Well our party for the remaining management folks at Jack's office has finally come and gone. All in all they seemed to be a very nice group of people. I was a little freaked out. I had planned for so long and then had everything ready at 5pm, since Jack had told me the party was from 5 to 10pm. Well, he had told the guests to come "anytime after 5pm" So when we had only guest at 6:30 and I had the food set to begin serving at 6pm I got a little freaked out.
All our guests arrived between 6:30 and 7:30 and we had about 12-15 people. Not big drinkers and I nearly ended up with more wine than I began with. It was a pleasant evening although as the hostess the whole thing kind of flew by for me. With the exception of Lana whom I was pals with proir to the party I didn't really connect with anyone. Tuesday night I'm going to a party to watch the State of the Union address. Hopefully I'll meet some interesting people there.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Did You Hear Me On Rush?
Yesterday at about 1:39 pm eastern time I was on the Rush Limbaugh show. You may have guessed I'm a fan by the name of my blog. I was identified by Rush as "Leslie from Carol Stream, IL" I think I spoke too quickly but pointed out that since Osama bin Laden recommended a book called Rogue State in his recent audio release, sales of the book have increased. Personally I don't read books recommended by Oprah Winfrey so I would certainly not read anything OBL suggested. Who would? It must be all those hand wringing wimps who keep asking, "Why, why do the terrorists hate us?"
Rush was ready with a critique of the book that compared the writer to that wack job Professor in Colorado, Ward Churchill who said those who died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th were "little Eichmans" who deserved their fate. So, please do not read this book. It was written by a rabid anti-American who sides with our enemies.
Rush was ready with a critique of the book that compared the writer to that wack job Professor in Colorado, Ward Churchill who said those who died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11th were "little Eichmans" who deserved their fate. So, please do not read this book. It was written by a rabid anti-American who sides with our enemies.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Can't Something be Done About Jimmy Carter?
The worst President of my lifetime is a gift that just keeps giving, to our enemies. As President, Carter allowed our one ally in the Middleeast to be deposed by radical islamofascists. During his presidency we had double digit inflation and unemployment Anyone remember the "misery index"? Since being thrown out of office by the Reagan revolution Carter has attempted to improve his image with Habitat for Humainty. I would sum up thie "feel good" organization using words from a recent Hillary speach, never has so much been done to help so few who need it so little. I'll explain the ineffectiveness of Habitat at another time. Even the most liberal among us sidesteps the Carter presidency by awarding his the title of "Greatest Past President".
After his stunning defeat in 1980 Carter had to keep his head down for a while. Emboldened by Clinton's 1992 victory he reappeared. Sadly, and to the detriment of the entire world Carter decided to insert himself into the negotiations with North Korea. Thanks in part to his involvement we now have a nuclear North Korea. Over the years Carter has embraced many a ruthless dictator. Castro is one of his particular favorites and Hugo Chavez benefited greatly from Carter's endorsement of his sham of an election.
I have always believed that it is little incidents in ones life that reveal character and here is my most recent little story about Carter. When the Pope John Paul II died Carter's people contacted the White House. Carter was volunteering to lead a delegation to attend the funeral. When Carter learned that the President would be attending personally he was no longer interested in going. If Carter could not lead the delegation there was no reason for him to attend simply to pay homage to a great man. Carter is a small self serving individual who never met a socialist dictator he didn't like and who should never have been President of the United States of America.
Now he is singing the praises of Hamas, on Friday, Carter said that although Hamas were "so-called terrorists," so far "there have been no complaints of corruption against [their] elected officials." Excuse me Mr. Carter, how could there be complaints about corruption in an organization that has yet had any offical power? Hpwever if Carther has his way members of Hamas will be elected soon. Carter apparently thinks being a terrorist is just another political party. No surprise since his Camp David accords gave the "father of modern terrorism" Yassir Arafat the status of a elected world leader. Carter also said sometimes you have to learn to work with terrorists and glossed over the declaration from some in Hamas that Israel has no right to exist.
No wonder that rabbit attacked him!
After his stunning defeat in 1980 Carter had to keep his head down for a while. Emboldened by Clinton's 1992 victory he reappeared. Sadly, and to the detriment of the entire world Carter decided to insert himself into the negotiations with North Korea. Thanks in part to his involvement we now have a nuclear North Korea. Over the years Carter has embraced many a ruthless dictator. Castro is one of his particular favorites and Hugo Chavez benefited greatly from Carter's endorsement of his sham of an election.
