quid pro quo. Although the Clinton's were shamed into returning some of the furnishings and artworks how much they got away with, we will never know. This behavior is made even more bizarre by the fact that Mrs. Clinton had just received an 8 million dollar advance on her book and had registered for thousands of dollars in gifts that supporters dutifully lined up to provide.
Then there was all the office vandalism. The Bush administration tried to keep it on the down low but many incoming administration members found their offices in terrible condition. Cleverly all the keyboards had the "W's" removed, which by the way requires a replacement of the entire keyboard. Desks were turned over, papers scattered, cartoons tacked to walls and in some cases vile liquids poured on office equipment. The clean-up of this totally unnecessary damage and disrespect for our White House was picked up by the American taxpayer. I would have liked to have seen the perpetrators brought to justice for these misdeeds.
The Clinton's cheesiest inauguration day antic had to be the "post Presidency party" at a hangar at JFK Airport. There were a couple thousand supporters, a marching band and some strange review of troops by the now former President. The cost of this televised event was paid by some unidentified "Friends of Bill". If only this could have been a true "swan song" and the Clinton's gone forever.
With Bush we won't have the last minute plethora of pardons. On his very last day in office Clinton issued 140 pardons. Many of Cinton's pardons were granted against the recommendations of the Department of Justice and forty-seven were granted, quite unusually, without ANY examination or review by that entity. Bill Clinton pardoned his drug dealing brother, cocaine kingpin Carlos Vignali, some Puerto Rican FALN terrorists, Marc Rich, international fugitive who had done business with Iran while they held our people hostage (he was on the FBI's most wanted list), the Hasidic Jews of New Square community who swindled the U.S Government out of $40 million among others. In Clinton's defence he did not pardon himself despite agreeing to a plea deal the day before the inauguration regarding his lying under oath which included his disbarment.
Then we had all the post-pardon revelations. A large number of the newly pardoned had been big contributors to either Hillary Clinton's senatorial campaign, the Clinton Presidential library or both. Both Clinton's had a brother making pardon requests on the part of criminals who were willing to pay Hugh Rodem or Roger Clinton for the favor. We still laugh about Mrs. Clinton's "sad and disappointed" press conference. Oh, and the Hasidic Jewish community voted for Senator Clinton 1,400 to 12, a truly startling result since Hasidic Jews in general favored her opponent Rick Lazio who had never hugged Arafat's wife in public.
The new first family quickly became aware of a large amount of missing furniture. Apparently the Clinton's thought that everything that had been added to the White House during their two terms was up for grabs. The concept of someone making a gift "to the White House" was beyond their comprehension. After all, the historic building itself couldn't provide a future political favor or quid pro quo. Although the Clinton's were shamed into returning some of the furnishings and artworks how much they got away with, we will never know. This behavior is made even more bizarre by the fact that Mrs. Clinton had just received an 8 million dollar advance on her book and had registered for thousands of dollars in gifts that supporters dutifully lined up to provide.
Then there was all the office vandalism. The Bush administration tried to keep it on the down low but many incoming administration members found their offices in terrible condition. Cleverly all the keyboards had the "W's" removed, which by the way requires a replacement of the entire keyboard. Desks were turned over, papers scattered, cartoons tacked to walls and in some cases vile liquids poured on office equipment. The clean-up of this totally unnecessary damage and disrespect for our White House was picked up by the American taxpayer. I would have liked to have seen the perpetrators brought to justice for these misdeeds.
The Clinton's cheesiest inauguration day antic had to be the "post Presidency party" at a hangar at JFK Airport. There were a couple thousand supporters, a marching band and some strange review of troops by the now former President. The cost of this televised event was paid by some unidentified "Friends of Bill". If only this could have been a true "swan song" and the Clinton's gone forever.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Taxation Without Representation
In case you haven't noticed our elected representatives no longer pay any attention to what we, the American People, want. It is time for us, as a group to put our collective feet down.
First, we must demand that English be officially designated as our national language. Our country will never be united if we don't all share a common language.
Secondly, we must close our borders. Without controlled borders we are not a sovereign nation. In this age of terrorism it is suicidal to have anything short of secure borders.
We get the government we deserve so it is our responsibility to let our elected representatives know that if they ignore our wishes we will vote them out.
First, we must demand that English be officially designated as our national language. Our country will never be united if we don't all share a common language.
Secondly, we must close our borders. Without controlled borders we are not a sovereign nation. In this age of terrorism it is suicidal to have anything short of secure borders.
We get the government we deserve so it is our responsibility to let our elected representatives know that if they ignore our wishes we will vote them out.
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