Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Party, Party, Party

Well our party for the remaining management folks at Jack's office has finally come and gone. All in all they seemed to be a very nice group of people. I was a little freaked out. I had planned for so long and then had everything ready at 5pm, since Jack had told me the party was from 5 to 10pm. Well, he had told the guests to come "anytime after 5pm" So when we had only guest at 6:30 and I had the food set to begin serving at 6pm I got a little freaked out.

All our guests arrived between 6:30 and 7:30 and we had about 12-15 people. Not big drinkers and I nearly ended up with more wine than I began with. It was a pleasant evening although as the hostess the whole thing kind of flew by for me. With the exception of Lana whom I was pals with proir to the party I didn't really connect with anyone. Tuesday night I'm going to a party to watch the State of the Union address. Hopefully I'll meet some interesting people there.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm sure the fact that you were freaked out wasn't the least bit obvious to your dinner guests. You have perfect hostessing skills. Emily Post would be proud! :)