I have always believed that it is little incidents in ones life that reveal character and here is my most recent little story about Carter. When the Pope John Paul II died Carter's people contacted the White House. Carter was volunteering to lead a delegation to attend the funeral. When Carter learned that the President would be attending personally he was no longer interested in going. If Carter could not lead the delegation there was no reason for him to attend simply to pay homage to a great man. Carter is a small self serving individual who never met a socialist dictator he didn't like and who should never have been President of the United States of America.
Now he is singing the praises of Hamas, on Friday, Carter said that although Hamas were "so-called terrorists," so far "there have been no complaints of corruption against [their] elected officials." Excuse me Mr. Carter, how could there be complaints about corruption in an organization that has yet had any offical power? Hpwever if Carther has his way members of Hamas will be elected soon. Carter apparently thinks being a terrorist is just another political party. No surprise since his Camp David accords gave the "father of modern terrorism" Yassir Arafat the status of a elected world leader. Carter also said sometimes you have to learn to work with terrorists and glossed over the declaration from some in Hamas that Israel has no right to exist.
No wonder that rabbit attacked him!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Winter WOW!

This morning we had what was referred to during my snow skiing days as a "white out". Cloudy, foggy with a sky the same color as the snow covered ground. I took a few photos of the invisible lake and my bird feeder with an icicle hanging from it. Although I noticed the frost clinging to the branches of our tree I was not prepared for the sights I enjoyed on our way to breakfast. To see row after row of big bare trees with a crispy coating of frost over every tiny twig is amazing. Even the marsh grasses on the edges of ponds were transformed into delicate works of art. Ice sculptures too fragile to ever be created by human hands. When we parked the bushy pines which had held large clumps of snow yesterday now had a thin skin of frost covering each individual pine needle.
Then this big studly guy opened the door for me at the restaurant and flirted with me. Jack really does take his time getting out of the car and when it's 22 degrees I don't wait. All in all a pretty nice morning. Hope your weekend went well also.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
FINALLY, This is More Like It!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
OH, Did MLK Have a Birthday Too?

Jack and I were in Florida this past weekend for my Dad's 80th Birthday. We arrived at PBIA at 10:10pm on Friday and needed to get to our hotel in Stuart before the front desk closed at midnight. We were staying at the Suburban Extended Stay in Stuart which I thought was a fairly new hotel. Perhaps due to our late arrival we got a room that was less than impressive. Two beds, a refrigerator and microwave, all the comforts of home but...........The carpet was a bit worn the curtain was hanging oddly from only 4 hooks above the rather noisy airconditioner, a window style model and the room didn't smell fresh and clean. Well, we've had a few mediocre accommodations in our time together and they did have Fox News Channel so we just settled in and attempted to get to sleep before 1 am.
My Mother was the one who had recommended the Suburban Extended Stay in Stuart which she assured me was brand new. My Mother was a bit miffed when I suggested to her that she not recommend the Suburban to anyone else in the future. I'm pretty sure she agrees with me now however. In the Monday morning paper my Mom learned that while Jack and I were nestled all snug in our beds two of our fellow guests at the Suburban were having a fight. The loser was stabbed to death with a steak knife. Oh well I guess that could happen anywhere.
Anxious to see my nieces and nephews I was up and out by 7:30 am. Suprisingly, everyone was up. Apparently my Brother and Brother-in-law woke everyone as they got ready to leave for golf. The children all gave me a hug but once they saw there were no presents forthcoming they lost interest in me. It was terribly chilly and windy but Katie was determined that she was going swimming. I don't blame her. Katie is old enough to remember living in Wellington with a pool in the backyard and endless opportunities to swim. So, three out of four children got in the pool. Debi and I watched as did Madison dressed in Katie's parka.
There was a party at Ruthann's starting at 2pm which was very nice. There were lots of foods to choose from spread out on their pool table and beer and wine. The party kept going strong since more folks were arriving than leaving throughout the afternoon and evening. My Uncle Ted and his Daughter Nancy and Son-in-law Jack had driven down from Daytona and lots of friends from Palm Beach County drive up.
On Sunday we were all supposed to meet at Mom and Dad's for a family day. My Dad's brother Leo with his wife Nancy arrived from Lakeland and we all watched the Pittsburgh game together. I made several attempts to get some good photos of my nieces and Nephews but Katie squints if the sun is out and Cameron didn't have a shirt on all day. Oh well, I still have the photos from last June.
