Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fair & Balanced? Damn Right They Are!

To all of you who rail against Fox News and claim that they are not "fair and balanced" step off! I know that it is shocking to you aficionados of CBS ABC CNN and worst of all MSNBC to hear the conservative view on any subject but 40% of this nation identify themselves as conservatives. Take that you 23% of self described liberals.

Firstly with the acquisition of John Stossel Fox News now has all of the Conservatives in broadcast media but that is only because they are not welcome at other networks. Secondly I can prove Fox News is fair and balanced. If they are not reporting the liberal side too why do I have to mute and fast forward thru the opinions of Bob Beckel, Geraldo Rivera, Ellis Hennigan, Geraldine Ferraro and Ellen Ratner (whom I like to say "puts the "rat" in Democrat" since the day she said she hoped we would lose in Iraq to prevent President Bush being reelected).

Try having opposing views to your own shoved in your face daily as conservatives have done for 30 years and you'll may develop some perspective. At any moment if I am watching a movie or TV show, listening to music or reading anything a liberal poison dart may strike. I once read an anti President Bush comment in a restaurant review in the Palm Beach Post. So suck it up you sniveling little liberals about conservatives having one news channel and most of talk radio as their tiny oasis from 24-7 liberal indoctrination.

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