Jack and I flew out first thing Monday. All in all it was a very nice week-end and we didn't learn about the homicide until we were back in IL.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Sen Kennedy at it again
Ted Kennedy exemplifies a life without consequences. Born into privledge he has never had to pay for any of his mistakes. Kennedy was allowed into Harvard as a legacy and thrown out as a cheater. No matter, I am sure most of his supporters are unaware of his college history. Senator Kennedy drove drunk and allowed his young female passenger to drown. There was one small consequence for this action, he could never be President of the United States of America and had to settle for a lifetime appointment to the Senate. Thanks Mary Jo, your sacrifice may have saved us all. In many instances over the years Kennedy has lived his life like a libertine.
With a history like his anyone else would keep their head down and their mouth shut, but not Senator Kennedy. The Senator is the main attack dog for the Democrats whenever a Republican President dares to exercise his authority to appoint a Supreme Court justice. Note to Democrats, in order to appoint judges you need to win elections. At the beginning of the Bush administration in 2001 seventy-five percent of the judges in America had been appointed by Clinton over the prior eight years. Even when a uber-liberal like Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated by Clinton the Republicans did not attempt to "Bork" her nomination.
Then the unimaginable happened, a Republican was elected President and all the rules were thrown out the window once again. The Senate's responsibility of advise and consent is to approve any qualified nominee. The Democrats refuse to do this. We saw it with Bork, and again with Clarence Thomas and to a lesser degree with David Souter. All the liberal groups tried to block Roberts and now have Judge Alito squarely in their sights. Now they could run their ads and write their editorials promising Armageddon if Alito is confirmed without affecting the proper process if not for Senators like Kennedy.
Kennedy and others allow the hysteria into the confirmation process, acting as a mouthpiece for the left wing nuts. Kennedy claims Judge Alito is a bigot or a homophobe or remarkably this time sides with government against the "little guy". This from a Senator who would like the government to control every aspect of your life beginning with your healthcare.
Finally the Democrats are having to face reality. They are in the minority and no longer have a monopoly on what will be reported by the media. The Dems cannot prevent a qualified upstanding man like Judge Alito from being confirmed. The worst they can accomplish is to bring his wife to tears with their outrageous attacks. Still they will have their way by delaying the vote on Alito for an additional week. So very childish!
With a history like his anyone else would keep their head down and their mouth shut, but not Senator Kennedy. The Senator is the main attack dog for the Democrats whenever a Republican President dares to exercise his authority to appoint a Supreme Court justice. Note to Democrats, in order to appoint judges you need to win elections. At the beginning of the Bush administration in 2001 seventy-five percent of the judges in America had been appointed by Clinton over the prior eight years. Even when a uber-liberal like Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated by Clinton the Republicans did not attempt to "Bork" her nomination.
Then the unimaginable happened, a Republican was elected President and all the rules were thrown out the window once again. The Senate's responsibility of advise and consent is to approve any qualified nominee. The Democrats refuse to do this. We saw it with Bork, and again with Clarence Thomas and to a lesser degree with David Souter. All the liberal groups tried to block Roberts and now have Judge Alito squarely in their sights. Now they could run their ads and write their editorials promising Armageddon if Alito is confirmed without affecting the proper process if not for Senators like Kennedy.
Kennedy and others allow the hysteria into the confirmation process, acting as a mouthpiece for the left wing nuts. Kennedy claims Judge Alito is a bigot or a homophobe or remarkably this time sides with government against the "little guy". This from a Senator who would like the government to control every aspect of your life beginning with your healthcare.
Finally the Democrats are having to face reality. They are in the minority and no longer have a monopoly on what will be reported by the media. The Dems cannot prevent a qualified upstanding man like Judge Alito from being confirmed. The worst they can accomplish is to bring his wife to tears with their outrageous attacks. Still they will have their way by delaying the vote on Alito for an additional week. So very childish!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
It Took ALMOST 24 Hours
From Newsmax.com
President Bush Blamed for Mine Disaster
Less than 24-hours after 12 of the 13 workers trapped by a West Virginia mine explosion were found dead, critics were already politicizing the disaster, with at least one mine safety expert blaming President Bush.
"This mine should have been closed," former director of the National Mine Safety and Health Academy, Jack Spadaro, told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" Wednesday night.
"There were too many serious [safety] violations and the record is very clear," he added.
Asked why the allegedly unsafe mine continued to operate, Spadaro contended:
"I think it's because of the current Bush administration's policies toward mine operators and their reluctance to take the strong enforcement action that's sometimes necessary."
Spadaro insisted that "there has been a significant change since the Bush administration took over the enforcement of mine safety."
He said that the White House's lax approach to mine safety had made mine operators "reluctant to follow the law."
President Bush Blamed for Mine Disaster
Less than 24-hours after 12 of the 13 workers trapped by a West Virginia mine explosion were found dead, critics were already politicizing the disaster, with at least one mine safety expert blaming President Bush.
"This mine should have been closed," former director of the National Mine Safety and Health Academy, Jack Spadaro, told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" Wednesday night.
"There were too many serious [safety] violations and the record is very clear," he added.
Asked why the allegedly unsafe mine continued to operate, Spadaro contended:
"I think it's because of the current Bush administration's policies toward mine operators and their reluctance to take the strong enforcement action that's sometimes necessary."
Spadaro insisted that "there has been a significant change since the Bush administration took over the enforcement of mine safety."
He said that the White House's lax approach to mine safety had made mine operators "reluctant to follow the law."
Are you as glad as I am that the holidays are over?
Are you as glad as I am that the holidays are over? I'm not complaining, I had a great time. The visit to Florida was great and went really fast. It was fabulous to see you and get caught up. My trip home was very nice. Upgrades to first class on both flights, no delays no waiting in lines. I can only assume most folks were returning home later in the day or on Tuesday.
Jack's daughter arrived with her boyfriend on Thursday Dec. 30th and son David arrived the next day. We had a very nice visit and everyone left on Sunday the 1st. I took all the Christmas decorations down yesterday and went into the city today.
A week of temps in the high 30's and low 40's and some rain has melted every flake of snow in our yard (and almost everywhere else). The only snow remaining is the dirty stuff that was plowed to the edges of the parking lots and roads. Hopefully, we can start anew with fresh snow one day soon.
I'll be in Fla with Jack January 13th through the 16th but don't get in until 9pm Friday and leave first thing Monday morning so I doubt we will be able to visit anyone but family.
Jack's daughter arrived with her boyfriend on Thursday Dec. 30th and son David arrived the next day. We had a very nice visit and everyone left on Sunday the 1st. I took all the Christmas decorations down yesterday and went into the city today.
A week of temps in the high 30's and low 40's and some rain has melted every flake of snow in our yard (and almost everywhere else). The only snow remaining is the dirty stuff that was plowed to the edges of the parking lots and roads. Hopefully, we can start anew with fresh snow one day soon.
I'll be in Fla with Jack January 13th through the 16th but don't get in until 9pm Friday and leave first thing Monday morning so I doubt we will be able to visit anyone but family.
Hello From Chicagoland
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:21 PM
The gray skies I have been expecting for weeks now finally arrived yesterday, but didn't last. It was warm yesterday with a high of 62 degrees but the weather looked bleak and I expected it to last all winter. The two trees behind our home which were beautifully gold in recent weeks are now nearly completely bare and the one out front which was green yesterday went yellow overnight. A soft rain fell into the evening, soaking my 8 foot inflatable spooky tree. I had a big bowl of candy ready last night and only got 3 chubby, obnoxious preteen boy trick-or-treaters. As greedy as they were, Jack will have enough candy to last him though next summer.
Sunday, while Jack made full use of his Direct TV Sunday Ticket I went to a Halloween party and fund raising event in nearby Elk Grove. It was fun seeing all the kids in their costumes. I feel a bit guilty because I went to support the event and came away with a painting I really like for only $40 in the silent auction.
Today according to the weather folk on the radio I've gotten yet another reprieve from the coming weather. It is cool and sunny and expected to stay nice and get warmer until Friday. I plan to go into the city tomorrow. Jack and I will be spending the first weekend in December in the city. I'm using the last of my Hilton points to spend two nights in the Chicago Hilton and we plan to go out on the town, see an exhibit at the Museum and experience the last Christmas ever at Marshall Fields in downtown Chicago.
Thu Nov 03 06:59:59 2005
It was an amazing day in Chicago. Sunny, warm (62 degrees). I went to see if I could get a ticket for Wicked. They have a drawing at noon and sell 20 tickets for $25 in the front row. There were only 21 people there and only one didn't get a ticket. I didn't care as I had already decided I would try again next Wednesday and would rather not spend what might be the last nice day for months indoors. So I went to Marshall Fields! I really need to dress better when I go into the city. Jackcalled me and I left Marshall Fields to get better reception. While I was talking to him I walked over a subway grate while the train passed below. It blew my hair straight up for a second, not exactly a Marilyn Monroe moment but it gave me a chuckle.
I took a walk along the Miracle Mile and walked all the way back to Union Station. I was just loving it! Soaking up the energy of the city, Then I came to an intersection lined with police. I love to see their hats with the checkerboard strip. Unfortunately I had happened upon the anti Bush administration rally called "The World Can't Wait". Stinking anarchist nitwits, ruining my mood! The President was reelected just one year ago but they want to override that election and have him step down. Then what? They hate Chaney worse than Bush and if he steps down Dennis Hastert becomes President which I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate any better. Idiots! I chatted with the cops briefly and continued on, they were with me on this issue.
I hope I am slowly learning my way around downtown. I learn something new with each visit. For example, the corner of the bus stop shelter that best protects you from the wind will always smell of pee, so put on your scarf and mittens and stand outside. Also, just because a fire truck is bearing down on you that doesn't necessarily mean you should wait to cross the street.
The cold hasn't bothered me yet but the locals don't seem to react to temperature changes like I do. I was wearing a sweater and got too warm shortly after I entered Marshall Fields but other women there seemed comfortable even though they weren't taking off their coats and scarves, unless they were having lunch. I considered buying a tee shirt but the only ones I saw were $75 and UGLY! I can hardly wait for next Wednesday. I'd go into town again today but we have a leak that needs to be dealt with and the men are coming at 1pm today.
The gray skies I have been expecting for weeks now finally arrived yesterday, but didn't last. It was warm yesterday with a high of 62 degrees but the weather looked bleak and I expected it to last all winter. The two trees behind our home which were beautifully gold in recent weeks are now nearly completely bare and the one out front which was green yesterday went yellow overnight. A soft rain fell into the evening, soaking my 8 foot inflatable spooky tree. I had a big bowl of candy ready last night and only got 3 chubby, obnoxious preteen boy trick-or-treaters. As greedy as they were, Jack will have enough candy to last him though next summer.
Sunday, while Jack made full use of his Direct TV Sunday Ticket I went to a Halloween party and fund raising event in nearby Elk Grove. It was fun seeing all the kids in their costumes. I feel a bit guilty because I went to support the event and came away with a painting I really like for only $40 in the silent auction.
Today according to the weather folk on the radio I've gotten yet another reprieve from the coming weather. It is cool and sunny and expected to stay nice and get warmer until Friday. I plan to go into the city tomorrow. Jack and I will be spending the first weekend in December in the city. I'm using the last of my Hilton points to spend two nights in the Chicago Hilton and we plan to go out on the town, see an exhibit at the Museum and experience the last Christmas ever at Marshall Fields in downtown Chicago.
Thu Nov 03 06:59:59 2005
It was an amazing day in Chicago. Sunny, warm (62 degrees). I went to see if I could get a ticket for Wicked. They have a drawing at noon and sell 20 tickets for $25 in the front row. There were only 21 people there and only one didn't get a ticket. I didn't care as I had already decided I would try again next Wednesday and would rather not spend what might be the last nice day for months indoors. So I went to Marshall Fields! I really need to dress better when I go into the city. Jackcalled me and I left Marshall Fields to get better reception. While I was talking to him I walked over a subway grate while the train passed below. It blew my hair straight up for a second, not exactly a Marilyn Monroe moment but it gave me a chuckle.
I took a walk along the Miracle Mile and walked all the way back to Union Station. I was just loving it! Soaking up the energy of the city, Then I came to an intersection lined with police. I love to see their hats with the checkerboard strip. Unfortunately I had happened upon the anti Bush administration rally called "The World Can't Wait". Stinking anarchist nitwits, ruining my mood! The President was reelected just one year ago but they want to override that election and have him step down. Then what? They hate Chaney worse than Bush and if he steps down Dennis Hastert becomes President which I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate any better. Idiots! I chatted with the cops briefly and continued on, they were with me on this issue.
I hope I am slowly learning my way around downtown. I learn something new with each visit. For example, the corner of the bus stop shelter that best protects you from the wind will always smell of pee, so put on your scarf and mittens and stand outside. Also, just because a fire truck is bearing down on you that doesn't necessarily mean you should wait to cross the street.
The cold hasn't bothered me yet but the locals don't seem to react to temperature changes like I do. I was wearing a sweater and got too warm shortly after I entered Marshall Fields but other women there seemed comfortable even though they weren't taking off their coats and scarves, unless they were having lunch. I considered buying a tee shirt but the only ones I saw were $75 and UGLY! I can hardly wait for next Wednesday. I'd go into town again today but we have a leak that needs to be dealt with and the men are coming at 1pm today.
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